Users can edit their information at any time using the Change User Information link under the My Profile dropdown in the navigation menu on the Aeon web interface. If you are using the System Manager to auto-expire users and have the user's cleared value set to New or EXP, those expired users will be sent to the Change User Information form to update account information. Alternatively, expired users can be directed to a custom expired users form, ExpiredUsers.html.
The Change User Information form
Open the Change User Information form by clicking Change User Information in the My Profile menu. After making any changes, click the Submit Information button to save the new data. These changes are tracked in the User Change History section of the user record in the Staff Client.
The Expired Users Information Form
If you have created a custom Expired Users form, users with an expired clearance status (EXP) will be directed here when they attempt to log into the web interface. When the user clicks the Submit Information button, the clearance status is updated by the system manager according to settings in the customization manager.