User Clearance Settings

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Clearing users is a way for staff to verify the information of newly registered users. Staff can review information, grant instructor privileges, and clear users. Users must be cleared to continue to use the Ares website and make requests. New and uncleared users will display on the main Ares screen. You can set specific user statuses to clear automatically in Ares. You can also configure specific statuses to be granted instructor privileges automatically.

Auto-Clearing Users

You can set specific user statuses to clear automatically using the AutoClearStatuses key. You can require that some, all, or none of your user statuses be cleared. This applies to users created on the web and in the client.

  1. In the Ares Customization Manager, navigate to Web | User Clearance | AutoClearStatuses.
  2. Enter any user statuses that will not need to be cleared by staff. These must be separated by commas.
    • To auto-clear all Users, type All.
    • To auto-clear all non-faculty statuses, type NonFaculty.
  3. Click Save.

Auto-Clearing Pre-registered Users

The AutoClearPreregisteredUsers key allows you to autoclear users created in the web service (your Course Management System). Information for pre-registered users is often fed from a user load or an external system.

  1. In the Ares Customization Manager, navigate to System | Course and User Loads | AutoClearPreregisteredUsers.
  2. Choose Yes or No to determine if users added through the web service (your Course Management System) are automatically cleared.
  3. Click Save.

Auto-Clearing Instructor Privileges

You can decide to autoclear specific users statuses for Instructor Privileges.

  1. In the Ares Customization Manager, navigate to Web | User Clearance | ClearCustomersInstructorStatuses.
  2. Enter any User statuses that you want to default to have instructor privileges. These must be separated by commas. By default, this key is set to Faculty.
  3. Click Save.

Using the ClearCustomersInstructorStatuses together with the AutoClearStatuses key will completely automate the clearance process for Ares Users.


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