Restoring Deleted Electronic Delivery Files

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Customers have the option of deleting Electronic Delivery files when they are through with them. If this is done, the deleted PDF file is no longer accessible from the customer web pages. There is however a built-in delay that allows the customer to change his/her mind. The customer-initiated deletion just changes the transaction status to Request Finished, making the link no longer show on the web page. As long as the .pdf file still exists in the Electronic Delivery PDF folder, the electronic delivery transaction can be restored.

To do this, just change the status of the transaction back to Delivered to Web. You can do this from the Request Form using the Route icon. This will make the PDF accessible to the customer again via the ILLiad default web pages.

Setting Up Remote Storage for Electronic Delivery Documents

By default, the Electronic Delivery documents are stored in the c:\inetpub\wwwroot\illiad\pdf folder (or if you change the web root, the pdf folder is located inside the folder designated by the WebPDFPath customization key). If you want to store these files in a different location, you have to make several changes.

To use this option:

  • Set the RemotePDFStorage key in the Customization Manager to Yes.
  • Set the WebPDFPath key to the location where the PDF files are stored on the Server (i.e. D:\pdf\ ).

Since the PDF documents are stored in a folder outside of the path of the Default Web Site (\inetpub\wwwroot) a virtual directory will need to be created to point the ILLiad web pages to the location where the PDF documents are stored when the patron is accessing them. Here are steps to create the virtual directory:

  • Open Internet Information Services (IIS) and right-click on the web site that contains the ILLiad web pages, and select Create Virtual Directory.
  • Name the alias "PDF" and set the directory path to the same path that was set in WebPDFPath. Accept the default access permissions (should include Read-Only).



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