Processing CCC Copyright

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Ares allows you to process copyright requests through the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) from the Process Copyright form or from an Item form. Libraries using the CCC to secure copyright permissions can use either the standard rights management gateway or the annual subscription service. Ares allows you to search and select the copyrighted work, submit the copyright request and monitor the work's reserves history. Copyright Clearance Center copyright processing is handled by the Ares System Manager and can be performed on both serial and monograph items.

The Awaiting Copyright Processing Queue

Items needing copyright are displayed in the Awaiting Copyright Processing queue while also remaining in their respective status queues (usually Awaiting Reserves Processing). This queue is a virtual queue that alerts you to those items that need copyright, and it is not visible in the Requests grid on the dashboard. Instead, items in this queue are displayed in an Awaiting Copyright Processing grid on the Process Copyright form. Items placed in the Awaiting Copyright Processing queue are filtered by location and displayed in the grid if they meet the following criteria:

  1. Copyright Required is true (Copyright Required checkbox on Item form is checked)
  2. Copyright Obtained is false (Copyright Obtained checkbox on Item form is not checked)
  3. No entries in the ItemCopyright table
  4. Status is not one of the following:
    1. Awaiting Supply by Instructor
    2. Item Submitted
    3. Item Cancelled by Staff
    4. Item Cancelled by Instructor

The default query used to send items to the Awaiting Copyright Processing queue can be modified. See Copyright Queries for further information.

Submitting Copyright Clearance Center Orders

The CCC will generate an invoice for each course 60 days after its listed start date in Ares.

To process item copyright from the Process Copyright form:

  1. To view the Process Copyright Form, double-click on the Awaiting Copyright Processing link in the system group, or click the Process Copyright button under the Process tab.
  2. Select an item in the Awaiting Copyright Processing grid
  3. Search for the item's title. If the Auto Search toggle button is on, the search is performed automatically. 
  4. If you are performing a manual search, use the Title or ISSN search icons or use the Search button to search all available fields.
  5. Search results for copyright works will appear on the grid at the bottom of the screen.
  6. If the item is covered by Annual License, click the Annual License button to place the order.
  7. If the item is covered by pay per use, click the Submit Order button.
  8. If the item must be special ordered, click the Special Request button.

To process item copyright from the Item form:

  1. In a specific request, click on the Copyright tab.
  2. Search for the item's title. Use the Title or ISSN search icons or use the Search button to search all available fields.
  3. Search results for copyright works will appear in the grid.
  4. Select the title you wish to order from the list.
  5. If the item is covered by Annual License, click the Annual License button to place the order.
  6. If the item is covered by pay per use, click the Submit Order button.
  7. If the item must be special ordered, click the Special Request button.
  8. After submitting the order, you will be prompted to save any pending changes to the item.

The following information is sent to the CCC when submitting an order:

  • ItemId
  • ISxN
  • Publisher
  • Title
  • Number of pages
  • Edition
  • Publication year
  • Volume
  • Article title
  • Author
  • Number of Copies (e.g., Number of Students)

When CopyrightCourseStudents = Enrolled Students

If your CopyrightCourseStudents key is set to Enrolled Students, you will be prompted to update the value for Enrolled Students when submitting a CCC order where the number of students is different than the number of Enrolled Students in the Course record. Clicking Yes will update the course enrollment and continue processing the CCC order. Clicking No will not update course enrollment, but the CCC order will be sent. If the course enrollment is not updated, then the next time the system manager runs the CCC checks it will change the number of students on the copyright order back to what is set as the number of estimated students in the course.

The Copyright Process Buttons

When you select different works in the copyright works grid, the buttons change based on the rights of the work you select. Buttons that affect the criteria for being in the Awaiting Copyright Processing queue refresh the form after performing their action so that the list of items needing copyright processing is up to date.

Route Routes the selected items.
Add Flag Adds a new custom flag to the selected items.
Cancel Cancels the selected items.
Auto Search When toggled on, automatically searches the Copyright Clearance Center
using the best available search when you select an item.
Search Search Title or ISSN boxes or select the Search icon to search
using all terms. The bottom half of the Search icon clears the search fields.
Not Required
Marks the selected items as not requiring copyright permissions or fees.
Sets the value of the Copyright Required checkbox on the Item form.
Marks the selected items to indicate that copyright permissions have been
obtained for them. Sets the value of the Copyright Obtained checkbox on
the Item form.
Submit Order Submits an order for the selected work to the Copyright Clearance Center.
This button is enabled when the annual license is denied, but pay per use
is granted.
Special Request When an item is not covered by the annual license and rights for pay per use
are not granted, the Special Request button is enabled. Clicking this button
will initiate the Special Request process for negotiating the terms of the order with the rightsholder in the CCC Marketplace.
Annual License When an annual license is granted, you can click on the Annual License
button to mark that the item's copyright was covered by the annual license.
This button is visible only if the CCCAnnualAcademicLicensee key is set to Yes.

Searches against the Copyright Clearance Center can be performed automatically or manually. When you select an item in the grid, the Title and ISSN search fields are both prepopulated with the values of the corresponding fields of the item. Toggling the Auto Search button ON prompts Ares to automatically conduct a CCC search when an item is selected in the grid. When searching manually, searching by ISSN provides the most exact search.

When performing searches for items, the item must include the page range and page count as well as a journal year. If this information is not provided you will be prompted to enter it. Entering a single page number or valid page range in the New Pages field of the Invalid Pages form will prompt Ares to auto calculate the New Page Count. The Invalid Year form will prompt you to enter a 4-digit year into the New Year field. Once this information is corrected, a list of results will show on the grid at the bottom of the form. When a work is selected, information about the work is displayed on the right-hand side of the form.

Checking the Status of an Order

To check the status of a Copyright Clearance Center order after it has been submitted, open the item and click on the Copyright tab. The status display on the right-hand side of the form will show if the order has already been processed with the Copyright Clearance Center.

Copyright Denied or Granted

Items that have been denied permissions are automatically flagged to the Copyright Permissions Denied virtual queue. If the CopyrightAlertGranted customization key has been set to Yes, items that have been granted permissions are flagged to the Copyright Permissions Granted virtual queue.

Fees Increased or Reduced

Items that have had fees increased are automatically flagged to the Copyright Permissions Denied virtual queue. If the CoprightAlertFeeReduced customization key has been set to Yes, items that have had fees reduced are flagged to the Copyright Fees Reduced virtual queue.

See the CCC's support site for additional documentation.

Potential Pricing Discrepancies

Under certain situations, the price quoted for a copyright order during the copyright search process in the Ares Client may differ from the actual order price due to how these figures are calculated:

  • When performing a copyright search, the price estimate will be based on the current number of students in the Ares course.
  • When submitting a copyright order, the order price will be based on the number of students in the CCC course, which is created from the information on the Ares course record when the first copyright order for that course is submitted.

The information on the CCC course will be updated with the most recent information from the Ares Course record each time the Ares System Manager's nightly update process runs. If the number of students changes on the Ares course after the first copyright order is submitted, then the estimated price for subsequent orders will differ from the actual order price until the CCC course record is updated. Any incorrect order prices will be updated to match the quoted price estimates the next time the Ares System Manager runs its update process.

Special Request Workflow

When an item is not covered by the annual license and rights for pay per use
are not granted, a Special Request will have to be placed for the item in Ares and negotiated within the CCC Marketplace web interface:

  1. Items requiring a special request will display Special Request in the Right field on the Process Copyright screen or Copyright tab on the Item form
  2. Clicking the Special Request button for these items will initiate the special request process and update the Special Request Status field to NEW. The Right field will update to SPR.
  3. After the process is initiated, the price must be approved manually in the CCC Marketplace web interface. Optional negotiation with the rightsholder over the price and terms of usage will also take place within the CCC Marketplace.
    • The CCC Marketplace order page for the course can be conveniently accessed from Ares and opened in an external web browser by clicking the Marketplace Link hyperlink on the Item form's Copyright tab 
    • A notification email from the CCC will be sent to the email address associated with the connected CCC Marketplace account and a flag will be added to the Ares record each time action is required in the CCC Marketplace (see Special Request Flags below) 

      Note: During this negotiation process, the Right field on the item record may switch between the SPR and GRANT or DENY statuses based on the order negotiation status in the CCC Marketplace. The flag added to the Ares item record will indicate the type of action needed in the CCC Marketplace to advance the negotiation process.
  4. When the order is finalized in the CCC Marketplace, the Ares System Manager will update the record in the Ares Client with the relevant pricing and order information overnight:
    • If the special request is approved, the Special Request Status field will update to Complete and the Copyright Permissions Granted flag will be added to the item in Ares
    • If the special request is closed or canceled, the Special Request Status field will update to Closed and the Copyright Permissions Denied flag will be added to the item in Ares
Note that the Ares System Manager will check for status updates for all active CCC orders overnight according to the time set in the CCCStatusUpdateRunTime customization key. These same updates will also be performed immediately whenever an item with an active CCC order is opened in the Ares Client.
Special Request Flags

The following Special Request flags will be added to Items in Ares to indicate that action must be taken in the CCC Marketplace:

  • Awaiting Customer Reply: Indicates that the rightsholder has asked for additional information
  • Copyright Order Approved: Indicates that the rightsholder has approved the request and the approval for the order pricing needs to be accepted in the CCC Marketplace
  • Copyright Order Denied: Indicates that the rightsholder has denied the request and the order needs to be reopened for further pricing negotiation or cancelled in the CCC Marketplace
It is not possible to resolve these flags in the Ares Client. Each action must be resolved directly in the CCC Marketplace web interface.




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