Using the Logon to Web option, staff can sign into a user's web account from the Aeon Desktop Client or the Aeon Web Client and view the account from the perspective of the user. This enables staff to assist users with their web accounts by being able to see the web pages as the user sees them. Only staff with the appropriate client access permissions will be able to see the Logon to Web button and log into a user's account. Staff who have not been granted permission to use this feature will not see the Logon to Web option in the client.
Using the Logon to Web Option | Tracking Staff Logons | Configuring Logon to Web Permissions
Using the Logon to Web Option
The Logon to Web option allows you to log into a user's web account, view the information as the user sees it, and request items for the user from within the web interface. When you click the Logon to Web button, you are taken to the Aeon web interface home page and logged into the user's web account. Use the tabs below to learn how to locate and use this option in the Aeon Desktop Client and Aeon Web Client.
In the Aeon Desktop Client, the Logon to Web button is located on the Home ribbon of the User Information form:
- On the User Information form, click the Logon to Web button.
- A new browser window will open to the Aeon web interface home page using the default web browser application on your computer and log you into that user's account.
- If the user is currently logged into the web account when you attempt to access it, a pop-up message will ask if you want to proceed with the login.
- Replying Yes ends the user's web session and logs you into the account.
- Replying No returns you to the User Information form.
In the Aeon Web Client, the Logon to Web option is located within the Action menu on the User Information page:
Navigate to the User Information page for the user.
You can easily navigate to this page by performing a search for the user and double-clicking on the user's record in the User Search Results grid. -
Click the Action menu icon (
) in the toolbar at the top of the screen to expand the menu:
Click Logon to Web from the Action menu:
- A new tab will open in your web browser to the Aeon web interface home page and log you into that user's account.
Tracking Staff Logons
A record of each staff login will be tracked by Aeon and viewable in the Aeon Client. Use the tabs below to learn how to view staff logon history in the Aeon Desktop Client and Aeon Web Client.
In the Aeon Desktop Client, a record of each staff logon is added to the user's User History grid located under the History tab of the User Information form.
In the Aeon Web Client, a record of each staff logon is added to the History grid on the User Information page.
Configuring Logon to Web Permissions
Permission to use the Logon to Web feature is configured for staff users in the Aeon Staff Manager. Sites using RemoteAuth will also need to use the StaffProxyWebURL key in the Aeon Customization Manager.
Staff Manager User Permissions
In order for this feature to work, staff must be given client access permissions to log into the user's web accounts. Access permissions are configured for each staff user in the User Permissions section of the Aeon Staff Manager. Permissions are not given to staff by default, so the Can Logon to Web as Patron checkbox must be checked for each staff user that will use the feature. If permissions are not granted, the staff user will not see the Logon to Web option in the client:
The StaffProxyWebURL Key
The purpose of this key is to allow those sites using RemoteAuth to enter a value pointing to an unprotected directory and bypass their ISAPI filter. By default, this key (found under Web Interface | General in the Aeon Customization Manager) is left empty, and staff logs into the web session via the system URL. This key is not used unless a value is assigned.