Rapid recognizes requests that can be filled locally and routes them automatically to the Awaiting RAPID Local Request Processing queue. In addition to moving the request to this queue, it inserts the note, "RAPID Request Held Locally," and provides you the call number and location of the request on your shelves per the preset Rapid values. Lending String and System ID values are given as RAPID.
If you choose to send the request to Rapid even though it is held locally, simply route it to Awaiting RAPID Local Sending. Rapid will grab the request and move it to Request Sent. If you know you own the item locally and still want to send the request to be filled, you must route it to Awaiting RAPID Local Sending. If you route it to Awaiting RAPID Request Sending it will continue to default back to Awaiting RAPID Local Request Processing as explained above.
Multiple Local Holdings
When Rapid returns a request with multiple holdings, the Call Number field displays the message, "Multiple Holdings (see notes)". The note entry created for multiple holdings shows all the local holdings for the request. The 3 fields for each holding, separated by a pipe (|), designate the branch, location and call number of each item.
Duplicate Requests
Rapid will also return to ILLiad any requests that appear to be duplicate requests. ILLiad places those requests back in Awaiting Request Processing. An error message will be displayed explaining why Rapid cannot fill the request.