The ILLiad Web Platform provides programmatic access to your ILLiad installation. The data is available in either JSON or XML formatted over HTTP.
The ILLiad Web Platform was introduced in ILLiad version 8.4.
Getting Started | Making Requests | Response Format | OData Support | Sorting | System Information | Transactions | Transaction History | Transaction Note | Users | Create User | Notifications | Web Display Status
Getting Started
See the ILLiad Integration document attached to the bottom of this web for more information on expected workflows with external systems. The document covers scenarios of both ILLiad-born and external-born requests and expected API calls in each scenario.
Generating an API Key
You will first need to generate an API Key for your application and create an entry in the WebPlatformConfig table in the ILLiad Customization Manager. An API Key is required for all secured methods. See Configuring the ILLiad Web Platform for more information.
Each application accessing the Web Platform should have its own unique API Key. If for some reason it becomes apparent that an individual application has been compromised, an individual API Key can be deauthorized from the Customization Manager by removing the WebPlatform config records. If all applications use the same APIKey access to all will be affected. To prevent unauthorized distribution of an API Key, you should only make requests to the ILLiad Web Platform using server-side scripting such as ASP or PHP. Client-side scripting (like Javascript) will expose your API Key which can lead to ill effects. Protect your API keys!
For brevity, the API Key used in examples in this documentation will be ABC123. Typically the key will be a longer alphanumeric string that looks more like 71ed0900-97aa-4157-ad9f-e74bcfa5e709.
Versions and Updates
We will introduce API changes when necessary/possible, and update the API version number (i.e. v1) when a breaking change is made. Additions to the API does not necessarily mean the API version will change but changes will always result in the Web Platform version number being incremented. For documentation purposes, each request will indicate the minimum Web Platform version required.
If the version is not provided in the Accept header it is assumed that the most recent version of the API should be used. To explicitly request a response from a specific API version, the version should be specified in the Accept HTTP header.
GET /ILLiadWebPlatform/SystemInfo/PlatformVersion HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json; version=1
Some requests may be introduced to newer versions of the API and may not be backward compatible. A minimum API and Web Platform version will be noted in the documentation.
Making Requests
You must use SSL (HTTPS instead of HTTP) to access the ILLiad Web Platform.
To authenticate with the API, you must supply an ApiKey HTTP Header when making a request to a secured action. For example:
GET /ILLiadWebPlatform/SystemInfo/SecurePlatformVersion HTTP/1.1
ApiKey: ABC123
Accept: application/json; version=1
Some requests are considered public and will not require an API Key. The authorization for each action will be noted in documentation as either secured or public.
Response Formats
The request examples retrieve the data in JSON format. If you would like the data in XML format, change the media type of the accept header from "application/json" to "application/xml."
GET /ILLiadWebPlatform/SystemInfo/PlatformVersion HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/xml
OData Support
Filtering | Sorting | Limiting Results
Some of the ILLiad Web Platform requests support the use of OData query options to help filter and order result data. Support for OData query actions will be noted+ in request documentation.
The $filter option allows filtering results by applying a Boolean expression. The filter expressions include logical and arithmetic operators, string functions, and date functions.
Filters can use grouped conditions indicated by parentheses. Comparisons of time values must use the following format:
datetime'<time value>'
For example, datetime'2010-07-15' or datetime'2010-07-15T16:19:54Z'.
Filter Operators
eq | Equal |
ne | Not Equal |
gt | Greater than |
ge | Greater than or equal |
lt | Less than |
le | Less than or equal |
and | Logical and |
or | Logical or |
not | Logical Negation |
Filter Functions
startswith | Starts with value | Example: startwith(TransactionStatus, 'Request Held') |
substringof | Starts with value | Example: substringof('CCG', CopyrightComp) |
endswith | Ends with value | Example: endswith(TransactionStatus, 'Rush') |
year | Gets the date of a DateTime field | Example: year(TransactionDate) |
month | Gets the date of a DateTime field | Example: month(TransactionDate) |
day | Gets the date of a DateTime field | Example: day(TransactionDate) |
Return active user requests for a user whose UserName is jdoe and the TransactionStatus is "Request Sent".
GET /ILLiadWebPlatform/Transaction/UserRequests/jdoe?$filter=TransactionStatus eq 'Request Sent' HTTP/1.1
ApiKey: ABC123
Accept: application/json
Return active user requests for a user whose UserName is jdoe and the LastOverdueNoticeSent was 2 or higher.
GET /ILLiadWebPlatform/Transaction/UserRequests/jdoe?$filter=LastOverdueNoticeSent ge 2 HTTP/1.1
ApiKey: ABC123
Accept: application/json
Return active user requests for a user whose UserName is jdoe and the TransactionStatus starts with Request Held and the last time the request was routed was June 2013.
GET /ILLiadWebPlatform/Transaction/UserRequests/jdoe?$filter=(startswith (TransactionStatus, 'Request Held')) and (year(TransactionDate) eq 2013 and month(TransactionDate) eq 6) HTTP/1.1
ApiKey: ABC123
Accept: application/json
To sort the results, use the $orderby query option.
Sort active user requests for user whose UserName is jdoe by Request Type in ascending order and creation date in descending order
GET /ILLiadWebPlatform/Transaction/UserRequests/jdoe?$orderby=RequestType,CreationDate desc HTTP/1.1
ApiKey: ABC123
Accept: application/json
Limiting Results
Determines a maximum number of records to return.
Example: Retrieves the first 10 active user requests for the user whose UserName is jdoe
GET /ILLiadWebPlatform/Transaction/UserRequests/jdoe?$top=10 HTTP/1.1
ApiKey: ABC123
Accept: application/json
Sets the number of records to skip before retrieving records in a collection. This is useful when combined with $top to page requests.
Example: Retrieve records 21 - 30 of active user requests for the user whose UserName is jdoe
GET /ILLiadWebPlatform/Transaction/UserRequests/jdoe?$top=10&skip=20 HTTP/1.1
ApiKey: ABC123
Accept: application/json
System Information
API Version | PlatformVersion | Secure Platform Version
For troubleshooting purposes and getting started, a few basic responses can be retrieved that retrieve system information.
API Version
- Authorization: Public
- Supports OData: No
- Minimum API Version: 1
- Minimum Web Platform Version:
Use the API Version request to retrieve the current API version of the ILLiad Web Platform.
Example API Version Request
GET /ILLiadWebPlatform/SystemInfo/APIVersion HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Example API Version Response
"Current API Version: 1"
- Authorization: Public
- Supports OData: No
- Minimum API Version: 1
- Minimum Web Platform Version:
Use the PlatformVersion request to retrieve the current version of the ILLiad Web Platform.
Example Platform Version Request
GET /ILLiadWebPlatform/SystemInfo/PlatformVersion HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Example Platform Version Response
"ILLiad Platform Version:"
Secure Platform Version
- Authorization: Secured
- Supports OData: No
- Minimum API Version: 1
- Minimum Web Platform Version:
Use the PlatformVersion request to securely retrieve the current version of the ILLiad Web Platform.
Example Secure Platform Version Request
GET /ILLiadWebPlatform/SystemInfo/SecurePlatformVersion HTTP/1.1
APIKey: ABC123
Accept: application/json
Example Secure Platform Version Response
"ILLiad Secure Platform Version:"
Retrieving Requests by Transaction Number | Retrieving Requests for User | Routing Transaction Request | Marking Transaction Filled | Marking Transaction Unfilled | Create a Transaction Request
Retrieving Requests by Transaction Number
- Authorization: Secured
- Supports OData: No
- Minimum API Version: 1
- Minimum Web Platform Version:
The transaction request will retrieve transaction details for a given transaction number.
curl -H 'Accept: application/json'
"TransactionNumber": 6,
"UserName": "jdoe",
"RequestType": "Article",
"LoanAuthor": null,
"LoanTitle": null,
"LoanPublisher": null,
"LoanPlace": null,
"LoanDate": null,
"LoanEdition": null,
"PhotoJournalTitle": "The electronic library : the international journal for
minicomputer, microcomputer, and software applications in libraries.",
"PhotoJournalVolume": null,
"PhotoJournalIssue": null,
"PhotoJournalMonth": null,
"PhotoJournalYear": null,
"PhotoJournalInclusivePages": "23-34",
"PhotoArticleAuthor": "Cohen, Calsada",
"PhotoArticleTitle": "Web accessible Databases",
"CitedIn": null,
"CitedTitle": null,
"CitedDate": null,
"CitedVolume": null,
"CitedPages": null,
"NotWantedAfter": null,
"AcceptNonEnglish": false,
"AcceptAlternateEdition": true,
"ArticleExchangeUrl": null,
"ArticleExchangePassword": null,
"TransactionStatus": "Request Sent",
"TransactionDate": "2013-06-07T09:05:37.19",
"ISSN": "0264-0473",
"ILLNumber": "500XXXXXXX/5YYZZOO",
"ESPNumber": "9172203",
"LendingString": null,
"BaseFee": null,
"PerPage": null,
"Pages": null,
"DueDate": null,
"RenewalsAllowed": false,
"SpecIns": null,
"Pieces": null,
"LibraryUseOnly": "Yes",
"AllowPhotocopies": false,
"LendingLibrary": "GETIT",
"ReasonForCancellation": null,
"CallNumber": null,
"Location": null,
"Maxcost": "24.00",
"ProcessType": "Borrowing",
"ItemNumber": null,
"LenderAddressNumber": 1,
"Ariel": false,
"Patron": null,
"PhotoItemAuthor": null,
"PhotoItemPlace": null,
"PhotoItemPublisher": null,
"PhotoItemEdition": null,
"DocumentType": "Article",
"InternalAcctNo": null,
"PriorityShipping": null,
"Rush": "Regular",
"CopyrightAlreadyPaid": "Yes",
"WantedBy": null,
"SystemID": "OTH",
"ReplacementPages": null,
"IFMCost": null,
"CopyrightPaymentMethod": null,
"ShippingOptions": null,
"CCCNumber": null,
"IntlShippingOptions": null,
"ShippingAcctNo": null,
"ReferenceNumber": null,
"CopyrightComp": "US:CCL",
"TAddress": null,
"TAddress": null,
"TAddress2": null,
"TCity": null,
"TState": null,
"TZip": null,
"TCountry": null,
"TFax": null,
"TEMailAddress": null,
"TNumber": null,
"HandleWithCare": false,
"CopyWithCare": false,
"RestrictedUse": false,
"ReceivedVia": null,
"CancellationCode": null,
"BillingCategory": null,
"CCSelected": "No",
"OriginalTN": null,
"OriginalNVTGC": null,
"InProcessDate": null,
"InvoiceNumber": null,
"BorrowerTN": null,
"WebRequestForm": null,
"TName": null,
"TAddress3": null,
"IFMPaid": null,
"BillingAmount": null,
"ConnectorErrorStatus": null,
"BorrowerNVTGC": null,
"CCCOrder": null,
"ShippingDetail": null,
"ISOStatus": null,
"OdysseyErrorStatus": null,
"WorldCatLCNumber": null,
"Locations": null,
"FlagType": null,
"FlagNote": "",
"CreationDate": "2013-06-07T09:01:22.47",
"ItemInfo1": null,
"ItemInfo2": null,
"ItemInfo3": null,
"ItemInfo4": null,
"ItemInfo5": "Yes",
"SpecialService": null,
"DeliveryMethod": null,
"Web": null,
"PMID": null,
"DOI": null,
"LastOverdueNoticeSent": null,
"ExternalRequest": null
Retrieving Requests for User
- Authorization: Secured
- Supports OData: Yes
- Minimum API Version: 1
- Minimum Web Platform Version:
The UserRequests request will retrieve all transactions associated with a given UserName. This request is secured and requires an API key. This request has OData Support for filtering, ordering, and limiting results.
curl -H 'Accept: application/json'
"TransactionNumber": 6,
"UserName": "jdoe",
"RequestType": "Article",
"LoanAuthor": null,
"LoanTitle": null,
"LoanPublisher": null,
"LoanPlace": null,
"LoanDate": null,
"LoanEdition": null,
"PhotoJournalTitle": "The electronic library",
"PhotoJournalVolume": null,
"PhotoJournalIssue": null,
"PhotoJournalMonth": null,
"PhotoJournalYear": null,
"PhotoJournalInclusivePages": "23-34",
"PhotoArticleAuthor": "Cohen, Calsada",
"PhotoArticleTitle": "Web accessible Databases",
"CitedIn": null,
"CitedTitle": null,
"CitedDate": null,
"CitedVolume": null,
"CitedPages": null,
"NotWantedAfter": null,
"AcceptNonEnglish": false,
"AcceptAlternateEdition": true,
"ArticleExchangeUrl": null,
"ArticleExchangePassword": null,
"TransactionStatus": "Request Sent",
"TransactionDate": "2013-06-07T09:05:37.19",
"ISSN": "0264-0473",
"ILLNumber": "500XXXXXXX/5YYZZOO",
"ESPNumber": "9172203",
"LendingString": null,
"BaseFee": null,
"PerPage": null,
"Pages": null,
"DueDate": null,
"RenewalsAllowed": false,
"SpecIns": null,
"Pieces": null,
"LibraryUseOnly": "Yes",
"AllowPhotocopies": false,
"LendingLibrary": "GETIT",
"ReasonForCancellation": null,
"CallNumber": null,
"Location": null,
"Maxcost": "24.00",
"ProcessType": "Borrowing",
"ItemNumber": null,
"LenderAddressNumber": 1,
"Ariel": false,
"Patron": null,
"PhotoItemAuthor": null,
"PhotoItemPlace": null,
"PhotoItemPublisher": null,
"PhotoItemEdition": null,
"DocumentType": "Article",
"InternalAcctNo": null,
"PriorityShipping": null,
"Rush": "Regular",
"CopyrightAlreadyPaid": "Yes",
"WantedBy": null,
"SystemID": "OTH",
"ReplacementPages": null,
"IFMCost": null,
"CopyrightPaymentMethod": null,
"ShippingOptions": null,
"CCCNumber": null,
"IntlShippingOptions": null,
"ShippingAcctNo": null,
"ReferenceNumber": null,
"CopyrightComp": "US:CCL",
"TAddress": null,
"TAddress2": null,
"TCity": null,
"TState": null,
"TZip": null,
"TCountry": null,
"TFax": null,
"TEMailAddress": null,
"TNumber": null,
"HandleWithCare": false,
"CopyWithCare": false,
"RestrictedUse": false,
"ReceivedVia": null,
"CancellationCode": null,
"BillingCategory": null,
"CCSelected": "No",
"OriginalTN": null,
"OriginalNVTGC": null,
"InProcessDate": null,
"InvoiceNumber": null,
"BorrowerTN": null,
"WebRequestForm": null,
"TName": null,
"TAddress3": null,
"IFMPaid": null,
"BillingAmount": null,
"ConnectorErrorStatus": null,
"BorrowerNVTGC": null,
"CCCOrder": null,
"ShippingDetail": null,
"ISOStatus": null,
"OdysseyErrorStatus": null,
"WorldCatLCNumber": null,
"Locations": null,
"FlagType": null,
"FlagNote": "",
"CreationDate": "2013-06-07T09:01:22.47",
"ItemInfo1": null,
"ItemInfo2": null,
"ItemInfo3": null,
"ItemInfo4": null,
"ItemInfo5": "Yes",
"SpecialService": null,
"DeliveryMethod": null,
"Web": null,
"PMID": null,
"DOI": null,
"LastOverdueNoticeSent": null,
"ExternalRequest": null
Routing transaction request
- HTTP Verb: PUT
- Authorization: Secured
- Supports OData: No
- Minimum API Version: 1
- Minimum Web Platform Version:
The route transaction request will route a transaction to specified transaction status. The action will also add a tracking entry and mark an update to the history table to indicate a change was made to the request. Routing rules associated with the status will be processed. The UserName of the tracking and history entries will be set to the WebPlatformDescription associated with the API key making the request.
Required parameters
Status |
The status of the transaction should be routed to |
Content-Type: application/json
{ "Status" : "Awaiting Request Processing" }
"TransactionNumber": 6,
"UserName": "jdoe",
"RequestType": "Article",
"LoanAuthor": null,
"LoanTitle": null,
"LoanPublisher": null,
"LoanPlace": null,
"LoanDate": null,
"LoanEdition": null,
"PhotoJournalTitle": "The electronic library : the international journal for
minicomputer, microcomputer, and software applications in libraries.",
"PhotoJournalVolume": null,
"PhotoJournalIssue": null,
"PhotoJournalMonth": null,
"PhotoJournalYear": null,
"PhotoJournalInclusivePages": "23-34",
"PhotoArticleAuthor": "Cohen, Calsada",
"PhotoArticleTitle": "Web accessible Databases",
"CitedIn": null,
"CitedTitle": null,
"CitedDate": null,
"CitedVolume": null,
"CitedPages": null,
"NotWantedAfter": null,
"AcceptNonEnglish": false,
"AcceptAlternateEdition": true,
"ArticleExchangeUrl": null,
"ArticleExchangePassword": null,
"TransactionStatus": "Awaiting Request Processing",
"TransactionDate": "2013-06-07T09:05:37.19",
"ISSN": "0264-0473",
"ILLNumber": "500XXXXXXX/5YYZZOO",
"ESPNumber": "9172203",
"LendingString": null,
"BaseFee": null,
"PerPage": null,
"Pages": null,
"DueDate": null,
"RenewalsAllowed": false,
"SpecIns": null,
"Pieces": null,
"LibraryUseOnly": "Yes",
"AllowPhotocopies": false,
"LendingLibrary": "GETIT",
"ReasonForCancellation": null,
"CallNumber": null,
"Location": null,
"Maxcost": "24.00",
"ProcessType": "Borrowing",
"ItemNumber": null,
"LenderAddressNumber": 1,
"Ariel": false,
"Patron": null,
"PhotoItemAuthor": null,
"PhotoItemPlace": null,
"PhotoItemPublisher": null,
"PhotoItemEdition": null,
"DocumentType": "Article",
"InternalAcctNo": null,
"PriorityShipping": null,
"Rush": "Regular",
"CopyrightAlreadyPaid": "Yes",
"WantedBy": null,
"SystemID": "OTH",
"ReplacementPages": null,
"IFMCost": null,
"CopyrightPaymentMethod": null,
"ShippingOptions": null,
"CCCNumber": null,
"IntlShippingOptions": null,
"ShippingAcctNo": null,
"ReferenceNumber": null,
"CopyrightComp": "US:CCL",
"TAddress": null,
"TAddress": null,
"TAddress2": null,
"TCity": null,
"TState": null,
"TZip": null,
"TCountry": null,
"TFax": null,
"TEMailAddress": null,
"TNumber": null,
"HandleWithCare": false,
"CopyWithCare": false,
"RestrictedUse": false,
"ReceivedVia": null,
"CancellationCode": null,
"BillingCategory": null,
"CCSelected": "No",
"OriginalTN": null,
"OriginalNVTGC": null,
"InProcessDate": null,
"InvoiceNumber": null,
"BorrowerTN": null,
"WebRequestForm": null,
"TName": null,
"TAddress3": null,
"IFMPaid": null,
"BillingAmount": null,
"ConnectorErrorStatus": null,
"BorrowerNVTGC": null,
"CCCOrder": null,
"ShippingDetail": null,
"ISOStatus": null,
"OdysseyErrorStatus": null,
"WorldCatLCNumber": null,
"Locations": null,
"FlagType": null,
"FlagNote": "",
"CreationDate": "2013-06-07T09:01:22.47",
"ItemInfo1": null,
"ItemInfo2": null,
"ItemInfo3": null,
"ItemInfo4": null,
"ItemInfo5": "Yes",
"SpecialService": null,
"DeliveryMethod": null,
"Web": null,
"PMID": null,
"DOI": null,
"LastOverdueNoticeSent": null,
"ExternalRequest": null
HTTP Status Code | Description |
200 | OK (Successfully routed request) |
400 |
Bad Request Example Bad Request
401 | Unauthorized |
404 | Resource Not Found |
500 | Internal Server Error (Unexpected error) |
Marking transaction filled
- HTTP Verb: PUT
- Authorization: Secured
- Supports OData: No
- Minimum API Version: 1
- Minimum Web Platform Version:
The borrowing request will be marked as being filled by the lender.
- A history entry will be added to indicate the lender has shipped the request.
Required parameters
Lender |
Indicates the lender that filled the request |
Content-Type: application/json
{ "Lender" : "OSU" }
"TransactionNumber": 4567,
"Username": "jdoe",
"RequestType": "Article",
"LoanAuthor": null,
"LoanTitle": null,
"LoanPublisher": null,
"LoanPlace": null,
"LoanDate": null,
"LoanEdition": null,
"PhotoJournalTitle": "The electronic library : the international journal for
minicomputer, microcomputer, and software applications in libraries.",
"PhotoJournalVolume": null,
"PhotoJournalIssue": null,
"PhotoJournalMonth": null,
"PhotoJournalYear": null,
"PhotoJournalInclusivePages": "23-34",
"PhotoArticleAuthor": "Cohen, Calsada",
"PhotoArticleTitle": "Web accessible Databases",
"CitedIn": null,
"CitedTitle": null,
"CitedDate": null,
"CitedVolume": null,
"CitedPages": null,
"NotWantedAfter": null,
"AcceptNonEnglish": false,
"AcceptAlternateEdition": true,
"ArticleExchangeUrl": null,
"ArticleExchangePassword": null,
"TransactionStatus": "Request Sent",
"TransactionDate": "2013-06-07T09:05:37.19",
"ISSN": "0264-0473",
"ILLNumber": "500XXXXXXX/5YYZZOO",
"ESPNumber": "9172203",
"LendingString": null,
"BaseFee": null,
"PerPage": null,
"Pages": null,
"DueDate": null,
"RenewalsAllowed": false,
"SpecIns": null,
"Pieces": null,
"LibraryUseOnly": "Yes",
"AllowPhotocopies": false,
"LendingLibrary": "OSU",
"ReasonForCancellation": null,
"CallNumber": null,
"Location": null,
"Maxcost": "24.00",
"ProcessType": "Borrowing",
"ItemNumber": null,
"LenderAddressNumber": 1,
"Ariel": false,
"Patron": null,
"PhotoItemAuthor": null,
"PhotoItemPlace": null,
"PhotoItemPublisher": null,
"PhotoItemEdition": null,
"DocumentType": "Article",
"InternalAcctNo": null,
"PriorityShipping": null,
"Rush": "Regular",
"CopyrightAlreadyPaid": "Yes",
"WantedBy": null,
"SystemID": "OTH",
"ReplacementPages": null,
"IFMCost": null,
"CopyrightPaymentMethod": null,
"ShippingOptions": null,
"CCCNumber": null,
"IntlShippingOptions": null,
"ShippingAcctNo": null,
"ReferenceNumber": null,
"CopyrightComp": "US:CCL",
"TAddress": null,
"TAddress": null,
"TAddress2": null,
"TCity": null,
"TState": null,
"TZip": null,
"TCountry": null,
"TFax": null,
"TEMailAddress": null,
"TNumber": null,
"HandleWithCare": false,
"CopyWithCare": false,
"RestrictedUse": false,
"ReceivedVia": null,
"CancellationCode": null,
"BillingCategory": null,
"CCSelected": "No",
"OriginalTN": null,
"OriginalNVTGC": null,
"InProcessDate": null,
"InvoiceNumber": null,
"BorrowerTN": null,
"WebRequestForm": null,
"TName": null,
"TAddress3": null,
"IFMPaid": null,
"BillingAmount": null,
"ConnectorErrorStatus": null,
"BorrowerNVTGC": null,
"CCCOrder": null,
"ShippingDetail": null,
"ISOStatus": null,
"OdysseyErrorStatus": null,
"WorldCatLCNumber": null,
"Locations": null,
"FlagType": null,
"FlagNote": "",
"CreationDate": "2013-06-07T09:01:22.47",
"ItemInfo1": null,
"ItemInfo2": null,
"ItemInfo3": null,
"ItemInfo4": null,
"ItemInfo5": "Yes",
"SpecialService": null,
"DeliveryMethod": null,
"Web": null,
"PMID": null,
"DOI": null,
"LastOverdueNoticeSent": null,
"ExternalRequest": null
HTTP Status Code | Description |
200 | OK (Successfully routed request) |
400 |
Bad Request Example Bad Request
401 | Unauthorized |
404 | Resource Not Found |
500 | Internal Server Error (Unexpected error) |
Marking transaction unfilled
- HTTP Verb: PUT
- Authorization: Secured
- Supports OData: No
- Minimum API Version: 1
- Minimum Web Platform Version:
Marks a borrowing request as being unfilled.
- The ILLiad request will be routed to the Awaiting Unfilled Processing queue.
- The
will be added as a note to the request.
Required parameters
Reason |
Indicates a reason the request is being marked unfilled |
Content-Type: application/json
{ "Reason" : "Not available on shelf" }
"TransactionNumber": 4567,
"Username": "jdoe",
"RequestType": "Article",
"LoanAuthor": null,
"LoanTitle": null,
"LoanPublisher": null,
"LoanPlace": null,
"LoanDate": null,
"LoanEdition": null,
"PhotoJournalTitle": "The electronic library : the international journal for
minicomputer, microcomputer, and software applications in libraries.",
"PhotoJournalVolume": null,
"PhotoJournalIssue": null,
"PhotoJournalMonth": null,
"PhotoJournalYear": null,
"PhotoJournalInclusivePages": "23-34",
"PhotoArticleAuthor": "Cohen, Calsada",
"PhotoArticleTitle": "Web accessible Databases",
"CitedIn": null,
"CitedTitle": null,
"CitedDate": null,
"CitedVolume": null,
"CitedPages": null,
"NotWantedAfter": null,
"AcceptNonEnglish": false,
"AcceptAlternateEdition": true,
"ArticleExchangeUrl": null,
"ArticleExchangePassword": null,
"TransactionStatus": "Awaiting Unfilled Processing",
"TransactionDate": "2013-06-07T09:05:37.19",
"ISSN": "0264-0473",
"ILLNumber": "500XXXXXXX/5YYZZOO",
"ESPNumber": "9172203",
"LendingString": null,
"BaseFee": null,
"PerPage": null,
"Pages": null,
"DueDate": null,
"RenewalsAllowed": false,
"SpecIns": null,
"Pieces": null,
"LibraryUseOnly": "Yes",
"AllowPhotocopies": false,
"LendingLibrary": "OSU",
"ReasonForCancellation": null,
"CallNumber": null,
"Location": null,
"Maxcost": "24.00",
"ProcessType": "Borrowing",
"ItemNumber": null,
"LenderAddressNumber": 1,
"Ariel": false,
"Patron": null,
"PhotoItemAuthor": null,
"PhotoItemPlace": null,
"PhotoItemPublisher": null,
"PhotoItemEdition": null,
"DocumentType": "Article",
"InternalAcctNo": null,
"PriorityShipping": null,
"Rush": "Regular",
"CopyrightAlreadyPaid": "Yes",
"WantedBy": null,
"SystemID": "OTH",
"ReplacementPages": null,
"IFMCost": null,
"CopyrightPaymentMethod": null,
"ShippingOptions": null,
"CCCNumber": null,
"IntlShippingOptions": null,
"ShippingAcctNo": null,
"ReferenceNumber": null,
"CopyrightComp": "US:CCL",
"TAddress": null,
"TAddress": null,
"TAddress2": null,
"TCity": null,
"TState": null,
"TZip": null,
"TCountry": null,
"TFax": null,
"TEMailAddress": null,
"TNumber": null,
"HandleWithCare": false,
"CopyWithCare": false,
"RestrictedUse": false,
"ReceivedVia": null,
"CancellationCode": null,
"BillingCategory": null,
"CCSelected": "No",
"OriginalTN": null,
"OriginalNVTGC": null,
"InProcessDate": null,
"InvoiceNumber": null,
"BorrowerTN": null,
"WebRequestForm": null,
"TName": null,
"TAddress3": null,
"IFMPaid": null,
"BillingAmount": null,
"ConnectorErrorStatus": null,
"BorrowerNVTGC": null,
"CCCOrder": null,
"ShippingDetail": null,
"ISOStatus": null,
"OdysseyErrorStatus": null,
"WorldCatLCNumber": null,
"Locations": null,
"FlagType": null,
"FlagNote": "",
"CreationDate": "2013-06-07T09:01:22.47",
"ItemInfo1": null,
"ItemInfo2": null,
"ItemInfo3": null,
"ItemInfo4": null,
"ItemInfo5": "Yes",
"SpecialService": null,
"DeliveryMethod": null,
"Web": null,
"PMID": null,
"DOI": null,
"LastOverdueNoticeSent": null,
"ExternalRequest": null
HTTP Status Code | Description |
200 | OK (Successfully marked request unfilled) |
400 |
Bad Request Example Bad Request
401 | Unauthorized |
404 | Resource Not Found |
500 | Internal Server Error (Unexpected error) |
Create a transaction request
- Authorization: Secured
- Supports OData: No
- Minimum API Version: 1
- Minimum Web Platform Version:
Creates a new request. Routing rules will be applied to the transaction after it is created.
Parameters can be set from any existing field from the ILLiad transactions table.
Required parameters
Username OR ExternalUserId |
Indicates the username of the new transaction. As of ILLiad 9.2, an external user ID may also be used if the user's ILLiad username is not available in the external system (see ExternalUserId Parameter below). |
ProcessType |
Indicates the ILLiad ProcessType. Allowed values:
*LendingLibrary |
LendingLibrary is only required if |
ExternalUserID Parameter [ILLiad 9.2 Only]
A transaction can be created for a user using an external user ID provided by the integrating external system if the ILLiad username is not available. This external ID must correspond to an existing ILLiad field in the Users table that contains information to uniquely identify the user, for example, the EMailAddress or Number fields. After the matching ILLiad field is identified, the name of the ILLiad field should then be put into the ExternalUserIdMapping column of the entry for the external system in the Customization Manager's WebPlatformConfig table.
ExternalUserID vs. Username
When creating a request, the external system can supply either the Username, ExternalUserId, or both. If both are supplied, then each must uniquely identify the same ILLiad user. If a single user cannot be identified in ILLiad with the information supplied, an error will be returned.
If integrating ILLiad with an ILS that stores the user's student ID number, but not the ILLiad username, a request could be created for the user with this information according to the following steps:
- The entry for the ILS in the WebPlatformConfig table should contain the name of the ILLiad field that stores the user's student ID number in the ExternalUserIdMapping column (in this case, Number).
- The request body POSTed to the Create Transaction endpoint should pass the user's ID number from the ILS user record in the ExternalUserId field. No value should be passed to the Username field.
- The response will contain the user's ID number in the ExternalUserId field and create a transaction for that ILLiad user.
The following example will create a transaction for a user using the ILLiad Number field as the external user ID.
WebPlatformConfig Table Entry
Column NameValueID | This value is auto-generated |
API Key | This value is auto-generated |
BaseWebServiceUrl | http://ILLiadWebPlatform |
Description | Name of integrating system (e.g., Alma) |
ExternalUserIdMapping | Number |
Example Create Transaction Request
Content-Type: application/json
"ExternalUserId" : "123456789",
"RequestType" : "Article",
"ProcessType" : "Borrowing",
"PhotoJournalTitle" : "Journal of Interlibrary Loan,Document Delivery & Electronic Reserve",
"PhotoArticleTitle" : "Interlibrary Loan in the United States: An Analysis of Academic Libraries in a Digital Age",
"PhotoArticleAuthor" : "Williams, Joseph; Woolwine, David",
"PhotoJournalVolume" : "21",
"PhotoJournalIssue" : "4",
"PhotoJournalYear" : "2011",
"PhotoJournalInclusivePages" : "165-183",
"ISSN": "1072-303X",
"TransactionStatus": "Awaiting Request Processing",
"CopyrightAlreadyPaid": true,
Example Create Transaction Response
"TransactionNumber": 125,
"ExternalUserId": "123456789",
"RequestType": "Article",
"LoanAuthor": null,
"LoanTitle": null,
"LoanPublisher": null,
"LoanPlace": null,
"LoanDate": null,
"LoanEdition": null,
"PhotoJournalTitle" : "Journal of Interlibrary Loan,Document Delivery & Electronic Reserve",
"PhotoJournalVolume": null,
"PhotoJournalIssue": null,
"PhotoJournalMonth": null,
"PhotoJournalYear": null,
"PhotoJournalInclusivePages": "165-183",
"PhotoArticleAuthor" : "Williams, Joseph; Woolwine, David",
"PhotoArticleTitle" : "Interlibrary Loan in the United States: An Analysis of Academic Libraries in a Digital Age",
"CitedIn": null,
"CitedTitle": null,
"CitedDate": null,
"CitedVolume": null,
"CitedPages": null,
"NotWantedAfter": null,
"AcceptNonEnglish": false,
"AcceptAlternateEdition": true,
"ArticleExchangeUrl": null,
"ArticleExchangePassword": null,
"TransactionStatus": "Awaiting Request Processing",
"TransactionDate": "2016-10-01T10:25:37.19",
"ISSN": "1072-303X",
"ILLNumber": null,
"ESPNumber": null,
"LendingString": null,
"BaseFee": null,
"PerPage": null,
"Pages": null,
"DueDate": null,
"RenewalsAllowed": false,
"SpecIns": null,
"Pieces": null,
"LibraryUseOnly": null,
"AllowPhotocopies": false,
"LendingLibrary": null,
"ReasonForCancellation": null,
"CallNumber": null,
"Location": null,
"Maxcost": null,
"ProcessType": "Borrowing",
"ItemNumber": null,
"LenderAddressNumber": null,
"Ariel": false,
"Patron": null,
"PhotoItemAuthor": null,
"PhotoItemPlace": null,
"PhotoItemPublisher": null,
"PhotoItemEdition": null,
"DocumentType": "Article",
"InternalAcctNo": null,
"PriorityShipping": null,
"Rush": "Regular",
"CopyrightAlreadyPaid": "Yes",
"WantedBy": null,
"SystemID": "OTH",
"ReplacementPages": null,
"IFMCost": null,
"CopyrightPaymentMethod": null,
"ShippingOptions": null,
"CCCNumber": null,
"IntlShippingOptions": null,
"ShippingAcctNo": null,
"ReferenceNumber": null,
"CopyrightComp": "US:CCL",
"TAddress": null,
"TAddress": null,
"TAddress2": null,
"TCity": null,
"TState": null,
"TZip": null,
"TCountry": null,
"TFax": null,
"TEMailAddress": null,
"TNumber": null,
"HandleWithCare": false,
"CopyWithCare": false,
"RestrictedUse": false,
"ReceivedVia": null,
"CancellationCode": null,
"BillingCategory": null,
"CCSelected": null,
"OriginalTN": null,
"OriginalNVTGC": null,
"InProcessDate": null,
"InvoiceNumber": null,
"BorrowerTN": null,
"WebRequestForm": null,
"TName": null,
"TAddress3": null,
"IFMPaid": null,
"BillingAmount": null,
"ConnectorErrorStatus": null,
"BorrowerNVTGC": null,
"CCCOrder": null,
"ShippingDetail": null,
"ISOStatus": null,
"OdysseyErrorStatus": null,
"WorldCatLCNumber": null,
"Locations": null,
"FlagType": null,
"FlagNote": "",
"CreationDate": "2016-10-01T10:25:37.19",
"ItemInfo1": null,
"ItemInfo2": null,
"ItemInfo3": null,
"ItemInfo4": null,
"ItemInfo5": null,
"SpecialService": null,
"DeliveryMethod": null,
"Web": null,
"PMID": null,
"DOI": null,
"LastOverdueNoticeSent": null,
"ExternalRequest": null
Ignored parameters
The following fields are valid transaction fields but are ignored when creating a transaction. Developers should not send these fields when creating a transaction.
- TransactionNumber
- TransactionDate
- CreationDate
- ConnectorErrorStatus
- OdysseyErrorStatus
- ExternalRequest
- CCSelected
- OriginalTN
- OriginalNVTGC
- InvoiceNumber
- FlagType
- FlagNote
Default parameters
If the request does not contain values for the following fields, the Web Platform will assume default values.
Defaults for All requests | |
RequestType |
Article |
AcceptAlternateEdition | true
AcceptNonEnglish | false |
TransactionStatus | When transaction status is not set explicitly the web platform will use the default system initial transaction status depending on the ProcessType and RequestType. |
Defaults for lending requests | |
SystemId |
If |
DueDate | Calculated based on LendingDueDateDays customization key and if the LendingLibrary is associated with a group that has a Due Date Override. |
ShippingOptions |
If If |
LibraryUseOnly | Set based on the LendingRestrictDefaultLibraryUseOnly customization key. |
AllowPhotocopies | Set based on the LendingRestrictDefaultAllowPhotocopies customization key. |
RenewalsAllowed | Set based on the LendingRestrictDefaultAllowRenewals customization key. |
LenderAddressNumber | Set to the LenderAddressNumber associated with the LendingAddress record when only 1 record exists for the associated LendingLibrary . |
When using this endpoint to create book chapter requests, it is suggested that the parameters should minimally include the fields used in the default ILLiad Book Chapter request form listed in the table below. Additional fields such as CallNumber may also be used if desired. Note that the RequestType and DocumentType should be set to static values as indicated in the table:
Parameter/Field Name | Value | Field Description |
RequestType | Article | Type of request in ILLiad - this is typically Article, but book chapters may also be handled as Loan types by some institutions |
DocumentType | Book Chapter | Used to describe the document type |
PhotoJournalTitle | Book Title | |
PhototItemAuthor | Book Author/Editor | |
PhotoArticleTitle | Chapter Title | |
PhotoArticleAuthor | Chapter Author | |
PhotoItemPlace | Place of Publication | |
PhotoItemPublisher | Publisher Name | |
PhotoJournalYear | Publication Date | |
PhotoItemEdition | Edition | |
PhotoJournalInclusivePages | The inclusive page range of the book chapter | |
ISSN | Standard Number (ISSN or ISBN) | |
ESPNumber | OCLC Number |
Content-Type: application/json
"Username" : "jdoe",
"RequestType" : "Article",
"ProcessType" : "Borrowing",
"PhotoJournalTitle" : "Journal of Interlibrary Loan,Document Delivery & Electronic Reserve",
"PhotoArticleTitle" : "Interlibrary Loan in the United States: An Analysis of Academic Libraries in a Digital Age",
"PhotoArticleAuthor" : "Williams, Joseph; Woolwine, David",
"PhotoJournalVolume" : "21",
"PhotoJournalIssue" : "4",
"PhotoJournalYear" : "2011",
"PhotoJournalInclusivePages" : "165-183",
"ISSN": "1072-303X",
"TransactionStatus": "Awaiting Request Processing",
"CopyrightAlreadyPaid": true,
"TransactionNumber": 125,
"Username": "jdoe",
"RequestType": "Article",
"LoanAuthor": null,
"LoanTitle": null,
"LoanPublisher": null,
"LoanPlace": null,
"LoanDate": null,
"LoanEdition": null,
"PhotoJournalTitle" : "Journal of Interlibrary Loan,Document Delivery & Electronic Reserve",
"PhotoJournalVolume": null,
"PhotoJournalIssue": null,
"PhotoJournalMonth": null,
"PhotoJournalYear": null,
"PhotoJournalInclusivePages": "165-183",
"PhotoArticleAuthor" : "Williams, Joseph; Woolwine, David",
"PhotoArticleTitle" : "Interlibrary Loan in the United States: An Analysis of Academic Libraries in a Digital Age",
"CitedIn": null,
"CitedTitle": null,
"CitedDate": null,
"CitedVolume": null,
"CitedPages": null,
"NotWantedAfter": null,
"AcceptNonEnglish": false,
"AcceptAlternateEdition": true,
"ArticleExchangeUrl": null,
"ArticleExchangePassword": null,
"TransactionStatus": "Awaiting Request Processing",
"TransactionDate": "2016-10-01T10:25:37.19",
"ISSN": "1072-303X",
"ILLNumber": null,
"ESPNumber": null,
"LendingString": null,
"BaseFee": null,
"PerPage": null,
"Pages": null,
"DueDate": null,
"RenewalsAllowed": false,
"SpecIns": null,
"Pieces": null,
"LibraryUseOnly": null,
"AllowPhotocopies": false,
"LendingLibrary": null,
"ReasonForCancellation": null,
"CallNumber": null,
"Location": null,
"Maxcost": null,
"ProcessType": "Borrowing",
"ItemNumber": null,
"LenderAddressNumber": null,
"Ariel": false,
"Patron": null,
"PhotoItemAuthor": null,
"PhotoItemPlace": null,
"PhotoItemPublisher": null,
"PhotoItemEdition": null,
"DocumentType": "Article",
"InternalAcctNo": null,
"PriorityShipping": null,
"Rush": "Regular",
"CopyrightAlreadyPaid": "Yes",
"WantedBy": null,
"SystemID": "OTH",
"ReplacementPages": null,
"IFMCost": null,
"CopyrightPaymentMethod": null,
"ShippingOptions": null,
"CCCNumber": null,
"IntlShippingOptions": null,
"ShippingAcctNo": null,
"ReferenceNumber": null,
"CopyrightComp": "US:CCL",
"TAddress": null,
"TAddress": null,
"TAddress2": null,
"TCity": null,
"TState": null,
"TZip": null,
"TCountry": null,
"TFax": null,
"TEMailAddress": null,
"TNumber": null,
"HandleWithCare": false,
"CopyWithCare": false,
"RestrictedUse": false,
"ReceivedVia": null,
"CancellationCode": null,
"BillingCategory": null,
"CCSelected": null,
"OriginalTN": null,
"OriginalNVTGC": null,
"InProcessDate": null,
"InvoiceNumber": null,
"BorrowerTN": null,
"WebRequestForm": null,
"TName": null,
"TAddress3": null,
"IFMPaid": null,
"BillingAmount": null,
"ConnectorErrorStatus": null,
"BorrowerNVTGC": null,
"CCCOrder": null,
"ShippingDetail": null,
"ISOStatus": null,
"OdysseyErrorStatus": null,
"WorldCatLCNumber": null,
"Locations": null,
"FlagType": null,
"FlagNote": "",
"CreationDate": "2016-10-01T10:25:37.19",
"ItemInfo1": null,
"ItemInfo2": null,
"ItemInfo3": null,
"ItemInfo4": null,
"ItemInfo5": null,
"SpecialService": null,
"DeliveryMethod": null,
"Web": null,
"PMID": null,
"DOI": null,
"LastOverdueNoticeSent": null,
"ExternalRequest": null
HTTP Status Code | Description |
200 | OK (Successfully created request) |
400 |
Bad Request Example Bad Request
401 | Unauthorized |
500 | Internal Server Error (Unexpected error) |
Transaction History
Add Transaction History Entry to a Transaction
Add transaction history entry to a transaction
- Authorization: Secured
- Supports OData: No
- Minimum API Version: 1
- Minimum Web Platform Version:
The add transaction history request will add a transaction history entry for a given transaction number. The entry's username is set to the WebPlatformDescription associated with the API key making the request.
Required parameters
Entry | The history entry to be added |
Content-Type: application/json
{ "Entry" : "Request could not be filled" }
"TransactionNumber" : 4567,
"DateTime" : "2016-10-05T08:15:37.19",
"Entry" : "Request could not be filled",
"Username" : "WebPlatform Config Description"
HTTP Status Code | Description |
200 | OK |
400 |
Bad Request |
401 | Unauthorized |
404 | Resource Not Found |
500 | Internal Server Error |
Transaction Note
Add Transaction Note to a Transaction | Retrieve Transaction Note
Add transaction note to a transaction
- Authorization: Secured
- Supports OData: No
- Minimum API Version: 1
- Minimum Web Platform Version:
The add transaction note request will add a transaction note for a given transaction number. The entry's username is set to the WebPlatformDescription associated with the API key making the request.
Required parameters
Note |
The note to be added |
Optional parameters
NoteType |
The type of note being added. Valid values are |
Content-Type: application/json
{ "Note" : "Sample Note", "NoteType" : "Staff" }
"Id" : 10001,
"TransactionNumber" : 4567,
"NoteDate" : "2016-10-05T08:15:37.19",
"Note" : "Sample Note",
"AddedBy" : "staffUsername",
"NoteType" : "Staff"
HTTP Status Code | Description |
201 | Note created successfully |
400 |
Bad Request Example Bad Request
401 | Unauthorized |
404 | Resource Not Found |
500 | Internal Server Error |
Retrieve transaction note
- HTTP Verb: GET
- Authorization: Secured
- Supports OData: No
- Minimum API Version: 1
- Minimum Web Platform Version:
The get transaction note request will retrieve a transaction note for a given transaction number.
Content-Type: application/json
"Id" : 10001,
"TransactionNumber" : 4567,
"NoteDate" : "2016-10-05T08:15:37.19",
"Note" : "Sample Note",
"AddedBy" : "staffUsername",
"NoteType" : "Staff"
HTTP Status Code | Description |
401 | Unauthorized |
404 | Resource Not Found |
Get User by Username | Get User by External User ID | Create User
Get user by username
- HTTP Verb: GET
- Authorization: Secured
- Supports OData: No
- Minimum API Version: 1
- Minimum Web Platform Version:
Returns user details for a given username.
Accept-Type: application/json
"Department":"Computer Science",
"DeliveryMethod":"Hold for Pickup",
"LoanDeliveryMethod":"Hold for Pickup",
"Address":"123 Main St",
"City":"Virginia Beach",
HTTP Status Code | Description |
200 | OK |
401 | Unauthorized |
404 | Resource Not Found |
500 | Internal Server Error |
Get user by external user id
- HTTP Verb: GET
- Authorization: Secured
- Supports OData: No
- Minimum API Version: 1
- Minimum Web Platform Version:
Returns user details for a given external user id.
Accept-Type: application/json
"Department":"Computer Science",
"DeliveryMethod":"Hold for Pickup",
"LoanDeliveryMethod":"Hold for Pickup",
"Address":"123 Main St",
"City":"Virginia Beach",
HTTP Status Code | Description |
200 | OK |
401 | Unauthorized |
404 |
Resource Not Found Example Resource Not Found
500 | Internal Server Error |
Create User
- Authorization: Secured
- Supports OData: No
- Minimum API Version: 1
- Minimum Web Platform Version:
Creates a new user.
A note will be added for the user to indicate the user was created via the Web Platform and which API key created the record.
Example Create User Request
Accept-Type: application/json
"Username" : "bdoe",
"ExternalUserId": "Z20181116",
"EmailAddress" : "" ,
"DeliveryMethod" : "Hold for Pickup",
"LoanDeliveryMethod" : "Mail to Address",
"NotificationMethod" : "Electronic",
"Phone" : "757-123-4568",
"Status" : "Graduate",
"PlainTextPassword": "MySpecialPassword1234!",
"AuthType" : "ILLiad",
"Department" : "Music",
"Web" : true,
"Address" : "123 Oak St",
"Address2" : "Apt 4E",
"City" : "Virgia Beach",
"State" : "VA",
"Zip" : "23462"
Field | Type | Default if not provided | Note | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Username | string | Required field. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ExternalUserId | string |
The ExternalUserId field is a dynamic field configured by the institution for each API Key.
LastName | string | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
FirstName | string | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SSN | string | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Status | string | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
EMailAddress | string | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Phone | string | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
MobilePhone | string | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Department | string | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NVTGC | string | The NVTGC associated with the API Key. | Each institution may have unique values. Consult with institution for allowed values. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NotificationMethod | enum | Electronic |
DeliveryMethod | enum | Hold for Pickup |
LoanDeliveryMethod | enum | Hold for Pickup |
AuthorizedUsers | string | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Cleared | enum | No |
Web | bool | true | When true, the user will receive articles electronically. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Address | string | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Address2 | string | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
City | string | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
State | string | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Zip | string | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country | string | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Site | string | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ExpirationDate | datetime | The User Expiration Date is set based upon system rules. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Number | string | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
UserRequestLimit | integer | This field should only be set if the user has a custom request limit. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Organization | string | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fax | string | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ShippingAcctNo | string | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ArticleBillingCategory | string | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
LoanBillingCategory | string | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SAddress | string | This is for a secondary address. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SAddress2 | string | This is for a secondary address. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SCity | string | This is for a secondary address. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SState | string | This is for a secondary address. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SZip | string | This is for a secondary address. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SCountry | string | This is for a secondary address. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
AuthType | enum |
PlainTextPassword | string | The password the user will use for authenticating to the web interface. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
UserInfo1 | string | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
UserInfo2 | string | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
UserInfo3 | string | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
UserInfo4 | string | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
UserInfo5 | string | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NotificationPreferences | Array of NotificationPreferences | Email Notification preferences are added for all available activities. |
Each NotificationPreference consists of an ActivityType and NotificationType.
Required Parameters
Username |
Indicates the username of the new user record |
"UserName": "bdoe",
"ExternalUserId": "Z20181116",
"LastName": "Doe",
"FirstName": "Bailey",
"SSN": "Z20181116",
"Status": "Graduate",
"EMailAddress": "",
"Phone": "757-123-4568",
"Department": "Music",
"NotificationMethod": "Electronic",
"DeliveryMethod": "Hold for Pickup",
"LoanDeliveryMethod": "Mail to Address",
"LastChangedDate": "2018-11-26T12:00:01.000",
"AuthorizedUsers": null,
"Cleared": "No",
"Web": true,
"Address": "123 Oak St",
"Address2": "Apt 4E",
"City": "Virgia Beach",
"State": "VA",
"Zip": "23462",
"Site": null,
"ExpirationDate": "2019-05-15T12:00:01.000",
"Number": null,
"UserRequestLimit": null,
"Organization": null,
"Fax": null,
"ShippingAcctNo": null,
"ArticleBillingCategory": null,
"LoanBillingCategory": null,
"Country": null,
"SAddress": null,
"SAddress2": null,
"SCity": null,
"SState": null,
"SZip": null,
"SCountry": null,
"RSSID": null,
"AuthType": "ILLiad",
"UserInfo1": null,
"UserInfo2": null,
"UserInfo3": null,
"UserInfo4": null,
"UserInfo5": null,
"MobilePhone": null
HTTP Status Code | Description | |
200 | OK (Successfully created request) | |
400 |
Bad Request
401 | Unauthorized | |
500 | Internal Server Error (Unexpected error) |
Retrieve Email Details | Retrieve SMS Details | Send Transaction Notification | Send User Notification | Send Library Notification
Retrieve Email Details
- Authorization: Secured
- Supports OData: No
- Minimum API Version: 1
- Minimum Web Platform Version:
The Email Details request will retrieve a single e-mail for a specified email id. This request is secured and requires an API key.
curl -H 'Accept: application/json'
ID: 1234,
TransactionNumber: 0,
EMailDate: "2014-06-01T12:34:57.001",
ReferenceType: "Symbol",
Reference: "OCLC_ATL",
EMailTo: "",
EMailFrom: "\"ILLiad System\" <>",
EMailCC: null,
EMailBCC: null,
Subject: "This e-mail was generated on the Web Platform",
Body: "This is a sample e-mail body.",
Staff: null,
Status: "Pending",
Note: null,
Retrieve SMS Details
- Authorization: Secured
- Supports OData: No
- Minimum API Version: 1
- Minimum Web Platform Version:
The SMS Details request will retrieve a single SMS notification for a specified id. This request is secured and requires an API key.
curl -H 'Accept: application/json'
"ID": 12,
"NotificationDate": "2014-06-01T12:34:57.001",
ReferenceType: "Transaction",
Reference: "12345",
"To": "2125551212",
"Message": "This is a sample message",
"Staff": "System",
"Status": "Pending",
"Note": null,
Send Transaction Notification
- Authorization: Secured
- Supports OData: No
- Minimum API Version: 1
- Minimum Web Platform Version:
The SendTransactionNotification request will generate a notification using a notification template for a specified transaction. If an e-mail notification is generated, it will be placed into a pending status and will be sent by the System Manager. If an SMS notification is generated, it will be placed into a pending status and will be handled by a server addon.
Required parameters
TransactionNumber | The transaction number to send the notification for |
TemplateName | The name of the notification template to be used for the template |
Optional parameters
To | The To address for the e-mail. If To is not provided, the To address will default to the NotificationTemplate's ToAddress if provided or the User or Lender's e-mail address. |
From | The From address for the e-mail. If From is not provided, the From address will default to the NotificationTemplate's FromAddress if provided or the From address in Customization (EmailFromAddress, DocDelEmailFromAddress, or LendingEmailFromAddress depending on ProcessType). |
CC | The CC address for the e-mail. |
BCC | The BCC address for the e-mail. |
Subject | The subject for the e-mail. If Subject is not provided, the subject will default to the NotificationTemplate's Subject. |
StaffUsername | The staff username associated with sending the notification. |
CustomTags |
An array of custom tags that can be used as replacement values for Special tags in a notification template. CustomTags are considered to be a part of the Special table name if a table name is not provided. |
In the following example, <#Special.CustomApplicationField> in a template would be replaced with ABC and <#CustomApplicationTable.Field> would be replaced with XYZ. `CustomTags:{"CustomApplicationField":"ABC","CustomApplicationTable.Field":"XYZ"} `
SendTransactionNotificationContent-Type: application/json
{ TransactionNumber: 12345, TemplateName:"Demo Template", Subject:
"This e-mail was generated on the Web Platform", CustomTags:
SendTransactionNotification Response
If the transaction number or template name do not exist, the response will be a 404 Not Found.
If the notification was handled successfully, the Web Platform will respond with an HTTP 201 Created status code (Status: 201 Created). It is possible that a user will opt-out of specific types of notifications where an e-mail and/or an SMS will not be generated. Lending transactions will not generate SMS notifications. Check to ensure data was returned for an Email and SMS before using the result.
"Email": {
ID: 101,
TransactionNumber: 12345,
EMailDate: "2014-06-01T12:34:57.001",
ReferenceType: "Transaction",
Reference: "12345",
EMailTo: "",
EMailFrom: "\"ILLiad System\" <>",
EMailCC: null,
EMailBCC: null,
Subject: "This e-mail was generated on the Web Platform",
Body: "This is a sample e-mail body.",
Staff: "System",
Status: "Pending",
Note: null,
"SMS": {
"ID": 12,
"NotificationDate": "2014-06-01T12:34:57.001",
ReferenceType: "Transaction",
Reference: "12345",
"To": "2125551212",
"Message": "This is a sample message",
"Staff": "System",
"Status": "Pending",
"Note": null,
Send User Notification
- Authorization: Secured
- Supports OData: No
- Minimum API Version: 1
- Minimum Web Platform Version:
The CreateUserEmail request will generate notification using a notification template for a specified user. If an e-mail notification is generated, it will be placed into a pending status and will be sent by the System Manager. If an SMS notification is generated, it will be placed into a pending status and will be handled by a server addon.
Required parameters
Username | The username of the user to associate the notification with |
TemplateName | The name of the e-mail template to be used for the template |
Optional parameters
To | The To address for the e-mail. If To is not provided, the To address will default to the NotificationTemplate's ToAddress if provided or the User or Lender's e-mail address. |
From | The From address for the e-mail. If From is not provided, the From address will default to the NotificationTemplate's FromAddress if provided or the From address in Customization (EmailFromAddress). |
CC | The CC address for the e-mail. |
BCC | The BCC address for the e-mail. |
Subject | The subject for the e-mail. If Subject is not provided, the subject will default to the EmailTemplate's Subject. |
StaffUsername | The staff username associated with sending the e-mail. |
CustomTags |
An array of custom tags that can be used as replacement values for Special tags in an e-mail template. CustomTags are considered to be a part of the Special table name if a table name is not provided. |
In the following example, <#Special.CustomApplicationField> in a template would be replaced with ABC and <#CustomApplicationTable.Field> would be replaced with XYZ. `CustomTags:{"CustomApplicationField":"ABC","CustomApplicationTable.Field":"XYZ"} `
Example SendUserNotification Request using JSON
SendUserNotificationContent-Type: application/json
{ Username: "jdoe", TemplateName:"Demo Template", Subject:
"This e-mail was generated on the Web Platform", CustomTags:
SendUserNotification Response
If the user or template name do not exist, the response will be a 404 Not Found.
If the notification was handled successfully, the Web Platform will respond with an HTTP 201 Created status code (Status: 201 Created). It is possible that a user will opt-out of specific types of notifications where an e-mail and/or an SMS will not be generated. Check to ensure data was returned for an Email and SMS before using the result.
"Email": {
ID: 102,
TransactionNumber: 0,
EMailDate: "2014-06-01T12:34:57.001",
ReferenceType: "User",
EMailReference: "jdoe",
EMailTo: "",
EMailFrom: "\"ILLiad System\" <>",
EMailCC: null,
EMailBCC: null,
Subject: "This e-mail was generated on the Web Platform",
Body: "This is a sample e-mail body.",
Staff: null,
Status: "Pending",
Note: null,
"SMS": {
"ID": 12,
"NotificationDate": "2014-06-01T12:34:57.001",
ReferenceType: "User",
Reference: "jdoe",
"To": "2125551213",
"Message": "This is a sample message",
"Staff": "System",
"Status": "Pending",
"Note": null,
Send Library Notification
- Authorization: Secured
- Supports OData: No
- Minimum API Version: 1
- Minimum Web Platform Version:
The SendLibraryNotification request will generate notification using a notification template for a specified library. If an e-mail notification is generated, it will be placed into a pending status and will be sent by the System Manager. SMS messages are not supported for lending/library e-mails.
Required parameters
LibrarySymbol | The symbol of the library to associate the notification with |
AddressNumber | The address number of the library to associate the notification with |
TemplateName | The name of the notification template to be used for the template |
Optional parameters
NVTGC | The NVTGC associated with the library address. If not provided the NVTGC will be the default site code (i.e. ILL). This parameter should be provided in shared server environments. |
To | The To address for the e-mail. If To is not provided, the To address will default to the NotificationTemplate's ToAddress if provided or the User or Lender's e-mail address. |
From | The From address for the e-mail. If From is not provided, the From address will default to the NotificationTemplate's FromAddress if provided or the From address in Customization (LendingEmailFromAddress). |
CC | The CC address for the e-mail. |
BCC | The BCC address for the e-mail. |
Subject | The subject for the e-mail. If Subject is not provided, the subject will default to the NotificationTemplate's Subject. |
StaffUsername | The staff username associated with sending the notification. |
CustomTags |
An array of custom tags that can be used as replacement values for Special tags in a notification template. CustomTags are considered to be a part of the Special table name if a table name is not provided. |
In the following example, <#Special.CustomApplicationField> in a template would be replaced with ABC and <#CustomApplicationTable.Field> would be replaced with XYZ. `CustomTags:{"CustomApplicationField":"ABC","CustomApplicationTable.Field":"XYZ"} `
Content-Type: application/json
{ LibrarySymbol: "OCLC_ATL", AddressNumber : 1, NVTGC : "ILL",
TemplateName:"Demo Template", Subject: "This e-mail was generated
on the Web Platform", CustomTags:{"Test1":"123","Test2":"abc"}}}
SendLibraryNotification Response
If the library or template name do not exist, the response will be a 404 Not Found.
If the notification was handled successfully, the Web Platform will respond with an HTTP 201 Created status code (Status: 201 Created).
"Email": {
ID: 102,
TransactionNumber: 0,
EMailDate: "2014-06-01T12:34:57.001",
ReferenceType: "Symbol",
EMailReference: "OCLC_ATL",
EMailTo: "",
EMailFrom: "\"ILLiad System\" <>",
EMailCC: null,
EMailBCC: null,
Subject: "This e-mail was generated on the Web Platform",
Body: "This is a sample e-mail body.",
Staff: null,
Status: "Pending",
Note: null,
"SMS": null
Web Display Status
Get Web Display Status Rules | Get Web Display Status by NVTGC/Process Type/Transaction Status | Get Web Display Status of a Specific Transaction
Get Web Display Status Rules
- HTTP Verb: GET
- Authorization: Secured
- Supports OData: No
- Minimum API Version: 1
- Minimum Web Platform Version:
The Get Web Display Status Rules request will retrieve all web display status rules that are defined within ILLiad.
Example Get Web Display Status Rules Request using JSON
This sample request demonstrates how to retrieve all web display status rules currently defined in ILLiad.
Content-Type: application/json
Example Get Web Display Status Rules Response
"Id": 1,
"Nvtgc": "HOOVER",
"ProcessTypeString": "Borrowing",
"ProcessType": 0,
"TransactionStatus": "Awaiting Request Processing",
"DisplayStatus": "Locating Suppliers"
"Id": 2,
"Nvtgc": "HOOVER",
"ProcessTypeString": "Borrowing",
"ProcessType": 0,
"TransactionStatus": "Awaiting Unfilled Processing",
"DisplayStatus": "Delayed: Looking for additional suppliers"
"Id": 3,
"Nvtgc": "HOOVER",
"ProcessTypeString": "Borrowing",
"ProcessType": 0,
"TransactionStatus": "Request Sent",
"DisplayStatus": "Supplier Processing Request"
"Id": 4,
"Nvtgc": "GARFIELD",
"ProcessTypeString": "Borrowing",
"ProcessType": 0,
"TransactionStatus": "Awaiting Request Processing - Special",
"DisplayStatus": "Awaiting Request Processing"
"Id": 5,
"Nvtgc": "GARFIELD",
"ProcessTypeString": "Lending",
"ProcessType": 2,
"TransactionStatus": "Awaiting Lending Request Processing",
"DisplayStatus": "Awaiting Processing"
Get Web Display Status by NVTGC/Process Type/Transaction Status
- HTTP Verb: GET
- Authorization: Secured
- Supports OData: No
- Minimum API Version: 1
- Minimum Web Platform Version:
Optional parameters for NVTGC, process type, and/or transaction status are available for the Get Web Display Status Rules request. If parameters are added to the request, the web display status defined for transactions with the included parameter values will be returned as a string.
Optional parameters
NVTGC | Defines a specific NVTGC for which to retrieve the web display statuses defined. |
processType | Defines a specific process type for which to retrieve the web display statuses defined. |
originalTransactionStatus | Defines a specific transaction status for which to retrieve the web display statuses defined. |
Example Get Web Display Status Request with parameters using JSON
This sample request demonstrates how to retrieve the web display status defined for transactions with an NVTGC value of "HOOVER," process type value of "Borrowing" and status of "Awaiting Request Processing."
Content-Type: application/json
Example Get Web Display Status Response
"Locating Suppliers"
Get the Web Display Status of a Specific Transaction
- HTTP Verb: GET
- Authorization: Secured
- Supports OData: No
- Minimum API Version: 1
- Minimum Web Platform Version:
The Get Web Display Status Transaction request will retrieve the web display status of a specific transaction. The ID number of the transaction is a required parameter.
Required parameters
id | The ID of the transaction for which to retrieve web display status. |
Example Get Web Display Status Transaction Request using JSON
The following sample request will retrieve the web display status for the transaction with ID number 7890.
Content-Type: application/json
Example Get Web Display Status Transaction Response
If the transaction does not exist, the response will be a 404 Not Found.
If handled successfully, the Web Platform will respond with the web display status returned as a string.
"Awaiting Offsite Delivery"