Using Ares Copyright Processing Without a CCC Marketplace Account After the 5.0.4/5.0.6 Update

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Product Ares
Version 5.0.4+
Ticket N/A
KB Permissions Public 


Do I have to create a CCC Marketplace account to continue using alternate copyright processing features in Ares after updating to v5.0.4/5.0.6? 


No. A CCC Marketplace account is only required if you wish to use the CCC copyright processing functionality to perform CCC copyright searches and orders through the Ares Client. If your institution does not use Ares to perform CCC copyright searches and orders, then you will not need to set up a CCC Marketplace account after updating. However, some additional configuration may be required in the Ares Customization Manager to avoid CCC credential-related error messages upon opening the Ares Client after the update (see Changing the CopyrightMethod Key below). 

Changing the CopyrightMethod Key

Since anonymous searches of the CCC database are no longer permitted through Ares, you will need to switch the CopyrightMethod customization key in the Ares Customization Manager from the default value CCC to another option to avoid the "Error Saving Copyright Information" message box that appears when opening the Ares Client without valid CCC credentials. To change the value in this key:

  1. Open the Ares Customization Manager
  2. Locate the CopyrightMethod key located under System | Copyright
  3. Change the Key Value to None or AlternateProvider 

    Note: Due to a known issue in Ares v5.0.9 and later, the "Error Saving Copyright Information" message box will still appear in the Ares Client if this key is set to AlternateProvider and the CCCUsername customization key contains a value. To avoid receiving the error, the CopyrightMethod key should be set to None or the value should be removed from the CCCUsername key if the CopyrightMethod key is set to AlternateProvider.
  4. Click Save to save the new setting for the key


Disabling Auto Search in the Ares Client

After the CopyrightMethod customization key is changed to an alternate value, please also ensure that the Auto Search button on the Ares Client's Process Copyright screen is toggled off (the button will display with a dark grey background when toggled on):




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