Manual Scanning and Electronic Delivery Processing

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Scanning Articles Received as Paper

When an article arrives in paper form, you have the option of scanning the article into ILLiad and delivering it electronically. During the Check In from Lending Library process, you have the following options:

  • Check Item In / Scan Now: This allows you to scan and post the article immediately as a part of the check-in process.
  • Check Item In / Scan Later: This allows you to check the item in at that point and route the transaction to a status of Awaiting Borrowing Scanning. Scanning and posting the article may take place at some other time or on some other workstation.

See Checking Items In From the Lender for further details on the check-in process.

Image manipulation is disabled when working with PDF files, so these files CANNOT be altered using the Crop, Rotate, Deskew or Delete editing options available on the scanning form. PDF files will be sent exactly as they are imported into Odyssey Electronic Delivery.

The Borrowing Scanning Form

Transactions at a status of Awaiting Borrowing Scanning are ready to be scanned and posted to the ILLiad server. To access the Borrowing Scanning form, double-click the Awaiting Borrowing Scanning status in the Request Group, or go to the Electronic Delivery icon on the Borrowing ribbon and select Borrowing Scanning from the drop-down. For items checked in using the Check Item In / Scan Now option, the Borrowing Scanning form will open on its own at the time of check-in.

Pulling Up the Transaction Information

Enter the transaction number of the article to be scanned in the Transaction Number field and hit your Enter key. This will pull up the transaction information in the Details section of the scanning form. Review the information to be sure that you are scanning the correct article and that the article meets the criteria specified by the customer. To pull up the entire ILLiad record for the transaction by clicking the View button to the right of the transaction number.

Using the Odyssey Scanner

You can scan hard copy documents into Odyssey and submit them as electronic documents. Scanned documents are transmitted as TIF files and converted to PDF files before delivery to customers.

Configuring Scanning Settings

You will need to configure your scanning settings before you can scan hard copy documents. Scanning settings for your system can be found under the Settings button. Scanning options display in the drop-down menu based on the capabilities of your installed scanner. Available options will be different for different types of scanners. These settings are saved on each client machine, so the system will retain any selected values until they are changed.

You may want to edit settings such as resolution and color depending upon the document you are scanning.

  • Quick Scan Key allows you to specify a "hot key" to use for scanning. Select the key you wish to use for this purpose from the drop-down.
  • Device allows you to specify a scanner to use for Electronic Delivery scanning. All installed scanners on the client machine being used should display in the drop-down.
  • Color allows you to specify which of the possible color options you wish to use when scanning. Options display based on the capabilities of your installed scanner.
  • The Resolution setting allows you to specify which of the possible resolution options you wish to use when scanning. Options display based on the capabilities of your installed scanner.
  • Be aware that the higher the scanning resolution you elect to use, the bigger the image files will be and the longer it will take to scan, manipulate, and/or post your articles.
  • The ADF checkbox allows you to specify whether or not you wish to use an automatic document feeder when scanning.
  • The Use Interface checkbox is normally left unchecked because you are using the scanning interface and normally do not want to see your scanner's interface.
  • Duplex allows you to specify whether or not you wish to scan in duplex mode (both sides at once). Not all scanners will have this capability.
  • The Show TWAIN Dialog setting allows you to specify whether or not you wish to view the interaction between the scanner and the client machine.
  • The Find New TWAIN Sources setting allows you to have the system search for newly installed scanners for use with Electronic Delivery.

Scanning Your Documents

Once you have made any changes to your settings, such as resolution and color, you are ready to scan your document. Click the Scan button (or your designated Quick Scan key). Odyssey will scan the article and display it in the scanning form. Use the Scan button for one-page documents. Use the Scan button for multiple paged documents only if you are using an automatic document feeder. If you have multiple paged documents and are not using an automatic document feeder you will need to scan each page individually using the Scan & Insert button.

Automatic Document Feeders

If you are using an automatic document feeder for scanning, the basic scanning process will be handled for you by the ADF, although you will also be able to append to the scanned document if necessary.

Manual Scanning

After the first page of a document has been scanned, clicking the Scan & Insert button will scan and append a new page to the previously scanned document rather than overwriting it.

You may scan and append as many pages as is necessary before clicking the Deliver button to complete the process.

Importing Image Files

You can import an already scanned image and associate it with the selected transaction for delivery to the customer. This is done using the Import Image button. Clicking this button opens a search window that allows you to grab the file from its location.

Select the image you would like to import and click Open. The image appears in the Document window of the scanning form. You can import the following images types: JPEG files (jpg), TIFF files (tif), Bitmap images (bmp) and PNG images (png). Imported images are automatically converted to and transmitted as TIF files, and are converted to PDF files before delivery to customers.

Note that when you first open the scanning form and attempt to import an image, the File Name field is blank. Once you have imported an image the system "remembers" the location and name of the last successfully imported file. Thus, clicking the Import Image button will return you to the same location each time, displaying the last imported image.

Manipulating Image Files

Image files can be manipulated using the Crop, Rotate, Deskew and Delete editing options located on the scanning form.

Importing PDF Files

Using the Import PDF button, you can import PDF files directly into Odyssey and deliver them automatically to the customer in PDF format.

Image manipulation is disabled when working with PDF files, so these files CANNOT be altered using the Crop, Rotate, Deskew or Delete editing options available on the scanning form.

PDF files will be sent exactly as they are imported into Odyssey Electronic Delivery.

Sending the Electronic Document

Once the document is scanned and any notes are added, you are ready to send the document.

  1. Click the Deliver button to convert any TIF files to PDF format and deliver the electronic documents to the web server.
  2. ILLiad Electronic Delivery uses the Odyssey Protocol to send the request to the server, where the server converts TIF items to PDF, emails the customer, and moves the document to the PDF folder.

Note that the Odyssey Protocol is the only available method of Electronic Article delivery.


When the article is processed as delivered, ILLiad emails notification to the customer and delivers the PDF file to the ILLiad server where it may be accessed by the customer.

Manual Electronic Delivery Processing

The purpose of Manual Electronic Delivery Processing is to allow another method for institutions to scan paper documents themselves in order to provide them to their customers electronically or to deliver a pdf document that has already been scanned.

Manual Electronic Delivery is an option. You do not have to scan documents outside of ILLiad to use the basic Electronic Delivery process. Note that pdf documents can be imported and delivered using the Odyssey method explained above. You do not have to process them using this method.

Scan the Article

  1. Open Adobe Acrobat. Under File menu, choose Import, and then Scan.

Save the Scanned Image to the Electronic Delivery Share

  1. When the document is finished being scanned, save it to the shared folder or drive that is set up for Electronic Delivery Articles on the ILLiad Server.
  2. The location of this folder may be different for different institutions.
  3. Save the scanned document in the Electronic Delivery share on the ILLiad server as 123.pdf, where "123" is the ILLiad transaction number that corresponds to the scanned article.

The assumption is that you would not scan a document into the system unless you already have an active request for it in the system.

Check the Item In / Notify Electronic Delivery

  1. Pull up the corresponding transaction record in ILLiad on the Check In From Lending Library screen.
  2. Enter any appropriate data, such as the lender, number of pages, or note that the item was scanned in-house in the Note field.
  3. Click the Notify Electronic Delivery button.

This changes the status of the transaction to Delivered to Web and sends an email to the customer notifying him/her that the item has been delivered. The document will be accessible from the ILL customer's Main Menu web page from the View/Download Electronically Received Articles button.

When you click the Notify Electronic Delivery button, the email will be generated using the file from the ElectronicDeliveryEmailFileName key in the ILLiad Customization Manager.

For articles received through Odyssey, the OdysseyElecDelEmailFileName key will be used. If you want both of these notifications to look the same, you can use the same file for both keys.

See the ILLiad Customization Manager for more information on these keys.


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