Sending Blank Work Form Requests

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It is possible to send a request to specific potential lenders without first finding an OCLC record for the item. This is done using a blank work form.

Creating the Blank Work Form

From the OCLC ribbon on the Request form, select the Blank Work Form menu and choose the option from the drop-down menu. Typical blank work form options displayed on this dropdown include Blank Article and Blank Loan, but the menu will display any blank work form types that are set up in your system's WorkFormMapping table.

Adding a Lender String

Type the lender string into the Lender field. For a blank work form, this is no different from any other edit to the work form.

Complete the Work Form 

To complete the blank work form for sending, type your edits into the form as appropriate. When you are ready to send the request to your selected potential lenders, click the Send Request button in the OCLC ribbon at the top of the completed work form. This will send the request to OCLC and import request information into the ILLiad Client, including the ILL Number and Lending String into the ILLiad Search Requests form.


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