ILLiad 9.2 Release Notes

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Important Update Information

Released March 22, 2022


As promised on the ILLiad Product Roadmap, here are the main features/enhancements of ILLiad v9.2:

There are over 30 bug fixes and several underlying component updates to continue supporting external systems in this release.      

Considerations Before You Update         

Review ILLiad v9.2 FAQ   

For frequently asked questions and additional information regarding the 9.2 features and fixes, please see the ILLiad 9.2 FAQ. For all other questions, please contact support at

Updating During Normal Working Hours    

Please consider running updates and installations during standard support hours 8 am - 5 pm eastern time (business days: Monday - Friday) so that help is readily available if any issues are encountered.

Updating Procedures      

Before you begin updating, please review the Hardware and Software Requirements for ILLiad 9.2. For specific instructions on updating, see Updating ILLiad to the Newest Version.

If updating from a previous version of ILLiad, the ILLiad Client must be opened using the Run as Administrator option after the server update is completed to ensure that the Client update process is successful.

ILLiad Client v9.2 requires Microsoft Visual C++ 2019 Redistributable in order to use the latest version of the embedded Chromium browser. This component will be installed automatically by the 9.2 Client Installer to ensure compatibility.

Installation Procedures

If you are performing a fresh install of ILLiad 9.2 rather than updating from a previous version, please note that running the 9.2 Server Installer will no longer also download the 9.2 Client Installer. This installer will need to be downloaded from the ILLiad Downloads page and run separately. 

Action Required: Update Existing Addons

WebView2 Addon Updates

The following addons have been updated to use the WebView2 browser in conjunction with the ILLiad Client v9.2.5 release and are available for download in the ILLiad Addon Directory. Users of these addons must update each addon prior to or shortly after installing ILLiad v9.2 to ensure the functionality of the ILLiad 9.2 Client (see the community forum post regarding this issue for more information). Note that if these addons are not updated, you will experience issues running the 9.2 Client until the addons are updated to the minimum required version number (or higher) marked below:

NLua Addon Updates

Additionally, the following addons have been updated to new versions in conjunction with the ILLiad Client v9.2.5 release to prevent potential breaking changes caused by a necessary update to the underlying NLua component used by the ILLiad Client. Users of these addons should ensure that each addon is updated to the minimum required version number (or higher) marked below prior to or shortly after installing ILLiad v9.2 to ensure full compatibility of each addon with the ILLiad 9.2 Client:

Manual ISO Service Upgrade

The ISO Service will require a manual upgrade after the 9.2 update. For more information and instructions on upgrading, see 9.2 ISO Service Upgrade.

End of Support for Windows 7 and 8.1

Windows 7 and 8.1 are no longer supported operating systems due to the end of support by Microsoft. The minimum required operating system for ILLiad is now Windows 10.

ILLiad 9.2 Features & Fixes    

Addons | Administrative | API | Authentication | Copyright | Customization Manager | DatabaseDecision Support Pipeline | DOCLINE | Email | ISO | OCLC | Odyssey | SQL Alias Manager | Staff Client Staff Manager | System Manager | Web Interface | Web Platform 



Atlas addons are no longer installed by default when installing ILLiad.

If you are updating ILLiad from a prior version to version 9.2, no action is needed. Your default addons will be backed up to whichever version of each addon you have installed prior to updating and restored during the update process.

If you are performing a fresh install of ILLiad at version 9.2, the C:\Program Files (x86)\ILLiad\Addons directory will be created once the client is opened for the first time with no default addons installed. You will need to manually download and install your desired addons from the Addon Directory. Please also ensure that you download the Atlas Helpers Library and install it to your C:\Program Files (x86)\ILLiad\Addons\Atlas\ directory as it contains helper methods for required for various ILLiad addons to run properly. 


Updated the embedded Chromium browser used by addons to the latest CEFSharp package version for security and performance enhancements.

Action Required: Updating Existing Addons

An addon has been updated to use the new Chromium version and should be re-installed at the latest version upon updating ILLiad to v9.2 to fix compatibility issues:


Added the ability to download PDFs and other files directly from within the embedded Chromium browser using the browser's file download button.


Fixed an issue where the database connection created by a Client addon after opening its relevant form in the Client would not be closed upon closing that form.


Fixed an issue where addons using the Chromium browser would display incorrectly aligned on high-DPI monitors. Bug# 13103



Updated the log4net component used in several ILLiad services and applications to the latest secure version (v2.0.14). 


Updated the DevExpress libraries used by the ILLiad Client and the Odyssey Manager's Atlas PDF Utility to fix issues with handling and opening certain PDFs.



Added new endpoints to the Web API to retrieve all currently defined web display status rules and to retrieve web display statuses defined for a specific transaction number, NVTGC, process type, or transaction status. For more information, see the Web Display Status section of the ILLiad Web Platform API article


Fixed an issue where the Create User API endpoint would not create new users with a valid delivery location in the NVTGC field. Bug# 13156



Added a built-in module to provide integrated support for remote authentication via Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML). The integrated SAML module removes the need to install additional software on the ILLiad Server to communicate with authentication systems based on SAML, such as Shibboleth and OpenAthens. For more information on configuring remote authentication using this module, see RemoteAuth: Configuring the SAML Module.

SAML v1.0.1.1 will be added to the ILLiad Server Updater as a new component when updating to or installing the ILLiad 9.2 Server. During the server installation/update process, the files used to configure and install the module on the ILLiad Server will be downloaded to the default path C:\ILLiad\SAML.
Note: If you have already configured Shibboleth or another SAML-based system to work with ILLiad you should continue using your existing solution upon updating to ILLiad v9.2. The integrated SAML module is intended as a solution for those unable to install their Service Provider module on the ILLiad Server.

Added a "replace" action to the available options for the ValidAction field entry in the RemoteAuthValidation table. This action allows you to use regular expressions to modify the incoming remote field value before it is written to the ILLiad database. For more information, see Authentication Enhancements: RemoteAuthValidation Table



Updated ILLiad to use the new Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) web service in order to keep integration with this service functional. The changes made by the CCC to the APIs used in its new web service have required several changes to the CCC configuration settings in the ILLiad Customization Manager and to the copyright search and ordering process and controls in the ILLiad Client.

Please review the ILLiad Copyright Processing Changes After the CCC Web Service Update for complete information on each of these changes.

CCC Account Now Required for Searching

The CCC no longer supports anonymous searching, meaning that you will need to create a CCC Marketplace account if your institution does not have one already in order to perform CCC searches in ILLiad. If your institution does not use ILLiad to perform CCC copyright searches and orders, then you will not need to set up a CCC Marketplace account after updating. For more information on using the Process Copyright screen with a CCC account after the update, see Using ILLiad Copyright Processing Without a CCC Marketplace Account After the 9.1.4/9.2 Update.

After the account is created, you must configure it to work with ILLiad using the CCCUsername and CCCPassword keys in the ILLiad Customization Manager. Accounts can be created on the CCC's website:

  • Note that when creating an account, you will need to select to create a corporate account and not an individual account. If your existing CCC account is an individual account, you will need to create a separate corporate account to use with ILLiad.
  • After creating your account, you will need to contact the CCC to request to switch your default payment method to invoice. If your payment method is not switched, you will not be able to submit copyright orders through ILLiad. All new accounts created within the past 6 months will need to complete this step before processing copyright orders.
RightsLink accounts are not compatible with the new CCC web service. If your existing account is a RightsLink account, you will need to create a new CCC Marketplace account following the instructions above.
Before creating a new CCC account, please attempt to log into the CCC Marketplace using existing credentials or use the "Forgot your password?" option if you have forgotten your password. Please only create a new CCC account if you cannot find your username or if you have never previously registered for an account.

The following configuration settings have changed in the ILLiad Customization Manager:

  • If not already configured, the CCCUsername and CCCPassword customization keys (located under Borrowing | Copyright) will need to contain valid CCC account information for your institution. 
  • All CCC orders must now include a billing address, which is drawn from the BillingAddress fields for each ILLiad site configured in the Customization Manager's LocalInfo table. Please ensure that these fields are filled out and that they match the billing address on your CCC Marketplace account.
  • If your institution operates in multiple countries, your institutional CCC account may contain multiple Location IDs that will now need to be configured in the ILLiad Customization Manager. Please see the ILLiad Copyright Processing Changes After the CCC Web Service Update article for more information.

    If your institution only operates in a single country, you will not need to configure additional location information after the update.

The following changes were made to the copyright search and ordering process in the ILLiad Client:

  • Searching now requires valid CCC account credentials to be configured in the ILLiad Customization Manager (i.e., searches cannot be performed anonymously). If your CCC credentials are invalid, you will see an error message stating "Error communicating with CCC." upon attempting a copyright search.
  • Removed the option to search by Publisher or by multiple parameters at once from the Copyright search interface.
  • Searching will now only return one rightsholder for the item selected automatically by the CCC based on the publication year.
  • Items for which it is not possible to determine permissions or copyright costs or for which a special order is required will no longer be returned in search results.
  • The Granted status previously returned in Right field for search results has been changed to Licensing Available
  • Copyright orders containing multiple transactions will no longer be grouped under a single invoice number contained in the Order Header field when submitted. Each transaction will only be assigned a unique Order Detail number when the copyright order is placed and these transactions will be grouped into separate invoices by the CCC for payment based on a frequency setting configured on your CCC account. Please see Copyright Order Handling Changes for more information.

    Pre-existing transactions in the ILLiad database will have their OrderHeader and OrderDetail field values combined upon updating to v9.2. See the Database section for more information.
  • Removed the Order Status dropdown button and the Cancel Order button from the Borrowing Request form.
  • Added new Copyright Order and Order Placed fields on the Borrowing Request form and changed the label of the "CCC Number" number field to "CCC Publication ID" for additional clarity.

The following changes were made to the ILLiad Copyright Web Reports:

  • Renamed the CCC Number column to CCC Publication ID, renamed the Order Detail column to CCC Order Number, and removed the Order Header column from the Copyright web reports.

Added the CCCLocation customization key to the ILLiad Customization Manager under Borrowing | Copyright that allows institutions operating in multiple countries to configure a specific CCC Location ID for each ILLiad site. 

Institutions operating ILLiad sites in only a single country should not adjust the value in this key.

Added the CCCSupportPage customization key to the ILLiad Customization Manager under Borrowing | Copyright to hold the URL for the Atlas Support page containing detailed CCC-related troubleshooting information. 


Added additional detail to the CCC-related error messages displayed by the ILLiad Client to facilitate troubleshooting. Each error message will also contain a link to the Atlas Support page containing further troubleshooting information, configured in the CCCSupportPage customization key described above.

Fixed Updated the value of the CCCHomePage customization key used to open the Copyright Clearance Center's home page from the Staff Client to to ensure that the link does not break due to future URL changes. Bug# 12120

Customization Manager

Fixed Changed the color of the three-line application menu button (the "hamburger" button) on the Office 2019 skin to make it visible. This change also applies to the Staff Client and Staff Manager. Bug# 5890
Fixed Fixed an issue where updating a customization key on a Shared Server site would only add a customization tracking entry for one NVTGC.
Fixed Added missing descriptions for the RenewalWindowDays, ISOCanSendReceived, ISOCanSendReturned, ISOCurrencyCode, and ISOMonetaryValue customization keys. Bug# 4569



Upon updating to v9.2, any pre-existing values within the OrderHeader and OrderDetail fields in the CopyrightSessions table will be combined into one value in the OrderDetail field due to the Copyright Clearance Center's decision to no longer use the OrderHeader field to store copyright order information:

  • If there is no value in the OrderDetail field for a transaction, then the value in the OrderHeader will be copied into the OrderDetail field.
  • If both the OrderHeader and OrderDetail fields contain values, those values will be concatenated as one value in the OrderDetail field, with a format of <OrderHeader> / <OrderDetail>.

In either case, after the OrderHeader values are moved into the OrderDetail field, the OrderHeader field will be cleared out (i.e., it will contain a value of ""). 


Removed the unused ClientAccess table from the database.

Note: This table was deprecated in ILLiad v8.1 and its removal will not require any additional action or changes by new or existing ILLiad installations. 

Expanded the maximum length of the RemoteFieldName field in the RemoteAuthValidation table to 1024 characters. 

Fixed Removed a constraint from the database that limited to RequestType values to either "Article" or "Loan" to fix performance issues with the ISO Service. 

Expanded the maximum length of the AddedBy field in the Notes and LibraryNotes tables and the Staff field in the TestModeInvoicePayments and TestModeInvoiceTracking tables to 100 characters to match similar Username fields in other database tables. Bug# 4912/4913

Decision Support Pipeline   


Fixed an issue where the tooltip for the Select Recommended Action button would not update with the appropriate addon after switching between requests on the Pipeline Request Review form. Bug# 5643


Fixed an issue where requests were not being routed to Awaiting Pipeline Error Review if the relevant Decision Support Pipeline addon encountered an error during execution. In these cases, requests will now be routed to that queue and a History entry containing the error message will be added to the request.


Fixed an issue where DSP business rules with the Target Type Route would route all requests to the target queue regardless of the conditions entered in the rule's match string. Route type business rules will now only generate a recommended or automatic action for requests that satisfy the conditions in the rule's match string.


Fixed an issue where DSP business rules with the Target Type Route and Rule Type Automatic would not automatically route a request if no fulfillment data was generated for that request.


Action Required: DOCLINE Login Methods

The 9.2 release will include support for the Chromium browser. This will fix all DOCLINE login methods impacted by the depreciation of IE, however, Google accounts will NOT work after updating to v9.2 due to Google no longer allowing authentication via embedded browsers. For more details, see DOCLINE Login Methods Before and After the 9.2 Update. Please also see Google's reasoning for this change.

Updated the ILLiad DOCLINE Lua Scripts to version 4.0.1.

Note: Performing the 9.2.1 ILLiad Client update will install DOCLINE Scripts v4.0.0. After the update is completed, running the Client will automatically prompt you to update these scripts to the latest version, v4.0.1

Added new statements to the ILLiad Client logs to help troubleshoot DOCLINE issues:

  • Upon startup, logs will indicate the version of the DOCLINE scripts that the Client is currently running and the latest version of DOCLINE scripts available. 
  • When processing Borrowing requests, logs will indicate the path of the doclineToc.xml file that is loaded and the paths of the DOCLINE Lua files used by the Client.

Updated the DOCLINE Borrowing and Lending forms to use the embedded Chromium browser in the ILLiad Client. 

The appearance and functionality of the forms will be unchanged upon update.

Removed the DoclineUsername and DoclinePassword customization keys from the Customization Manager. Please see DOCLINE Login Methods Before and After the 9.2 Update for information on the login methods supported in the 9.2 ILLiad Client.


Fixed an issue where volume/issue and page numbers were not imported when there were non-numeric values in the DOCLINE Citation field (e.g., supplemental issues, roman numerals, etc). Bug# 6539


Fixed an issue that prevented ILLiad from loading new DOCLINE scripts installed by the DOCLINE Automatic Updater. DOCLINE script updates can now be performed automatically without manual intervention if the Automatic Updater is enabled. Bug# 11198



Fixed an issue that prevented Shared Server sites from using the email importing feature for user creation. Bug# 4441



Updated the ISO Service to version 9.2.2 to patch a potential security vulnerability found in the log4j component and to update this component to the latest version (v2.17.1). 

The ISO Service will require a manual upgrade after the 9.2 update. For more information and instructions on upgrading, see 9.2 ISO Service Upgrade.

Fixed an issue where institutions whose SQL servers use both named instances and nonstandard ports would experience connection issues to the database after upgrading their ISO Service.



Updated ILLiad to use v2.2 of the OCLC Web Service.


Added new fields for Language and Format on the OCLC Work Form in the ILLiad Client for Lending requests. These fields are read-only in ILLiad and will contain information imported from the item's OCLC record.


Added support for two additional OCLC "Reasons for No" to the Connection Manager that can be used to communicate a reason for cancellation to the requesting library (Bug# 5932):

  • On Reserve (OCLC Code 11)
  • Publisher Embargo (OCLC Code 25)

The new codes (11, 25) will be automatically added to the LendingReasonsForCancellation table in the ILLiad Customization Manager upon update if they are not already defined.



Odyssey Manager logs are now written to the file path specified in the new OdysseyManager.log4d.props configuration file (default location C:\illiad\Odyssey) and will no longer display in the ILLiad Client. The default location for the Odyssey Manager log is set to C:\illiad\Logs\Odyssey.log.


Fixed an issue that prevented the System Manager's Item Cleanup process from deleting any Odyssey documents that had been received and deleted in the Client before ever being matched to a transaction number (such as in the case where the document received was incorrect or the document was sent to the incorrect recipient). Bug# 6560

Fixed Fixed an issue where the Delete button was disabled for corrupted files in Electronic Delivery Processing. Bug# 3583
Fixed Fixed an issue where some TIFF files were resized to 8.5x11" and forced into portrait orientation after converting the file to PDF. Bug# 9690

Staff Client


Fixed an issue where any customizations made to the columns in the Z39.50 Search and Holdings grids would reset when the Client was closed. Bug# 5470


Fixed two issues where new custom queues were not added to the list of existing queues in alphabetical order by default and where a custom queue would sometimes be added to a duplicate Requests category instead of the existing one. The default order of the queues in the Borrowing tab has also been fixed to display in the proper alphabetical order. Bug# 5642

Note: This fix will not apply to any queues that have been manually reordered and saved in a custom layout and also will not merge any pre-existing duplicate Request groups automatically. Existing duplicate Request groups can be merged by manually dragging queues from one group into the other.
Fixed Changed the color of the three-line application menu button (the "hamburger" button) on the Office 2019 skin to make it visible. This change also applies to the Customization and Staff Managers. Bug# 5890
Fixed Fixed an issue where attempting to log into the Client with a valid username but without entering a password would display an error message. A more descriptive message box will now display instead. Bug# 8363
Fixed Fixed an issue where the PDF Document Processor on the Scanning and Electronic Delivery forms would not close PDF files until the Client was closed, prompting an error stating that the file was in use by another process if attempting to use that file elsewhere. Bug# 8578
Fixed Fixed an issue that would occasionally cause a null reference exception error when opening the Overdues list in the Client. Bug# 8564

SQL Alias Manager


Updated the SQL Alias Manager (SAM) to v1.3.2 to patch a security issue found in one of its external dependencies. 

Note: The updated version of the SAM contains a new Set Default (Current User) option that allows different Windows accounts on the same machine to use different DBC files. However, this functionality is not yet supported in ILLiad, meaning that the DBC file should be configured and set at the machine level using the Set Default (Local Machine) option, and the Set Default (Local Machine) option should not be used. See Atlas SQL Alias Manager for more information.

Staff Manager


Changed the color of the three-line application menu button (the "hamburger" button) on the Office 2019 skin to make it visible. This change also applies to the Customization Manager and Staff Client. Bug# 5890

System Manager

New Added functionality for IFM API transactions in the System Manager that will be used for future integrations.
Fixed Fixed an issue where the System Manager would fail to send a Borrowing overdue notice if the associated NVTGC or delivery location code contained an apostrophe. Bug# 4474

Web Interface


Fixed an issue that prevented multi-line web alerts from displaying on the web pages. Bug# 7172


Changed the 'display' attribute to 'displayStyle' in the default web pages to fix an issue where transaction notes would display the incorrect date and time on the web. For more information, see Implementing 9.2 Web Page Release ChangesBug# 7847

The 'display' attribute is still currently supported in the 9.2 web pages, but the new 'displayStyle' attribute is preferred for optimal performance and to ensure compatibility with new functionality in future updates. 

Fixed an issue where notification preferences were not set for new users created via the UserValidation table.

Upon updating to v9.2, any users previously affected by this issue will have their notification preference set to the default value of "Electronic."

Fixed an issue preventing web alerts of certain types from displaying on the web pages when generated through AJAX. Bug# 5893


Fixed a potential security vulnerability found during a web application scan.

Web Platform


Fixed an issue in Web Reports that could lead to server errors when using certain data sets. Bug# 3674

ILLiad 9.2.x Point Release Notes

06 April 2021 (4.0.2) DOCLINE Scripts Release

The DOCLINE LUA Scripts on the ILLiad Downloads page have been updated with the latest version (4.0.2).

Update Procedure

To implement these changes:

  • DOCLINE Automatic Updater - If you enabled the auto-updater, the client will prompt to update as soon as the new scripts become available. If you just enabled the updater keys recently, you may need to close and re-open the client to receive the prompt. 
  • Manually replacing the scripts - Download the scripts and replace the current scripts (default location: C:\ProgramData\ILLiad\Docline\). Note: depending on your institution's setup, you may need administrative privileges to replace the scripts and/or may need to contact your local IT support for assistance. 

Fixed an issue where the lender was not imported into the Lending String field when submitting requests in DOCLINE.

14 April 2022 (9.2.2) Web Platform and (9.2.1) Odyssey Manager Server Release

The ILLiad Web Platform has been updated to a new version (9.2.2) in order to add new functionality to the ILLiad Web Platform API that strengthens integration with external systems. The Odyssey Manager has also been updated to v9.2.1 to implement a bug fix.

Update Procedure

To implement these changes, please run the ILLiad Server Updater located at C:\ILLiad\Admin\ILLiadUpdate if self-hosted, or request an update from your hosting provider. Atlas-hosted sites will be contacted by Atlas Support via email and updated automatically as soon as possible.

Note: Please restart the IIS service when the server update is complete.


Added functionality to the Web Platform's Create Transaction API endpoint that allows transactions to be created for a user using an external user ID if the ILLiad username is not available in the external integrating system. For more information, see The ILLiad Web Platform API


Updated the AtlasPDF tool used by the Odyssey Manager to v1.1.3. This version updates the log4net component used by the tool to v2.0.14 in order to fix an issue causing crashes.

Note: The previous version of log4net used by the AtlasPDF tool (v2.0.12) is not subject to the security vulnerabilities found and addressed in prior versions of log4net. An urgent update is not required.

18 April 2022 (9.2.2) ILLiad Client Release

The ILLiad Client has been updated to a new version (9.2.2) to implement several bug fixes.

Update Procedure

To implement these changes, follow the automatic updater prompts that will display upon opening the ILLiad Client, or download and install the latest Client application from the ILLiad Downloads page.


Updated the embedded browser used by the OCLC Policies Directory to Chromium in order to fix several formatting and display issues. In addition to fixing these issues, the new browser will also implement the following changes:

  • Any links clicked within the Policies Directory screen will open up in an external window in the default web browser for the machine.
  • Email links will no longer open in the machine's default email application when clicked. Email addresses must now be manually copied and pasted directly into the external email application to initiate an email. 

Removed the Ribbon Display Options button that was located next to the Minimize button on the main application window of the ILLiad Client.


Fixed an issue that prevented custom searching on the OCLC and Z39.50 tabs of the ILLiad Request form.


Fixed an issue that prevented importing for Borrowing and Lending requests in the DOCLINE interface if the FieldTranslation.xml and LendingFieldTranslation.xml files were not found in the old DOCLINE install path (C:\Program Files (x86)\ILLiad\Docline\). The ILLiad Client will now read those files from the new installation location (C:\ProgramData\ILLiad\Docline\). 

18 April 2022 (4.0.4) DOCLINE Scripts Release

The DOCLINE LUA Scripts on the ILLiad Downloads page have been updated with the latest version (4.0.4) to implement several bug fixes.

Update Procedure

To implement these changes:

  • DOCLINE Automatic Updater - If you enabled the auto-updater, the client will prompt to update as soon as the new scripts become available. If you just enabled the updater keys recently, you may need to close and re-open the client to receive the prompt. 
  • Manually replacing the scripts - Download the scripts and replace the current scripts (default location: C:\ProgramData\ILLiad\Docline\). Note: depending on your institution's setup, you may need administrative privileges to replace the scripts and/or may need to contact your local IT support for assistance. 

Fixed an issue where request text was not added to the Imported Request tab on the ILLiad Request form when importing DOCLINE Lending requests.


Fixed an issue where error details would not be properly displayed on the screen when a DOCLINE order failed to be placed.

30 August 2022 Default Web Page Release

A new version of the default web pages was released to address several additional accessibility concerns and to provide a better user experience on the ILLiad web pages. 

The new default web pages are available for download on the ILLiad Downloads page. To implement these changes:


Fixed various accessibility and other issues on the web pages to improve the user experience and address several bugs. The list of changes can be found below. For more information on implementing each fix, see Implementing 9.2 Web Page Changes

  • Added custom focus indicators and new underline behavior for hyperlinks to address color contrast issues 
  • Changed the default title of the first-time user registration page (FirstTime.html) to differentiate it from the logon pages 
  • Changed the default color of the "No search results" message on the search results web page to fix contrast issues with the default background color. Bug #17644
  • Added missing "(required)" labels to several fields marked as required by default in the ILLiad Customization Manager's WebValidation table. Bug #17645
  • Added borders to all buttons to address color contrast issues 
  • Added custom focus indicators for input fields and buttons and added an outline to form fields to address color contrast issues Bug #17641
  • Fixed an issue where users on some mobile devices were not able to zoom in and out of the web pages. Bug# 16529
  • Fixed accessibility issues caused by the "All" and "None" buttons used to set notification preferences within the include_notification_prefences.html file. Bug# 16533
  • Fixed an issue where certain buttons used in the DataRow template files could not be activated using keyboard controls 
  • Removed tooltips from the DataRow template files that did not meet accessibility requirements 
  • Fixed an accessibility issue caused by the "Actions" button on DataRow_ElectronicDelivery.html
  • Fixed an issue where the cookie notification popup could not be dismissed using keyboard controls Bug# 16945
  • Added a missing space between the Transaction Number and Due Date field labels and their respective values on several DataRow template files
  • Added an error page (Error.html) to the Lending web directory to ensure this page is displayed to users encountering errors on the Lending web pages

22 November 2022 Default Web Page Release

A new version of the default web pages has been released to address security and formatting issues to improve the user experience on the ILLiad web pages. 

The new default web pages are available for download on the ILLiad Downloads page. To implement these changes:


Fixed formatting and contrast issues for the radio buttons and search box on the search web pages (ViewSearchResults.html and LendingViewSearchResults.html). Bug# 13557


Removed unnecessary hidden inputs from various web forms to enhance security and improve the efficiency of the code on these pages.


Changed the page header on NewAuthRegistration.html to better reflect the purpose of the web page.

30 November 2022 (1.3.3) SQL Alias Manager Release

The Atlas SQL Alias Manager (SAM) has been updated to a new version (1.3.3) to fix an expired certificate issue that prevented the application from opening. A standalone SQL Alias Manager installer is available on the ILLiad Downloads page that should be used to update the SAM application to the latest version.

Update Procedure 

To update the SQL Alias Manager to the latest version:

  1. Download the Atlas SQL Alias Manager v1.3.3 installer from the ILLiad Downloads page.
  2. Run the installer using the Run as Administrator option.
  3. SAM v1.3.3 will be installed at the machine level at the following location: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Atlas Systems\ and replace the previous version of the application on the machine.


Updated the signing certificate used by the application to fix an issue that prevented the SQL Alias Manager from opening.

09 December 2022 (4.0.5) DOCLINE Scripts Release

The DOCLINE LUA Scripts on the ILLiad Downloads page have been updated with the latest version (4.0.5) to address an issue after the DOCLINE 6.2.41 update and to fix an existing bug.

Update Procedure

To implement these changes:

  • DOCLINE Automatic Updater - If you enabled the auto-updater, the client will prompt to update as soon as the new scripts become available. If you just enabled the updater keys recently, you may need to close and re-open the client to receive the prompt. 
  • Manually replacing the scripts - Download the scripts and replace the current scripts (default location: C:\ProgramData\ILLiad\Docline\). Note: depending on your institution's setup, you may need administrative privileges to replace the scripts and/or may need to contact your local IT support for assistance. 

Fixed an issue where DOCLINE lending requests would not import into ILLiad after the DOCLINE 6.2.41 update.


Fixed an existing issue where requests from each service level were not all imported after using the Import All button.

23 February 2023 (9.2.3) ILLiad Client Release

The ILLiad Client has been updated to a new version (9.2.3) to implement a fix for printing errors caused by an issue discovered in recent Microsoft Word updates. The ILLiad Client Installer has also been updated to include the latest version of the Atlas SQL Alias Manager (SAM) (v1.3.3), previously only installable using the standalone SAM installer. 

Update Procedure

To implement these changes, follow the automatic updater prompts that will display upon opening the ILLiad Client, or download and install the latest Client application from the ILLiad Downloads page. Running this update will also update the SQL Alias Manager (SAM) to v1.3.3 if this application had not been previously updated using the standalone SAM installer. 


Changed the default mail merge method used by the ILLiad Client to fix an issue where attempting to print after updating to Microsoft Word version 2211 or above could potentially return an error stating "The OpenDataSource method or property is not available because a macro is currently running."

Note: Updating the ILLiad Client will automatically enable the new mail merge method. No existing printing functionality will be affected or changed by this update. If you were not experiencing the Microsoft Word printing issue before the Client update and start experiencing different printing issues after updating, please attempt to resolve these issues as a short-term fix by checking the Use Legacy Mail Merge Method option on the new Print Settings section of the Client Options form, then contact for further troubleshooting:

For detailed instructions, see Configuring Print Settings.

ILLiad Print Settings

Fixed Updated the ILLiad Client Installer to include the latest version of the SQL Alias Manager (v1.3.3) with the updated signing certificate.

14 June 2023 (9.2.1) Database, (9.2.3) Web DLL, (9.2.3) Lending Web DLL, and (9.2.2) Connection Manager Release

Several ILLiad server components have been updated to new versions to implement new configuration options that will prevent bot-driven account creation spam through the user registration pages on the ILLiad web interface and to apply an important security fix to the ILLiad Connection Manager. This update also contains database changes that will increase the character limit of certain fields used to configure Z39.50 connections.

Please schedule a server update with your ILLiad hosting provider or IT department as soon as possible when the update is available to apply the security updates included in this release.

Update Procedure

To install the latest ILLiad 9.2 server components, please run the ILLiad Server Updater located at C:\ILLiad\Admin\ILLiadUpdate if self-hosted, or request an update from your hosting provider. Atlas-hosted sites will be contacted by Atlas Support via email regarding their server update.

Server Component Updates

The ILLiad server update includes the following new component versions:

  • Database v.
  • Web DLL
  • Lending Web DLL
  • Connection Manager v9.2.2.0

The following new configuration options are available for the ILLiad web interface to prevent bot-driven spam account creation via the New User Registration forms (NewUserRegistration.html and LendingNewUserRegistration.html):

  • ILLiad can now integrate with one of three supported third-party captcha providers to add a captcha challenge requirement to the New User Registration forms (NewUserRegistration.html and LendingNewUserRegistration.html). The captcha challenge will provide extra security against bot-driven account creation by requiring new users to solve the challenge in order to submit the form and create their accounts. The following captcha providers and plans are supported by ILLiad (note that a separate account must be created with your chosen captcha provider to implement this feature): 

    • Google reCAPTCHA: reCAPTCHA v2 (both the "invisible" and "checkbox" variants) and reCAPTCHA v3
      • Note that reCAPTCHA Enterprise is not supported by ILLiad
    • hCaptcha: Free "Publisher" plan
    • MTCaptcha: Free plan
  • As an alternative to implementing the captcha requirement, user registration can now be completely disabled for accounts created through basic ILLiad authentication (ILLiadAuth) from the New User Registration forms (NewUserRegistration.html and LendingNewUserRegistration.html) using the new ILLiadAuthUserRegistrationEnabled customization key. This option will prevent the creation of spam accounts by completely blocking account creation for users who are not pre-authorized for an ILLiad account via an ILLiad Exclusive, LDAP, PatronAPI, SymphonyAPI, or Remote Authentication configuration. This option should not be chosen if you only allow users to register for accounts through the basic ILLiad account creation and authentication process.
For complete details and configuration instructions for these options, please see Preventing Account Creation Spam in ILLiad.

Added the following new customization keys to the ILLiad Customization Manager to support the new bot-driven spam account prevention options:

  • ILLiadAuthUserRegistrationEnabled: Determines if new user registrations can be created via basic ILLiad authentication (ILLiadAuth)
  • SLUserRegistrationDisabled: The web status line that appears if registration has been disabled using the ILLiadAuthUserRegistrationEnabled key
  • CaptchaProvider, CaptchaSecret, CaptchaSiteID: These keys are used to configure the captcha integration for the user registration form
  • SLCaptchaFailure: The web status line that appears if a user fails the CAPTCHA challenge during user registration.

Added the CAPTCHA web DLL tag to the ILLiad web interface. This tag is used to display the captcha challenge requirement on the New User Registration form (NewUserRegistration.html) and Lending New User Registration form (LendingNewUserRegistration.html) when a captcha integration has been configured in the ILLiad Customization Manager. 

For more information on this tag, see CAPTCHA Tag.

Added a WebCookieSameSite customization key to the ILLiad Customization Manager under Web Interface | System that will set the SameSite property value on the session ID cookie that is generated in the user's web browser on login to the ILLiad web interface. Valid options are None, Lax, and Strict.

The key will be set to None by default. It is not recommended to modify the value in this key from its default setting.

Users will no longer be able to register for an ILLiad account from the TestWeb directory to prevent bot-driven spam account creation from the ILLiad TestWeb web pages. User registration will be disabled by default for the web pages in the TestWeb directory upon update and cannot be re-enabled.


Expanded the maximum length of the AuthUser and AuthPass fields in the ZServerConfig database table to 100 characters. These fields display as the Username and Password fields on Z39.50 server configuration form in the ILLiad Customization Manager.


The ILLiad Connection Manager will now add a note to the ILLiad request if the lending string on the ILLiad request is modified when sending the request to OCLC (e.g., in the case that a symbol was removed because the lender is a non-supplier or because the symbol is invalid). The note will include detailed information about which lending symbols were modified/removed for troubleshooting purposes.


Fixed a security vulnerability present in the ILLiad Connection Manager.

14 June 2023 Default Web Page Release

A new version of the default web pages has been released to implement captcha support on the New User Registration form and to address several outstanding accessibility issues on the ILLiad web pages.

The new default web pages are available for download on the ILLiad Downloads page. To implement these changes:


Modified NewUserRegistration.html to include the new <CAPTCHA> tag and added the following new files to the default web pages to implement captcha support on the New User Registration form:

  • include_captcha_none.html
  • include_hcaptcha.html
  • include_mtcaptcha.html
  • include_recaptcha_v2_checkbox.html
  • include_recaptcha_v2_invisible.html
  • include_recaptcha_v3.html
For more information on configuring these changes, please see Preventing Account Creation Spam in ILLiad.
Note: The ILLiad Web DLL and Lending DLL components must be updated to v9.2.3 following the June 2023 server update instructions above before the new captcha web pages can be used to implement the captcha requirement on the New User Registration form.

Removed the unused and deprecated Lending\js\userNotificationPreferences.js file from the default Lending web pages. Bug# 18086

This file is not actively used by the ILLiad web pages and is no longer supported. Please locate and remove this file from the js subfolder within the Lending folder in your ILLiad web directory, if present.

Warning! Do not delete the separate userNotificationPreferences.js file that is located within the js subfolder of the Borrowing web pages. To avoid deleting the wrong file, please ensure that you have navigated into the Lending folder before locating and removing the JavaScript file. 

Updated the hardcoded copyright year on the web pages to 2023.


Changed the default colors used for hyperlinks added to the cookie consent banner (Bug# 18485), web alert titles (Bug# 18774), and fields that fail server validation when a form is submitted (Bug# 18767) to address contrast issues against the default web page background colors.


Reordered the list of stylesheet links contained in include_head.html to improve the consistency of the code within this file.


Fixed an issue where tracking entries for requests on the ILLiad web pages were not converted to the local timezone and would sometimes display at a different time than what was shown in the ILLiad Client. Bug# 20739


Corrected outdated information on the Borrowing and Lending FAQ pages regarding web browser and cookie requirements for using the ILLiad web pages. Bug# 18265


Fixed several issues affecting the modal dialog used for web alerts:

  • Added a missing 'type' attribute to the Close buttons to ensure that they always work as expected
  • Fixed a broken 'aria-labelledby' attribute causing an accessibility issue (Bug# 18775)

Fixed improperly formatted label elements on the Lending web pages that prevented some fields from being read out to screen reader users. Bug# 20405


Realigned the Actions menu dropdown options contained in the DataRow template files to fix an issue where this menu was not fully visible on smaller display sizes. Bug# 18916


Fixed several issues affecting the transaction menu (include_TransactionMenu.html):

  • Fixed an issue where the menu was not fully visible on smaller display sizes and contained inconsistently formatted buttons Bug# 17956/Bug# 18918
  • Added an underline on hover to its enabled menu buttons for better consistency with other buttons on the ILLiad web pages

Updated the JavaScript used in the ILLiad web pages to persist a user's previously selected values in dropdown menus, radio buttons, and checkboxes to resolve the following issues:

  • Fixed an issue where the search type checkbox toggle switch that is hidden by default on the search web pages (ViewSearchResults.html and LendingViewSearchResults.html) would not correctly filter search results to include active requests only when enabled Bug# 19970
  • Fixed an issue where values would not persist properly on the web pages when using Safari or other WebKit-based web browsers Bug# 14597

Fixed an issue where some small notes attached to fields on web forms were not read automatically by screen readers and also removed unused 'aria-describedby' attributes causing accessibility issues on the Change Password web pages (ChangePassword.html and LendingChangePassword.html). Bug# 19935

14 June 2023 (5.0.0) DOCLINE Scripts Release

The DOCLINE Lua Scripts on the ILLiad Downloads page have been updated with the latest version (5.0.0) to implement a bug fix and to implement support for the new WebView2 embedded browser and controls included in the v9.2.4/9.2.5 ILLiad Client update.

You are not required to update the ILLiad Client to the latest version (v9.2.4/9.2.5) to use the updated v5.0.0 DOCLINE Lua Scripts. The v5.0.0 DOCLINE Scripts download is bundled with both WebView2 and Chromium versions of the scripts, which will be loaded and used by the ILLiad Client depending on the version of the Client you have currently installed. The WebView2 version of these scripts will be loaded and used by ILLiad Client v9.2.4/9.2.5, while the Chromium scripts will be loaded and used by any previous versions of the 9.2 ILLiad Client that do not support WebView2.

Update Procedure

Note: The ILLiad v9.2.4/9.2.5 Client update is not required to perform the v5.0.0 DOCLINE scripts update, however, running the ILLiad v9.2.4/9.2.5 Client update will also automatically update your DOCLINE scripts to v5.0.0

To install the v5.0.0 DOCLINE scripts, either run the ILLiad 9.2.4/9.2.5 Client update which will automatically install the updated DOCLINE scripts, or follow the steps below to update the scripts if you have chosen not to update the ILLiad Client:

  • DOCLINE Automatic Updater - If you enabled the auto-updater, the client will prompt to update as soon as the new scripts become available only if you opt not to update the ILLiad Client to v9.2.4/9.2.5. If you opt to run the ILLiad Client 9.2.4/9.2.5 update, the v5.0.0 DOCLINE scripts will be automatically installed by the ILLiad Client installer and you will not be prompted again to update them. If you just enabled the updater keys recently, you may need to close and re-open the client to receive the prompt. 
  • Manually replacing the scripts - Download the scripts and replace the current scripts (default location: C:\ProgramData\ILLiad\Docline\). Note: depending on your institution's setup, you may need administrative privileges to replace the scripts and/or may need to contact your local IT support for assistance. 

The ILLiad DOCLINE Lua Scripts bundle will now include two sets of scripts to ensure that the most recent version of the scripts is backward compatible with prior versions of the ILLiad Client that do not support the new WebView2 embedded browser controls released with ILLiad Client v9.2.4/9.2.5: 

  • WebView2 versions of the scripts that will use the new embedded WebView2 browser in the ILLiad Client to display DOCLINE forms and controls if the currently installed version of the ILLiad Client is v9.2.4 (or later)
  • Chromium versions of the scripts that will use the embedded Chromium browser to display DOCLINE forms and controls if the ILLiad Client is on an earlier version (i.e., v9.2.3 or prior) that does not include support for the WebView2 controls

When the v5.0.0 DOCLINE Scripts update is performed, both the WebView2 and Chromium versions of these scripts will be downloaded to the same DOCLINE Script directory on the local machine. The ILLiad Client will then determine which set of v5.0.0 DOCLINE scripts to load based on the version of the ILLiad Client that is currently installed. 


The Import All button will now import all DOCLINE lending requests starting from the bottom service level link. Previously these requests would be imported starting from the top service level link.


The Import All button will now import all DOCLINE lending requests for each receipt page before attempting to mark receipted to ensure that page navigation does not interrupt the import process.

14 June 2023 (1.3.2) Atlas Authentication Portal Release

Atlas Authentication Portal version 1.3.2 has been released for ILLiad 9.2. This release includes several changes to the session cookie generated by the Atlas Auth Portal upon login to address issues experienced in other Atlas products that were caused by the recent SameSite cookie changes rolled out by Google Chrome and other web browsers. These issues are only present in other Atlas products and do not affect ILLiad at this time. As these changes do not affect ILLiad, this update is optional and is not required to maintain any existing Auth Portal functionality in ILLiad.

Atlas Auth Portal 1.3.2 requires .NET Framework 4.7.2 or greater, which is higher than the minimum .NET framework version required by the ILLiad Server. Please ensure that the upgraded version of this component is installed on the ILLiad Server prior to upgrading to/installing Atlas Auth Portal v1.3.2.

Update Instructions

The Atlas Auth Portal files can be obtained from the ILLiad Downloads page. For step-by-step instructions on implementing the 1.3.2 release, see Atlas Auth Portal 1.3.x Release Configuration.


The session cookie generated by the Atlas Auth Portal will now include SameSite and Secure properties to address login persistence issues experienced in other Atlas products that were caused by the recent SameSite cookie changes rolled out by Google Chrome and other web browsers. Note that these issues do not yet affect ILLiad and the changes to the session cookie in this release were made to provide consistent handling for this cookie across Atlas products. 

For more information, see Using an Authentication Portal Landing Page.

05 July 2023 (9.2.5) ILLiad Client Release

The 9.2.4 Client release has been removed and replaced with v9.2.5. The 9.2.5 Client release includes all the same features from v9.2.4 along with additional fixes to resolve issues caused by a third-party component that occurred after the v9.2.4 update. If you have already updated to v9.2.4, you will still receive a prompt to update to the current version.

The ILLiad Client has been updated to a new version to implement support for the WebView2 embedded browser.

Update Procedure

To implement these changes, follow the automatic updater prompts that will display upon opening the ILLiad Client, or download and install the latest Client application from the ILLiad Downloads page.

The ILLiad Server update released on June 14th, 2023 is not required to run the ILLiad Client v9.2.5 update. The June/July 2023 ILLiad Server and Client updates can be performed in any order. Note that updating the ILLiad Client to v9.2.5 will also update your DOCLINE scripts to v5.0.0

Client Application Updates

The ILLiad Client update includes the following new application versions:

  • Client v.
  • Customization Manager
  • Staff Manager

Action Required: Addon Updates

Several addons have been updated to new versions in conjunction with the ILLiad Client v9.2.5 release. Users of these addons will need to update the addons before or shortly after installing the ILLiad Client v9.2.5 update to ensure full compatibility with the new Client version. See the complete list of the addons requiring updates in the Action Required: Update Existing Addons section at the top of the release notes.


Added support for the new Chromium-based Microsoft Edge WebView2 embedded browser within the ILLiad Client and Client addons. Support for the WebView2 browser will include the following enhancements:

  • Easier updating process: The WebView2 browser is updated via the Windows Update process on your local machine, removing the need to update the version of the browser used by ILLiad by manually updating the ILLiad Client.
  • Accessible version tracking: The version of WebView2 currently installed on your machine and used by ILLiad can be easily checked by navigating to the Resources tab located within the ILLiad Options form in the ILLiad Client. 
  • New cache clearing options for easier debugging: A Clear Cache button is available next to the WebView2 version number information on the ILLiad Options form that will clear the cache for the WebView2 browser (cookies, logins, and browser history) on the local machine for the user currently logged into the ILLiad Client.
For more information on the ILLiad Client controls listed above, see Locating System Details and Clearing the WebView2 Cache in the ILLiad Client. 
Addons developers can find complete information on implementing the WebView2 browser within addons in the addon documentation.
Note: This update will not remove support for the IE browser from the ILLiad Client. However, due to Microsoft’s end of support for Internet Explorer, we cannot guarantee that addons using the IE browser will work indefinitely with ILLiad.
The WebView2 browser will only be used for browsers embedded within the ILLiad Client. Any browser windows that open externally from the client will still use your machine’s default browser.

Several addons have been updated to use the WebView2 browser and are available for download in the ILLiad Addon Directory. Users of these addons will need to update the addons before or shortly after installing the ILLiad Client v9.2.5 update to ensure full compatibility with the new Client version. See the complete list of the addons requiring updates in the Action Required: Update Existing Addons section at the top of the release notes.

Note: The new WebView2 versions of these addons can also be installed and used with previous versions of the ILLiad 9.2 Client that do not support WebView2. When the new versions of the addons are installed and used, they will check to determine which version of the ILLiad Client is currently installed. If ILLiad Client v9.2.4 or later is installed, they will default to using the new WebView2 embedded browser. If an earlier version of the 9.2 Client, such as ILLiad Client v9.2.3, is installed then the addon will instead use the embedded Chromium browser.

Forms and windows in the ILLiad Client that were previously rendered using Chromium browser controls have been updated to use new WebView2 controls including:

  • All DOCLINE forms and controls
  • The OCLC Policies Directory window
The functionality of each form listed above will be unchanged upon update. Any changes to the appearance of these forms will be minor.  
Note: The DOCLINE Scripts installed on the local machine must be at v5.0.0 (at minimum) to use the new WebView2 controls with the DOCLINE forms and controls in the ILLiad 9.2.5 Client. See the 5.0.0 DOCLINE Scripts release notes above for more information.

Updated the citation controls located within the Z39.50, OCLC, and DOCLINE search interfaces on the Request form to display citation information in rich text format.


Fixed issues caused by a third-party component in the ILLiad Client after the v9.2.4 update.

07 September 2023 Default Web Page Release

A new version of the default web pages (9.2.2) has been released to remove unused image files and to implement an accessibility fix for several ILLiad web page files.

The new default web pages are available for download on the ILLiad Downloads page. To implement these changes:

New Removed unused image files from the images folders in both the Borrowing and Lending default web pages and added a new .gitkeep file to these folders so that the folders will still remain accessible in GitHub when empty. 
Fixed Removed <fieldset> tags from various Borrowing and Lending web page files to ensure compliance with accessibility requirements outlined in WCAG 1.3.1. Bug# 24252

30 October 2023 (9.2.4) Connection Manager, (9.2.2) Database Release

The ILLiad Connection Manager has been updated to a new version to implement enhanced functionality to the process for direct requests sent from ILLiad to the OCLC Automated Request Manager (ARM) and to implement an additional change intended to help prevent issues retrieving and downloading new Lending requests from OCLC into ILLiad. The ILLiad database has also been updated to a new version to apply new database indexes that will improve the performance of the ILLiad application.

Update Procedure

To install the latest ILLiad 9.2 server components, please run the ILLiad Server Updater located at C:\ILLiad\Admin\ILLiadUpdate if self-hosted, or request an update from your hosting provider. 

Server Component Updates

The ILLiad server update includes the following new component versions:

  • Connection Manager v9.2.4
  • Database v9.2.2

Updated the names used for the default statuses/queues monitored by ILLiad to send and process requests through the Automated Request Manager (ARM) and the language used to refer to ARM in ILLiad log statements in order to standardize the name used for this service across OCLC and ILLiad:

  • Changed the name of the default queue used to send requests to ARM from Awaiting Direct Request Sending status to Awaiting ARM Sending 
  • Changed the name of the default queue used to indicate an ILLiad request has been sent to ARM and is awaiting lenders from Awaiting Direct Request Lenders status to Awaiting ARM Response 
  • ILLiad log statements relevant to the ARM service will now use the term ARM in place of Direct Request

Backward Compatibility for Pre-Existing ARM Configurations

To ensure that pre-existing ARM configurations do not break after updating, ILLiad Connection Manager v9.2.4 will monitor both the updated queue names using ARM and the legacy queue names using Direct Request to send requests to the ARM service.

Suggested Configuration Changes

It is strongly recommended to modify any routing rules previously configured to send requests to ARM using the Awaiting Direct Request Sending status to instead use the new queue name Awaiting ARM Sending after updating. If configuring this integration for the first time, the updated names for these queues should be used. 

The Awaiting ARM Sending and Awaiting ARM Response statuses will be automatically added to the ILLiad Customization Manager's CustomQueues table upon update. 

Added support for configuring more granular ARM automation matches between OCLC and ILLiad using the new ARMMatchField customization key located in the ILLiad Customization Manager under Borrowing | Direct Request

For more information on the additional workflow options available when using this key and for information on how to configure these features, see Automated Request Manager - Enhancing ARM Workflows Using the ARMMatchField Customization Key.

Changed the following behavior in the default ARM workflow to support more varied and enhanced workflow options when using ILLiad with ARM:

  • When a request is routed to review by ARM, either through an ARM automation action set to Route Request to Review or in the case that a request is sent to lenders by ARM but returns unfilled:
    • The associated ILLiad request will now be routed to the new Awaiting ARM Manual Review queue instead of the Awaiting Request Processing queue
    • If a lending string was created for the request by ARM, it will now be retained on the ILLiad request and will no longer be overwritten with "Direct Request," allowing staff to manually review the constructed lending string before sending the request out to lenders
  • If a lending string is created for the request at any point during ARM processing, a History entry will be added to the ILLiad request with the lending string value
  • If an error occurs during ARM processing, the error message will now be added to the ILLiad transaction notes
For a detailed, comprehensive overview of the updated ARM requesting process between OCLC and ILLiad see Automated Request Manager - Configuring ILLiad and OCLC Resource Sharing Settings.

Added new indexes to the Transactions database table to improve the performance of the ILLiad application:

  • Changed the primary key for the Transaction table from a nonclustered to a clustered index to speed up data processing and retrieval 
  • CreationDate index: Improves performance when running copyright journal queries and when querying transactions for web reports
  • Username index: Improves performance when querying for transactions based on username
  • RequestType index: Improves performance when using the Decision Support Pipeline, printing functions, and routing rules to process requests
  • ILLNumber index: Improves performance for DOCLINE, RAPID, and Scanning form lookups
  • PhotoJournalTitle index: Improves performance when running the standard copyright journal "rule of 5" query to process copyright requirements for requests

The Connection Manager will now retrieve and download all Lending requests (regardless of the time last modified) in the OCLC status PENDING every ten minutes immediately after checking for modified requests over that time interval to fix issues where errors occurring during the 10-minute update process could lead to those PENDING requests being skipped and not retrieved until the next scheduled run of the Connection Manager's resync process (occurring every 12 hours).

If these issues persist after updating, please see Troubleshooting Unsuccessfully Downloaded Lending Requests for additional troubleshooting information.

Errors occurring within OCLC that prevent the successful processing of a request in ILLiad (e.g., in the case that any of the citation information on the OCLC request contains a special character in the text that cannot be processed by WorldShare) will now be displayed as errors in the Connection Manager logs instead of as debug-level messages for better visibility and easier troubleshooting:

Connection Manager error example


Upon update, ILLiad will check for any deprecated database indexes left over from previous versions of ILLiad that have since been re-implemented under different names and remove them from the database, if present.

05 March 2024 Default Web Page Release

A new package of the 9.2.2 default web pages has been released to address several minor issues in the Lending and Borrowing web pages and to fix an issue affecting the functionality of the EditPatentRequest.html web form.

The new default web pages are available for download on the ILLiad Downloads page. To implement these changes:


Fixed various issues on the Lending and Borrowing default web pages as described below. For more information on implementing each fix, see Implementing 9.2 Web Page Changes

  • Fixed an issue where the Lending\LendingLogon2.html and Lending\LendingFirstTime.html files did not reference the include_header.html file and instead included a hardcoded header from an older version of the ILLiad web pages. Bug# 25879
  • Fixed an issue where the Profile dropdown menu located in the navigation bar used by the Lending web pages (Lending\include_nav.html and Lending\include_nav_search.html) was missing the horizontal line divider between the menu items in the dropdown and the "Logged in as" information. Bug# 25894
  • Removed FORMSTATE tags (<#FORMSTATE>) from the default Lending web pages as this tag is not used by the ILLiad Lending Web DLL and is unnecessary on the Lending web pages. Bug# 25896
  • Fixed issues where the edit form for the default patent request form (EditPatentRequest.html) was missing the hidden input for the Transaction Number field and referenced the incorrect ILLiad form name in the code, affecting the functionality of the web form. Bug# 25897
  • Updated the default contact email address and phone number used on the FAQ and Electronic Delivery Information pages (Lending\LendingFAQ.html, FAQ.html, ElectronicDeliveryInformation.html) to pull in email address and phone information from the relevant LendingEMailAddressBorrowingEMailAddress, LendingPhone, and BorrowingPhone values configured in the LocalInfo table in the ILLiad Customization Manager and updated an outdated URL on the Electronic Delivery Information page.
  • Updated the 'name' attribute used on <form> elements across the default web pages to instead use the 'id' attribute due to the deprecation of the use of the 'name' attribute for these elements. 

15 March 2024 (5.0.1) DOCLINE Scripts Release

The DOCLINE LUA Scripts on the ILLiad Downloads page have been updated to the latest version (5.0.1) to address an issue after the DOCLINE v6.2.50 update.

Update Procedure

To implement these changes:

  • DOCLINE Automatic Updater - If you enabled the auto-updater, the client will prompt to update as soon as the new scripts become available. If you just enabled the updater keys recently, you may need to close and re-open the client to receive the prompt. 
  • Manually replacing the scripts - Download the scripts and replace the current scripts (default location: C:\ProgramData\ILLiad\Docline\). Note: depending on your institution's setup, you may need administrative privileges to replace the scripts and/or may need to contact your local IT support for assistance. If manually updating DOCLINE scripts, ensure that the fieldtranslation.xml file is not overwritten if you have made customizations to this file.

Fixed an issue where DOCLINE lending requests would not import into ILLiad after the DOCLINE v6.2.50 update.

20 March 2024 (5.0.2) DOCLINE Scripts Release

The DOCLINE LUA Scripts on the ILLiad Downloads page have been updated to a new version (5.0.2) to resolve a version conflict issue in the v5.0.1 scripts that could affect the automatic update process.

Update Procedure

To implement these changes:

  • DOCLINE Automatic Updater - If you enabled the auto-updater, the client will prompt to update as soon as the new scripts become available. If you just enabled the updater keys recently, you may need to close and re-open the client to receive the prompt. 
  • Manually replacing the scripts - Download the scripts and replace the current scripts (default location: C:\ProgramData\ILLiad\Docline\). Note: depending on your institution's setup, you may need administrative privileges to replace the scripts and/or may need to contact your local IT support for assistance. If manually updating DOCLINE scripts, ensure that the fieldtranslation.xml file is not overwritten if you have made customizations to this file.

Resolved a version conflict issue in the previous version of the DOCLINE LUA Scripts (v5.0.1) that could prevent the scripts from properly updating via the DOCLINE Automatic Updater.

08 July 2024 Default Web Page Release

A new version of the default web pages has been released to address several issues in the Lending and Borrowing web pages and to improve the user experience on the ILLiad web interface.

The new default web pages are available for download on the ILLiad Downloads page. To implement these changes:


Fixed various issues on the Lending and Borrowing default web pages as described below. For more information on implementing each fix, see Implementing 9.2 Web Page Changes

  • Removed unnecessary FORMSTATE tags (<#FORMSTATE>) from default request forms in the Borrowing web pages. Bug# 25397
  • Updated the hardcoded copyright year in the Borrowing and Lending web pages to 2024.
  • Fixed an issue where disabled action buttons for transactions on the ILLiad web interface could still be activated using keyboard controls, allowing users to perform actions such as resubmitting finished requests. Bug# 18919
  • Updated CSS files in the Borrowing and Lending default web pages to support automated code minification by internal Atlas Systems tools.
  • Changed underlined text used for emphasis on the Borrowing and Lending search results web pages (ViewSearchResults.html & Lending\LendingViewSearchResults.html) to instead use bolded text to adhere to W3C HTML5 guidelines. Bug# 17980
  • Encoded ampersands used in the code for HTML attribute values on various Borrowing and Lending default web pages. Bug# 11203
  • Removed a duplicate instance of the Item Author field from the detailed transaction information page in the Borrowing and Lending web pages. Bug# 10618
  • Updated the quotation mark format used for attribute values in certain DLL tags across the Borrowing and Lending web pages to adhere to best coding practices. 
  • Updated the buildSiteMap.js file in the Lending and Borrowing web pages to fix an issue where empty hyperlinks would be generated in the site map if a hyperlinked image was added to the footer (include_footer.html or Lending\include_footer.html).
  • Fixed an incorrect ERROR tag (<#ERROR>) parameter for the Title field (database field name: PhotoJournalTitle) on the Edit Patent Request form (EditPatentRequest.html). Bug# 14817
  • Commented out the default Format field on the Multimedia Request form and its corresponding edit form (MultimediaRequest.html and EditMultimediaRequest.html) to address an issue where data entered into this field is not saved to the database by default upon form submission. Bug# 5852

Updated the ILLiad Borrowing and Lending web pages to rename some of the account management-related features for clarity and to ensure naming consistency across the web pages:

  • The Profile dropdown in both the Borrowing and Lending navigation menus was renamed Account Info
  • The option within the Profile dropdown menu in the Borrowing web pages to navigate to the ChangeUserInformation.html page was changed from Update Profile to Update User Information
  • The option within the Profile dropdown menu in the Lending web pages to navigate to the Lending\LendingUpdateAddressInformation.html page was changed from Update Profile to Update Address Information
  • The page title and page header on ChangeUserInformation.html and Lending\LendingUpdateAddressInformation.html were changed to match the new names for the options to navigate to these pages in the Profile dropdown menu (as described above)

For more information on implementing each change, see Implementing 9.2 Web Page Changes


The following changes have been made to the layout and style used to format the ILLiad Borrowing and Lending web pages when they are printed from the web browser to improve the readability of the printed material and to increase focus on essential information:

  • The following elements are now hidden when the web page is printed:
    • Action buttons (e.g., Edit, Cancel, etc.) on web pages containing transaction details
    • Buttons included in the DataRow template files (e.g., Details, Action, etc.)
    • The "Skip to main content" link
    • Web alerts
  • Form fields are now formatted with a black border color and black text when printed to enhance color contrast
  • Buttons and badges are now formatted with a white background color and black text when printed to enhance color contrast
  • Increased the font size used for body text on print layouts from 10pt to 11pt
  • Implemented missing print styling on the Logon.html web page so that this page is now properly formatted when printed

For more information on implementing each change, see Implementing 9.2 Web Page Changes


Added new minified versions of most default JavaScript and CSS files used in the ILLiad Borrowing and Lending web pages and updated all relevant web page files to use the new minified files in order to optimize the performance of the ILLiad web interface and reduce page load times for users. The minified files will have the extension .min.js or .min.css and will be present in the js or css folder of the new default Borrowing and Lending web pages alongside the original un-minified version of each file. 

For more information on implementing these new files, see Implementing 9.2 Web Page Changes

12 August 2024 ILLiad Server Components and (9.2.7) Client Release

The ILLiad Server and ILLiad Customization Manager have been updated to implement support for the new ApiRequestMapping table in the ILLiad Customization Manager, which allows you to configure mappings that will transform the submitted values for specified fields on incoming ILLiad requests before they are stored in the ILLiad database when receiving new transactions from an external application or system through the ILLiad Web Platform. Several ILLiad server components have also been updated to new versions to update the external third-party Newtonsoft dependency used by these components for security purposes. Additionally, the ILLiad Client has been updated to a new version (9.2.7) to update the same Newtonsoft dependency in the ILLiad Client, Customization Manager, and Staff Manager applications.

Update Procedure (These steps can be performed in any order)

    1. To install the latest ILLiad 9.2 server components, please run the ILLiad Server Updater located at C:\ILLiad\Admin\ILLiadUpdate if self-hosted, or request an update from your hosting provider. 
    2. To update the ILLiad Client, follow the automatic updater prompts that will display upon opening the ILLiad Client, or download and install the latest Client application from the ILLiad Downloads page

Note: The ILLiad Server update is not required to run the ILLiad 9.2.7 Client update, however, the new ApiRequestMapping table will only appear in the ILLiad Customization Manager after performing the ILLiad 9.2.7 Client update if the latest server update has been performed. If the ILLiad 9.2.7 Client update is performed first, the ApiRequestMapping table will appear in the ILLiad Customization Manager after running the server update.

Server Component Updates

The ILLiad Server update includes the following new component versions:

  • Rapid Manager v9.2.2
  • SAML Module v1.0.2
  • Shared Components v9.2.2
  • System Manager v9.2.3
  • Web Circulation v9.2.3
  • Web Reports v9.2.3
  • Web Platform v9.2.3

Added support for the new ApiRequestMapping table in the ILLiad Customization Manager. This table allows you to configure mappings that will transform the submitted values for specified fields on incoming ILLiad requests before they are stored in the ILLiad database when receiving new transactions from an external application or system through the ILLiad Web Platform. This new feature supports a wide range of configuration and customization options to fit your specific needs and workflows including:

  • Flexible data transformation options: The mappings in this table can be configured to match submitted field values using text comparisons or regular expression evaluation, and then replace those values with either static values or with a replacement that can take advantage of regular expression capture groups, depending on your needs.
  • Support for unique mappings across external systems: Each mapping in the ApiRequestMapping table must point to a specific row in the WebPlatformConfig table so that the data transformation is only applied to requests submitted to the web platform via the API key configured in that row. This allows you to set up unique data transformations for each external system configured to submit new requests to ILLiad in the WebPlatformConfig table.

For more information on configuring and using this new table, see Transforming Incoming Transaction Field Values Using the ApiRequestMapping Table.


Updated the third-party Newtonsoft dependency used by several ILLiad server components to patch a security vulnerability found in the previous version of this dependency and removed this dependency from the Atlas SAML Module.

Client Application Updates

The ILLiad Client update includes the following new client application versions:

  • ILLiad Client v9.2.7
  • ILLiad Customization Manager v9.2.6
  • ILLiad Staff Manager v9.2.6

Added the new ApiRequestMapping table to the ILLiad Customization Manager under System | General | ApiRequestMapping.

Note: This table will only appear in the ILLiad Customization Manager after performing the ILLiad 9.2.7 Client update if the accompanying server update described above has been performed to implement the ApiRequestMapping functionality in the ILLiad Server.

For more information on configuring and using this new table, see Transforming Incoming Transaction Field Values Using the ApiRequestMapping Table.


Updated the third-party Newtonsoft dependency used by all client applications to patch a security vulnerability found in the previous version of this component.

20 August 2024 (9.2.8) ILLiad Client Release

The 9.2.7 Client release has been removed and replaced with v9.2.8. The 9.2.8 Client release includes all the same features from v9.2.7 along with additional fixes to resolve Copyright Clearance Center issues experienced by some users after the v9.2.7 update. If you have already updated to v9.2.7, you will still receive a prompt to update to the current version.

Update Procedure

To implement these changes, follow the automatic updater prompts that will display upon opening the ILLiad Client, or download and install the latest Client application from the ILLiad Downloads page.

The ILLiad Client update includes the following new application versions:

  • Client v9.2.8
  • Customization Manager v9.2.7
  • Staff Manager v9.2.7

Includes fixes to resolve Copyright Clearance Center issues experienced by some users after the v9.2.7 update.


If this article didn’t resolve your issue, please contact Atlas Support for assistance:

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