Sorting and Filtering Print Templates

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Sorting Records

Ares can be configured to display and print the various documents in almost any order you wish. For example, it might facilitate your search efforts to print pull slips in location or call number order. The Printer Settings form includes a Sort Columns field that allows you to specify a sort order for your documents based on values from the PrintQueue worksheet in the document's .xls file using the format <TableName>_<ColumnName>.

For example, if you are printing pull slips and want them to print by Location and then by Call Number, you would enter the sort order for the PrintQueue values of Location and Call Number as Items_Location,Items_Callnumber. The Sort Columns feature displays in the Print Configurations form and retains the last values entered. You can edit and save the values for future print jobs from there.

The columns specified in the Sort Columns field will be sorted in ascending order by default. To sort a column in descending order instead, add "DESC" after the name of that column in the Sort Columns field (e.g. Items_Callnumber DESC).

Filtering Records

Ares can be set up to filter the various documents to keep certain items from printing. The Printer Settings form includes a Filter String field that allows you to specify which documents you print by creating a filter based on values from the PrintQueue worksheet in the document's .xls file using the format <TableName>_<ColumnName>.

For example, if you want to filter those slips with a Pickup Location of Default, the filter string would be entered as Items_PickupLocation = 'Default'. Pull slips will print only for those items with a value of Default in the Pickup Location field. The Filter String feature displays in the Print Configurations form and retains the last values entered. You can edit and save the values for future print jobs from there. Note that the columns used in filters are case-sensitive, so you must use "Default" and not "default".


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