Initial Configuration: Using Rapid Manager with Odyssey

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If both the Borrowing and Lending institutions use ILLiad Odyssey, requests can be handled automatically through Odyssey using the information received with the Rapid request. These requests can also be delivered to customers with no staff intervention.

Background Information

The key to matching incoming Odyssey deliveries has to do with the sender’s Odyssey Domain Name System (DNS) address and the sender’s symbol in the files included with the Odyssey delivery. When RapidX delivers an article via Odyssey, the sender’s IP address will either be the lender’s configured IP address (if the lender is configured to deliver via Odyssey in the Rapid system) or the RapidX DNS address ( ILLiad matches Odyssey deliveries by searching the sender’s Odyssey IP address in the Lenders address table in the ILLiad database. If ILLiad finds a match with the sender’s Odyssey DNS address, it will then verify the sender’s symbol (RAPID:COF, for example). If ILLiad can match both the sender’s DNS and the sender’s symbol, the article will be processed automatically.

Configurations in RAPID

  1. Sign on to your Rapid account at
  2. Click on My Profile.
  3. In the Edit Associated Branches section, click on the branch you want to edit.
  4. In the E-Delivery Borrowing (Receiving) section, select Odyssey as the preferred delivery method, and fill in your Odyssey DNS address.
  5. In the E-delivery Lending (Sending) section, select Odyssey as the preferred delivery method, and fill in your Odyssey DNS address.
  6. Click Save to save these settings.

Configurations in ILLiad

Customization Manager

  1. Enable Trusted Sender. Please see Odyssey Trusted Sender for more information.
    1. Open Odyssey | Trusted | OdysseyAutoElecDel
    2. Change key to Always
    3. Alternately, you can also set the Key to Trusted mode, and check Trusted Sender value on each RAPID Lender Address Record.
  2. Enable Odyssey Matching with Rapid IDs
    1. Open Borrowing | Electronic Delivery | ElecDelAllowRapidMatch key
    2. Change key to Yes
      • If this key is set to No, matching will have to be done manually in the Electronic Delivery processing window.

Adding Lender Address Records

To ensure that each Rapid Odyssey deliveries will be processed automatically, the borrower should create a separate Lender Address Record for each RAPID library in your pod(s). RAPID staff can provide a list of your institution’s pod members who use Odyssey and those who do not. Entering these libraries/Odyssey addresses into your ILLiad system ensures that RapidX-delivered articles from those libraries will automatically match in your system.

Create new Lender Address Records for RAPID libraries in your pod based on the lists provided by RAPID.

  1. Libraries without Odyssey—these libraries will likely use RAPIDX to send the documents associated with your requests. Add the following to the new Lender Address Record
    1. Symbol
      • Follow this naming convention: RAPID:XXX e.g. RAPID:COF
    2. Library Name
    3. Shipping Address
    4. Odyssey Address:
      • This address will be the same for all RAPID libraries that do NOT have Odyssey.
  2. Libraries with Odyssey—Add the following to the new Lender Address Record
    1. Symbol
      • Follow this naming convention: RAPID:XXX e.g. RAPID:COF
    2. Library Name
    3. Shipping Address
    4. Odyssey Address:
      • Add the address provided by RAPID

ILLiad matches incoming Odyssey transmissions using the library symbol and the Odyssey DNS address. The InstitutionTitle field in the file is not necessary for matching but are required fields for creating the Lender Address Record.


New Rapid libraries are usually automatically added to ILLiad through normal Rapid request processing. However, you may periodically want to check that Lender Address Records exist for new RAPID libraries in your pods. If you join a new Rapid pod, you might need to have Rapid staff send you an updated list. Please contact Rapid staff at for an updated list of the Rapid libraries in your pods that should be added to your system for Odyssey matching.



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