Resetting a User Password on the Web

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Users who have forgotten their Aeon account passwords can submit a request to reset their password using the Forgot Password? link on the Aeon Logon forms (Logon.html and Logon2.html). The system manager automatically sends an email with a link to reset the password to the email address on record.

Changing User Password

Clicking the Forgot Password? link on the Aeon Logon forms allows the user to request a password reset email containing a link to the Reset Password form. There, the user can create a new password to access their Aeon web account. To request a password reset email:

  1. Click the Forgot Password? link on the Aeon Logon form. The Forgot Password form opens.
  2. On the Forgot Password form, enter your Aeon Username and click Reset Password.
  3. Aeon returns to the Logon form and a status line at the top of the form informs you that an email has been sent with instructions for resetting your password.
  4. Click the link included in the reset password email (or copy and paste in your browser) to access the Reset Password form.
  5. On the Password Reset form, enter and then re-enter the new password you have chosen for your account.
  6. Click the Set Password button.
  7. The user account opens to the home page and a status line at the top of the form informs you that the password has been changed.


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