Adding a user as a full proxy to an Instructor's account gives that user the ability to manipulate all of the Instructor's courses, including designating other users as proxy users. Adding a user as an Instructor to another user's account gives full proxy status to that user's account and is a quick way to add a user as full proxy on multiple Instructor accounts. Full Proxy users display on the Instructor's User form in the Proxies grid of the Proxies tab. The Instructor will in turn display on the full proxy User's form as an Instructor on the Proxies tab. Adding and deleting users as full proxies or Instructors is done on the Proxies tab of the User form. Note that full proxies can be viewed from the Course Users tab of the Courses form, but cannot be added or deleted from that location. When Instructors and proxies are added to the User form, the information is stored in the ProxyUsers table. The primary key is InstructorUsername + ProxyUsername.
Full proxy users have the ability to manipulate all of an Instructor's courses and add new courses on their behalf.
Adding a Proxy From the Instructor's User Record
- Open the User form for the Instructor user and click the Proxies tab.
- Search for the user in the Search box.
- Add the user to the Proxies grid by clicking the Add as Proxy button. You can also click and drag the user from the Search Results grid.
- The user is added to the Proxies grid and highlighted in yellow to call attention to the addition.
- Click the Save icon to save the new full proxy user.
- If you do not save your changes before attempting to close the User form a message will appear confirming that you want to save your changes
Adding an Instructor From the Proxy's User Record
Essentially, adding an Instructor to a user's account is an alternative method of adding full proxy status to a user's account; by adding multiple Instructors, the user can be added as full proxy for several instructors quickly. Adding an Instructor to a user's account gives the user full proxy status to all of that Instructor's courses. When an Instructor is added for a user, that user displays as a full proxy in the Instructor's User form, and the Instructor user displays as an Instructor in the full proxy's user form.
To add a user as an Instructor:
- Open the User form for the user you want to serve as the full proxy to the Instructor and click the Proxies tab.
- Search for the user in the Search box.
- Add the user to the Instructor grid by clicking the Add as Instructor button. You can also click and drag the user from the Search Results grid.
- The user is added to the Instructors grid and highlighted in yellow to call attention to the addition.
- Click the Save icon to save the new Instructor.
- If you do not save your changes before attempting to close the User form a message will appear confirming that you want to save your change.
Removing an Instructor or Full Proxy User
You must remove instructors and full proxy users individually as there is no method to remove multiple users from the Instructors and Proxies grids.
To remove a user as an Instructor or full proxy:
- Open the User form and navigate to the Proxies tab.
- Select the user you want to delete and click either the Remove Instructor or Remove Proxy button.
- User information for the deleted user displays in the grid with a strike mark through the text: strike.
- Click the Save icon to save the deletion of the full proxy or Instructor and remove the user from the grid.
- If you do not save your changes before attempting to close the User form a message will appear confirming that you want to save your changes.