Designating Users as Course Proxy Users

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Staff can add users as course proxies for an Instructor on a course by course basis from within the client. This is done under the Course Users tab on the Course form. Instructor users can also add course proxy users to their account and view course proxy users for their courses via the web interface.

Adding a user as a course proxy for an Instructor gives the user the ability to manipulate those specific courses for the Instructor. Course proxy users have access and can add, edit and delete reserve items, view reserve item usage, modify Instructor Tags and add and remove authorized users. Course proxy users display on the Course Users tab of the Course form, under the Course Proxies tab. Note: users who are added as a course proxy when also designated a full proxy for an instructor will display under the Full Proxies tab only.

Course proxy users added through the Client will not be overwritten by the Course & User Load process but only when that user isn’t otherwise included in course user validation data.

Adding a User as a Course Proxy User

To add a user as a course proxy:

  1. Open the Course form, using the Search Course feature if necessary, and navigate to the Course Users | Course Proxies tab.
  2. Add the user as a course proxy by entering the Username or Library ID into the form and clicking Add.
  3. The user is added to the Course Proxies grid and highlighted in yellow to call attention to the addition.
  4. Click the Save icon to save the new course proxy user.
  5. If you do not save your changes before attempting to close the Course form a message will appear confirming that you want to save your changes.

To add multiple users simultaneously, enter the username or library ids of each user on a separate line in the form. Click Add to display the users in the grid. Click the Save icon to save the newly added users.

Removing a Course Proxy User

To remove a user as a course proxy:

  1. Open the Course form and navigate to the Course Users | Course Proxies tab.
  2. Select the user you want to delete and click the Delete button.
  3. User information for the deleted user displays in the grid with a strike mark through the text: strike.
  4. Click the Save icon to save the deletion of the course proxy and remove the user from the grid.
  5. If you do not save your changes before attempting to close the Course form a message will appear confirming that you want to save your changes.

To delete multiple users simultaneously, select the users you want to delete and click the Delete button. Click the Save icon to save the deletion of the users and remove them from the grid.


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