Desktop Client Theme Selector

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The look and feel of the Aeon Desktop Client, Staff Manager, and Customization Manager can be customized for each user using interchangeable skins. The skin selected by a staff user is saved to that staff member's account and will be persisted between sessions. You can also assign a skin to a custom layout template to use that skin as the default for the template.


  • Skin changes in the Aeon Desktop Client can be saved to a custom layout template with the save layout feature.
  • Saved skin changes can be restored when logging in on a different workstation.
  • Saved skin changes in the Aeon Desktop Client are persisted onto the Staff Manager and Customization Manager.
  • Skins can be selected and changed on the Staff Manager and Customization Manager but are not persisted past the session.

Selecting a New Theme

New "Select Skin" menus available in the Aeon Desktop Client, Staff Manager, and Customization Manager. Please see the steps below to change the theme:

  1. Click the main menu icon (MainMenuIcon.png).

  2. Choose Select Skin.

  3. Select a theme from the drop-down menu (e.g. Office 2016 Dark).
To save the skin to an Aeon Desktop Client Layout, please see Saving Layout Customizations.

Theme Options

There are 8 available themes which correspond to common Windows-inspired styles.

To view the pictures on a larger scale, click the image to expand.

Office 2016 Colorful (Default)


Office 2019 Colorful

Office 2016 Dark Office_2016_Dark.png
Office 2013 Dark Grey Office_2013_Dark_Grey.png
Office 2013 Light Grey Office_2013_Light_Grey.png
Visual Studio 2013 Blue Visual_Studio_2013_Blue.png
Visual Studio 2013 Light VisualStudio_2013_Light.png
Windows 7 Classic Windows_7_Classic.png


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