Users who have forgotten their Aeon account passwords can submit a request to reset their password using the Forgot Password? link on the Aeon Logon forms (Logon.html and Logon2.html). The system manager automatically sends an email with a link to reset the password to the email address on record.
Changing User Password
Clicking the Forgot Password? link on the Aeon Logon forms allows the user to request a password reset email containing a link to the Reset Password form. There, the user can create a new password to access their Aeon web account. To request a password reset email:
- Click the Forgot Password? link on the Aeon Logon form. The Forgot Password form opens.
- On the Forgot Password form, enter your Aeon Username and click Reset Password.
- Aeon returns to the Logon form and a status line at the top of the form informs you that an email has been sent with instructions for resetting your password.
- Click the link included in the reset password email (or copy and paste in your browser) to access the Reset Password form.
- On the Password Reset form, enter and then re-enter the new password you have chosen for your account.
- Click the Set Password button.
- The user account opens to the home page and a status line at the top of the form informs you that the password has been changed.