Searching & Sending Requests: Selecting Lenders

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Once holdings information is generated from OCLC, the left side of the Holdings Tab displays the returned holdings information.

The Selected Lenders List

Although you may select potential lenders for your lender string, the Default Custom Holdings and Custom Holdings options will each automatically generate a suggested lender string that is randomly selected from the displayed holdings information. This suggested lender string is displayed on the right side of the form in the section labeled Selected Lenders. In addition, a count of the selected lender symbols displays next to selected lenders caption. This lender string is only a suggestion and can be easily changed or replaced.

Retrieving additional holdings does not clear the existing list of selected lenders. If you choose some of your potential lenders and then perform another holdings selection, the potential lenders initially selected remain in the selected lender's box. Subsequent selections will be added to the existing list.

Clearing the Selected Lenders List

You may clear the entire Selected Lenders List by clicking the Clear button. This will empty the list so that you can start selecting potential lenders from scratch.

Deleting Selected Lenders

To delete a specific lender symbol from the Selected Lenders List, select the symbol to be removed (by clicking on it) and click the Delete button or hit the Delete key on your keyboard. This will remove only the selected symbol from the list.

Adding Potential Lenders to the Lender String

Potential lenders appear in the holdings display as uppercase black or blue OCLC symbols. There are two ways to add these potential lenders to the Selected Lenders List manually. These are:

  • Double-click the OCLC symbol on the holdings display.
  • Type the OCLC symbol(s) into the Manual Entry field and click the Add button. You may do this one symbol at a time, or you can enter the entire five-symbol string, separated by commas, all at once.

In both cases, the specified symbol will then appear in the Selected Lenders List. An OCLC work form should contain one to five potential lenders in the lender string.

Any additional symbols in the Selected Lenders List (after the fifth) will be stored in the Locations field of the OCLC work form for possible later use in the event that the request returns Unfilled (or Conditionalized). If additional potential lender symbols exist in this location, the OCLC resubmission process would automatically create a second Lender String from the next five stored symbols.

Shortcut Keys for Organizing the Selected Lenders List

Ctrl+Up Move the selected symbol up one level in the list.
Ctrl+Down Move the selected symbol down one level in the list.
Ctrl+Home Move the selected symbol to the top of the list
Ctrl+End Move the selected symbol to the bottom of the list

Potential Lenders and Non-Suppliers

Most of the potential lender symbols will be in black text, but some will be blue or red to indicate the amount of time the potential lender is allowed to take to respond to the request.

Non-suppliers appear in the holdings display as grayed out lower case OCLC symbols. These symbols cannot be used in an OCLC lender string.

Previous Requests

The Previous Requests section in the lower right corner of the form will display any previous lender strings along with any Reasons for No information that might be attached to the record, regardless of the request status. If the transaction has been sent multiple times, all Reason For No information for each time the transaction has been sent will display in the form. Lender symbols that appear in this section will be filtered from the Holdings display automatically, although you may still include them in the new lender string.

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