This page explains new request and user alert and notification options, display color-coding for blocked and disavowed users, and working with the Aeon Desktop Client log. The Aeon Options feature located in the Main Menu Icon allows you to set alert and notification options for the new loan and photoduplication requests and uncleared users. You can choose whether to show new request, activity and user alerts in the taskbar. Along with taskbar alerts, you can set options to receive a popup notification when new loan or photoduplication requests are created or when new users need to be cleared. You can also show new request notifications only for users signed into a reading room. In addition, you can choose to display colors for blocked and disavowed users listed in basic and custom search results. The Log Configuration area provides a convenient platform to configure the Aeon Desktop Client log file for troubleshooting and feedback without having to edit the logon.config file.
Showing New Request and User Alerts in the Taskbar
You can choose to receive alerts in the taskbar for the new loan and photoduplication requests, new Activity requests, and users needing to be cleared by checking these options in the Taskbar section of Aeon Options:
- Show requests in taskbar: alerts you when there are new loan requests at Awaiting Request Processing (or any custom queue based on the Awaiting Request Processing State) or new photoduplication requests at Awaiting Order Processing (or any custom queue based on the Awaiting Order Processing State)
- Show user info in taskbar: alerts you when new users are created or users have been changed from a status of Cleared to Not Cleared. New user alerts are generated by the Not Cleared status.
- Show Activities in taskbar: alerts you when there are new Activity requests at Awaiting Activity Processing (or any custom queue based on the Awaiting Activity Processing State)
Setting New Request and User Alerts
To set your taskbar alerts:
- Click on the Main Menu Icon (
) on the Home page and select the Options button.
- The Aeon Options window opens.
- Check the box next to the items you would like to see in the taskbar and click OK.
- When new requests, activities, and users to clear are received, an alert icon is displayed in the taskbar.
Showing New Request and User Popup Notifications
You can receive pop-up notifications when the new loan or photoduplication requests are created or users need to be cleared. The notifications display in the lower righthand corner of your screen. To close a notification and bring the desktop client application to the forefront of your computer screen to work with requests, click on the notification window. To close a notification and not bring the desktop client to the forefront of your screen, click on the x in the upper righthand corner of the notification.
Receiving New Request Notifications
New loan notifications are generated when loan requests are moved to the Awaiting Request Processing queue (or any custom queue based on the Awaiting Request Processing State). New photoduplication notifications are generated when photoduplication requests are moved to the Awaiting Order Processing queue (or any custom queue based on the Awaiting Order Processing State).
Receiving New User Notifications
New user notifications are generated when new users are created or users have been changed from a status of Cleared to Not Cleared. New User notifications are generated by the Not Cleared status.
Setting Request and User Popup Notifications
To set your request and user popup notifications:
- Click on the Main Menu Icon (
) on the Home page and select the Options button.
- The Aeon Options window opens.
- Check the box next to Show new loan request alert if you want to receive alert notifications for new loan requests.
- Check the box next to Show new photoduplication request alert if you want to receive alert notifications for new photoduplication requests.
- Enter how often, in minutes, you want the desktop client to check for new requests.
- If you want to hear a sound when a new request is sent, check the box next to Play a sound for new requests.
- If you want to receive request notifications only for users signed into in a reading room, check the box next to Show Alerts only for users in reading rooms.
- Check the box next to Show new user alert if you want to receive alert notifications when new users are created or users are set to an uncleared status.
- Enter how often, in minutes, you want the desktop client to check for new users.
- If you want to hear a sound when a new user is created, check the box next to Play a sound for new users.
- Click OK to save your Aeon Options settings.
Managing Request and User Popup Notifications in the Taskbar
You can toggle new loan, request and user popup notifications on and off from the Aeon icon in the taskbar:
Right-click the Aeon Icon in the taskbar and click on the notification that you want to toggle or off. The change is reflected in the Aeon Options menu.
Choosing Display Colors for Blocked and Disavowed Users
By default, blocked users display in search results in red, and disavowed and anonymous users display in gray. Staff can change the default colors displayed in the search result for these users in Aeon Options. You can choose from Custom colors, Web colors and System Colors. Web and System colors are the standard colors used in designing web pages and system pages.
Setting Display Colors for Blocked and Disavowed Users
To change the default display colors for blocked, disavowed, and anonymous users:
- Click on the Main Menu Icon (
) on the Home page and select the Options button.
- The Aeon Options window opens.
- Click in the User Blocked, User Disavowed, and Anonymous Users fields and select the colors you want to use for each user type. Click OK.
- Blocked, disavowed, and anonymous users now display in the color choices you selected.
Making Changes to the Aeon Desktop Client Log
The Aeon Desktop Client is configured for logging using a log.config xml file. How much information is logged and where the log is stored are configured in the contents of this log.config file. To assist with troubleshooting and feedback, the amount of data collected in the log can be adjusted to include more detailed information. You can adjust the level of information gathered by manually editing the xml file or by changing settings in the Log Configuration section of the Aeon Desktop Client. The Log Configuration area provides a convenient place to easily turn debug logging on or off for troubleshooting without having to edit the logon.config file. The desktop client Log Configuration section also allows you to change the log file name or the directory it logs to, access the log file directory, and restore the default logging configuration conveniently from within the desktop client.
Working with the Log Configuration
The following actions can be performed under Log Configuration:
- Enable debug logging: Checking this box enables debug logging for troubleshooting purposes. The logging option in the log.config file changes from Info to Debug when you click OK to close the Options menu. Because using Debug can increase the number of log entries by quite a bit, the setting should be changed back to Info by unchecking the box as soon as troubleshooting is finished.
- Log file name: Editing this field changes the default name of the log file. This change is applied when you close the Options menu. Changing the file name does not affect the file's ability to be used for feedback.
- Log file directory: Editing this field changes the default directory of the log file. This change is applied when you close the Options menu. Changing the file directory does not affect the file's ability to be used for feedback.
- Open Log File Location: Clicking this button opens the directory containing your log files.
- Restore Default Logging Configuration: Clicking this button restores your log.config file back to the default configuration if it has been manually edited to a broken state. This change overrides the Enable Debug Logging feature, if checked, and is applied when you close the Options menu.