Creating Proxy Users

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Instructors can designate a user as either a Course Proxy User or a Full Proxy User. Privileges allowed to the user depend upon which type of proxy status they are assigned. Course and Full Proxy Users must have a current Ares account, and the instructor authorizing the proxy status must know the username in order to add the user as a proxy.

Creating Full Proxy Users

Instructors can designate Ares users as full proxy users for all of their courses. Full proxy users have the ability to manipulate all of an Instructor's courses and add new courses on their behalf. They have access to the Teaching Assistant Tools in addition to the Instructor Course Tools Menu. From the Teaching Assistant Tools menu, they can create a new course, designating either themselves or the Instructor as Course Instructor.

To authorize an Ares user as a Full Proxy user:

  1. Click on Full Proxy Users under the Instructor Tools menu. The Full Proxy Users form opens.
  2. Input the Username of the person you want to designate as a Full Proxy User and click Add Proxy User.
  3. A message appears notifying you that the user has been added as a proxy user.
  4. A list of all Full Proxy users for the instructor displays at the bottom of the form.

Creating Course Proxy Users

Instructors (and their Full Proxy Users) can designate Course Proxy Users for their individual courses. Course Proxy Users have access to the Proxy Course Tools Menu and have the ability to manipulate those courses to which they are assigned Course Proxy status. With the Proxy Course Tools, they can add, edit and delete reserve items, view reserve item usage, modify Instructor Tags and add and remove Authorized Users.

To authorize an Ares user as a Course Proxy user:

  1. From the Main Menu, choose the course you want to allow your Course Proxy user to access. Click on the course to open the Course Details screen.
  2. Under the Instructor Course Tools sidebar menu, select Course Proxy Users. The Course Proxy Users screen opens.
  3. Input the Username of the person you want to designate as a Course Proxy User and click Add Proxy User.
  4. A message appears notifying you that the user has been added as a proxy user.
  5. A list of all Course Proxy users for the instructor displays at the bottom of the form.


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