Editing User Information in the Client

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In the Aeon Desktop Client, you can make changes to user information on the User Information form. The username, password, and other information can be changed here. All changes are tracked on the History tab of the User Information form. In the Aeon Web Client, user information is changed and tracked on the User Information page, however, the username can only be changed using the Aeon Desktop Client.

Changing the Username (Desktop Client Only) | Changing the User Password | Changing User Information | Tracking Changes to User Information

Changing the Username (Desktop Client Only)

Desktop Client only

The username for a user can be changed in the Aeon Desktop Client using the Change Username button on the Home ribbon of the User Information form:

  1. Click the Change Username icon. The Change Username forms opens.
  2. Enter the new username in the New Username field and click Accept.
  3. The username automatically changes to the new username.


Changing the User Password

A user's password can be changed in either the Aeon Desktop Client or Aeon Web Client. You can choose any password you like, though it is advised that users are given a generic password that they can change upon login. It is recommended that the Force Reset on Login checkbox option is used to ensure that the user changes that generic password to something more secure via the customer web pages. Use the tabs below to learn how to change a user's password using each client.

Desktop Client Web Client

In the Aeon Desktop Client, you can change a user's password using the Change Password button on the Home ribbon of the User Information form:

  1. Click the Change Password icon.
  2. A popup box will appear. Type the new password in the New Password and Confirm Password fields.
  3. Optionally, check the Force Reset on Login checkbox. When checked, this will prompt the user to reset their password upon attempting to log in.
  4. Click OK to change the password.


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Changing User Information

Use the tabs below to learn how to change a user's information using the Aeon Desktop Client or Aeon Web Client.

Desktop Client Web Client

In the Aeon Desktop Client, changes to other user information are made by clicking on the appropriate field on the Detail tab of the User Information form.

  1. Type or select the new information to enter into the field you are changing.
  2. Fields you edit will be highlighted until they are saved.
  3. Click the Save Changes icon on the Home ribbon to save the changes.


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Tracking Changes to User Information

Use the tabs below to learn how to view a user's change history using the Aeon Desktop Client or Aeon Web Client.

Desktop Client Web Client

In the Aeon Desktop Client, the History tab on the User Information form tracks all changes made to user records under the User Change History grid. It also tracks, in the User History grid, when the user is cleared and when user information is changed. A record of the changes to any uploaded images is also saved under in the User Change History grid.


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