You are able to specify how much manual review will be required when another library sends you a document through Odyssey. This is done using the OdysseyAutoElecDel key in the ILLiad Customization Manager.
- In the ILLiad Customization Manager, navigate to Odyssey | Trusted | OdysseyAutoElecDel.
- Enter the value you want to use in the field, and click Save.
- Always allows all articles to go directly to the patron without any staff review.
- Never means all articles must be reviewed by staff.
- Trusted allows only articles received from Trusted senders to bypass staff review.
If you have a shared server installation, these customizations will need to be made in the Customization Manager for each individual site (NVTGC).
Overriding the Trusted Sender Value
In some situations, you may want to allow a specific institution to have a different Trusted Sender value than your library's default value. This can be done on specific Lender Address Records.
Setting an Institution as a Trusted Sender
If the value of your OdysseyAutoElecDel customization key is set to Trusted, you can specify which institutions are Trusted by checking the Trusted Sender? box on that institution's Lender Address record.
Turning Off Trusted Sender for an Institution
If the value of your OdysseyAutoElecDel customization key is set to Always, you can set a specific institution to be NOT trusted by checking the Override Trusted Sender? box on that institution's Lender Address record.
Borrowing Billing
If your institution bills for Borrowing, the Always and Trusted values for OdysseyAutoElecDel will be overridden by the system unless the requesting customer is set to the Exempt billing category. ILL Staff intervention is required to attach the proper billing charges at the point of check-in from the Lending institution.