Submitting Photoduplication Requests

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This page explains the process for submitting photoduplication or digital image requests manually through the Aeon web interface.


The photoduplication submission and fulfillment process was significantly improved in Aeon 3.3 with the integration of parallel loan (transaction) and copy (photoduplication) workflows. When users submit requests for copies, staff can use this dual state to update and track both the status of the material being copied and the copy itself using the same transaction number.

The Request Type designations of Loan and Copy have been removed from Aeon; instead, each request is now assigned both a Transaction status and a Photoduplication status. Users can submit copy requests as usual, either creating a new request using the default Photoduplication form, using the Clone to Copy feature to clone a copy request from a reading room request, or cloning an earlier copy request. Staff can submit photoduplication requests for users by creating a new reading room request from within the User form and using the Initialize Photoduplication feature on the Request form. Staff can then fill the photoduplication request using the transaction status to track the material from shelf to scanner and back again, and using the photoduplication status to track the estimated approval, invoicing payment, and delivery of the copy.

The photoduplication workflow process has been modified by moving the In Item Retrieval and In Photoduplication steps (and status queues) to the Transaction workflow and adding an Order Finished queue to the Photoduplication workflow. Other new photoduplication queues include Order Cancelled by User, Order Cancelled by Staff, and Order Merged. The Submitted by User queue, which serves as a transitory queue to denote a transaction request submitted from the web interface, also now serves as an indicator that a copy request with an estimate has not yet been approved by a researcher.

While both item requests and copy requests have a transaction and photoduplication status, the photoduplication status is blank (NULL) on those requests where photoduplication has not been initiated. In other words, though the workflow for reading room requests has not changed, these requests also have a parallel photoduplication workflow status, so that staff could use the reading room request to fill a photoduplication order from within the client.

The Photoduplication Request Process

Photoduplication requests follow a different processing workflow than reading room requests. Included in the processing of a Photoduplication request are options for format type, shipping method and service level of delivery. Photoduplication requests do not include the options to select a Schedule Retrieval date or keep items for review. They are held in Order Estimates until the user manually accepts and submits the request.

Photoduplication requests are, by default, not included in the count for request limits and can be submitted when a user is above the allowed number of requests. Researchers can place requests for photoduplication and digital imaging services both manually through the web interface and via OpenURL link. The steps of the default process are outlined below. Electronically deliverable file format types include PDF, JPG, GIF, PNG, TIFF and ZIP files.

The Photoduplication workflow is totally customizable and can be configured to include billing. The billing options and associated fees are configured in the Customization Manager.

To learn how web session data is maintained when placing photoduplcation requests through external systems such as OpenURL and EAD, see Submitting Requests.

As outlined above, photoduplication requests can be placed by creating a new request, cloning a copy request from a reading room request, or cloning an earlier copy request. The instructions below outline the process by placing a new request, but other than the initial cloning step, the workflow process is the same. Here we assume that billing is configured and we use the wording and design of the default web pages. If your site has customized the web pages, there may be differences in the names of the forms and fields, but the process is the same. Researchers can track the fulfillment process of the request by monitoring the Status and Order Status queues on the Main Menu and Outstanding Requests grids.

Submitting Requests

Placing the Request

To place a photoduplication request:

  1. After logging into the Aeon system, choose the Photoduplication option under the New Request menu. The New Photoduplication Request form opens.
  2. Complete the New Photoduplication Request form with as much information as possible and click the Submit Request button.
    • If the photoduplication request is for another researcher, select the researcher in the Request For field. Note that photoduplication requests can not be requested for an Activity.
  3. The request has been submitted and is awaiting your approval of the estimated billing charges.
  4. It is currently at the Submitted by User transaction status and the Awaiting Order Submittal photoduplication status and can be viewed from the Order Estimates menu option.
  5. An Orders to Submit table appears containing an estimated cost for your order. The table shows the request item information including the Format, Service Level and Shipping and Estimated Charges based on the submitted choices.
  6. To accept the estimate and proceed with placing your order, check the checkbox next to the Transaction Number and click Submit Information.
  7. The request is sent to the client and clears from the Orders to Submit table. It is now at the Awaiting Request Processing and Awaiting Order Processing statuses.
  8. Staff can now begin to process the request.
  9. If you are not ready to submit the request, you can keep the transaction at Awaiting order Submittal.  Click the Cancel, Return to Main Menu button.
  10. You can view the submitted request and send the request later from the Order Estimates menu option.

If you have modified your photoduplication request process to skip the order estimate step, the request will be sent directly to Awaiting Order Processing.

If you want to request permission to publish the item, check the For Publication? checkbox. Add a note about the intended publication in the Special Requests/Questions text box for Aeon staff.

Approving the Billing Invoice

  1. From the Aeon client, staff pull the request, prepare a billing estimate and may send you an invoice by email.
  2. Once the invoice has been received, the request moves to the Awaiting Order Approval status and you can view the request under the Order Billing menu option.
  3. Orders awaiting your approval will appear in the Orders to Approve/Pay table. 
  4. Select and submit the request by checking the Transaction Number next to the order and selecting Approve Orders.
  5. The request is submitted for billing and the photoduplication status changes to Awaiting Order Billing.
  6. You may now also want to pay any charges due for processing. Payments made by cash and check should be made directly to the Special Collections staff.
  7. If you would like to pay the invoice online using your credit card, see Paying for Photoduplication Requests with a Credit Card below.

If a partial payment is received from the researcher, it does not affect the movement of the request through status queues. If a partial payment is made when the request is at Awaiting Request Processing or Awaiting Order Approval it will remain there until the request is paid in full. When paid in full, the request moves to Awaiting Item Delivery.

By default, the Orders to Approve grid displays the transaction status of requests in the Status column. You can edit your ViewOrderApprovals.html form to include the photoduplication status by adding the following line to the "default table" class of the form: column="PhotoduplicationStatus:Order Status"

Receiving the Requested Item

  1. Once you have approved the invoice and paid any amounts due, staff process the photoduplication request and deliver it to you via the delivery method you chose upon submittal.
  2. You may receive an email notifying you that the item has been processed for delivery and is being sent to you.
  3. Requests for items that have been processed for delivery display at the Item Delivered photoduplication status in the Main Menu and Outstanding Requests grids and are viewable in the Delivered Items menu option.
  4. Electronically delivered items are accessible from here by clicking the item's View link.
  5. Electronically deliverable file format types include PDF, JPG, GIF, PNG, TIFF and ZIP files.
  6. All file formats except TIFF and ZIP are opened directly from the View link. The TIFF and ZIP files are downloadable file formats.
  7. Requests will remain in the Delivered Items menu until deleted by the researcher or the system manager.
  8. Users have the option to delete requests, including electronically delivered items, from the Delivered Items table. (Requests with electronic items can also be deleted using the Delete Item link on the request's transaction information grid.) If needed later, requests can always be reloaded by staff.

Deleting photoduplication requests, including those with electronic items, moves them to the Order Finished photoduplication status. The transaction status is not affected by this deletion. The request will remain in the Outstanding Requests grid until the transaction status is changed to Request Finished (normally when the item has been reshelved).

See more about deleting delivered photoduplication requests here.

Requested items in the file formats listed above can be processed and sent by electronic delivery. The Transaction Number is used as the filename, for example, 123._pdf, or 456.png, where _123 is the Aeon transaction number and pdf and png is the file format. The Delivered Items table will show a "View file" link from which users can open or download the item. As electronic delivery recognizes only these formats, items in other formats requested as downloads can be uploaded to the default C:\Program Files\Aeon\Web\pdf location or the customized location determined by your WebDeliveryPath customization key, and a direct link can be sent to the user via email.

Paying for Photoduplication Requests with a Credit Card

If you are accepting credit cards or PayPal as a form of payment and a payment provider has been configured, users can pay for their photoduplication requests on the web interface using a credit card or PayPal account.

Payment processing is handled by the provider outside of Aeon so any transaction information such as credit card number is not stored in Aeon.

To pay via a credit card or PayPal account:

  1. Once the invoice has been received, you can view the request under the Order Billing menu option.
  2. Orders awaiting payment appear in the Orders to Approve/Paytable along with orders awaiting invoice approval.
  3. Select the request(s) you want to pay by credit card and select Pay Now.
  4. The provider-specific Payment Details form opens.
  5. Click Pay Now.
  6. You will be sent to the payment provider's payment services page to enter information for payment. You may be instructed to wait while the payment is processing.
  7. When payment processing is complete, you will be returned back to the Orders to Approve/Pay page.
  8. The request has been paid and clears from the Orders to Approve table. A confirmation status line displays showing the confirmation number from the payment provider.

By default, the Orders to Approve grid displays the transaction status of requests in the Status column. You can edit your ViewOrderApprovals.html form to include the photoduplication status so that you will know which requests are at Awaiting Order Approval and Awaiting Order Billing. Add the following line to the "default table" class of the ViewOrderApprovals form: column="PhotoduplicationStatus:Order Status".

See more about configuring and using credit card payment providers at Configuring a Credit Card Payment Provider.

Viewing Electronically Delivered Items

To view a pdf, jpg or another electronically delivered item:

  1. Click on the Delivered Items menu option to open to the Electronically Delivered Items grid.
  2. Click on the View link to open the electronic file for the item you wish to view.
  3. The electronic file will open for you to view.

Researchers can also view their electronic items from the Outstanding Requests grid by clicking on the Transaction Number of the request they want to view and selecting the View Item link on the transaction form.

Viewing Requests from the Sidebar Menus

You can view and track requests under various sidebar menus as soon as you submit a New Photoduplication Request form.

  • Active requests (those that have not been cancelled or processed in the client as Request Finished) are always visible under the Outstanding Requests menu.
  • The All Requests Menu shows a complete list of requests.
  • Cancelled Requests lists all requests cancelled by both the user and staff in the client.
  • History houses all requests processed as Request Finished by staff in the client.
  • Order Estimates holds requests with a photoduplication status of Awaiting Order Submittal. These requests that have been submitted but the estimated costs have not yet been approved by the user.
  • Order Billing lists requests that are awaiting invoice approval or payment. Usually, the requests are in Awaiting Order Approval status or, if the invoice has been approved but there is a balance due, Awaiting Order Billing, but they may also be at other statuses.
  • Delivered Items holds all items that have been processed for delivery in the client. This includes PDF download files which can be accessed from the Delivered Items table.
 Photoduplication requests cannot be held for review and submitted at a later date like other requests. Therefore, the Review Requests menu is not used with Photoduplication.

The Aeon Photoduplication Workflow

See Processing Photoduplication Requests to learn about processing these requests from within the Client.

Refer to the attached flowchart shown there to follow the Photoduplication fulfillment process from the staff client perspective.




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