Users can be added to courses as enrolled students or authorized users. This is done under the Course Users tab on the Course form. Enrolled students are those users who have created an Ares account. These users have access to the Ares web interface. Authorized users are students registered with the institution who have not yet created an Ares account. If the course does not require a course password to register and if at least one user is listed in the Authorized Users list for that course, any user wanting to add the course must also be on the list. Users not on the Authorized Users list will see an error message stating that the course requires prior authorization to register. The Authorized Users list cannot be used If the course requires a password to register because the password feature will override the Authorized Users list.
Adding Enrolled Students to a Course
The individual registered with the Ares system can be added to courses as enrolled students using either their Ares username or Library ID number.
- Open the Course form for the course you want to add students to.
- Click on the Enrolled Students tab.
- To add the User, type their username or library ID into the text box at the bottom.
- Click Add.
- Click the Save icon to save the newly enrolled students.
Users added through the Client will not be overwritten by the Course & User Load process but only when that user isn’t otherwise included in course user validation data.
Removing Enrolled Students
To remove a User as an enrolled student in the course:
- Navigate to the Enrolled Students tab.
- Select the User you want to remove from the Course and click the Delete button.
- User information for the deleted user displays in the grid with a strike mark through the text: strike.
- Click the Save icon to save the deletion of the enrolled student and remove the user from the grid.
Enrolled students added through the Client will be overwritten by the Course and Load process.
Adding Authorized Users to a Course
Individuals who are not registered in the Ares system can be designated as authorized Users with their Library ID number. Users are generally added using the Library ID because the assumption is that these users have not yet created Ares accounts and so do not have Ares usernames. Adding the User as an authorized user allows them to access course information once they have created an account in Ares. When they have created an Ares account, they will also be listed on the Enrolled Students grid. If you add a User who already holds an Ares account as an authorized user, the User will appear automatically in the Enrolled Students grid.
If the course does not require a course password to register and if at least one user is listed in the Authorized Users list for that course, any User wanting to add the course must also be on the list. Users not on the Authorized Users list will see an error message stating that the course requires prior authorization to register.
- Open the Course form, using the Search Course feature if necessary, and navigate to the Course Users | Authorized Users tab.
- Add the user as an authorized user by entering the Library ID into the text box on the form and clicking Add.
- Click the Save icon to save the newly authorized user.
- If you do not save your changes before attempting to close the Course form a message will appear confirming that you want to save your changes.
The Authorized Users list cannot be used If the course requires a password to register because the password feature will override the Authorized Users list.
Removing Authorized Users
To remove a User as an authorized user:
- Open the Course form and navigate to the Course Users | Authorized Users tab.
- Select the user you want to remove from the course and click the Delete button.
- User information for the deleted user displays in the grid with a strike mark through the text: strike.
- Click the Save icon to save the deletion of the authorized user and remove the user from the grid.
Exceptions to Adding Users
Attempting to add a User under these circumstances generates a popup message explaining that the User cannot be added:
- You cannot add a User to a course if the User is already listed as either an enrolled student or authorized user.
- You cannot add a User as an enrolled student if the User is already listed as a Course or Full Proxy for the instructor of the course.
When you add or delete Users on the Course Users form, Ares will prevent conflicting entries from saving to the database by checking to make sure that other staff Users are not simultaneously adding and deleting Users. If a second staff User attempts to save a change that conflicts with the first staff User's changes, Ares will display an error message. The easiest way to prevent Ares from attempting to save conflicting entries is to always refresh your form before clicking the Save icon to save changes to the database.