Processing: Rapid Lending Requests

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The Rapid Manager must be enabled and custom queues need to be configured in order for RAPID processing to work.

Rapid matches article requests with a Lender automatically and routes the request to the Lender. Once the Rapid Manager has downloaded those requests sent to your institution, you can route the requests manually through the queues or create custom routing rules to move the requests through the lending process with less staff mediation.

  1. Requests received by a Lender go by default to Awaiting Lending Request Processing and from there to Awaiting Stacks Searching.
  2. To print your RAPID requests with other lending requests, you can choose Search Stacks | Print Stacks Search Items. If you chose to route requests to Awaiting RAPID Stacks Searching via a routing rule, you can print those separately by clicking on Search Stacks | Print Stacks Search Items for Rapid. In either case, the requests are printed and move to the In Stacks Searching queue with all other requests.
  3. Once the requests are at In Stacks Searching, the process to fill or cancel requests is the same as OCLC or any other request type. If the Borrowing library sent Odyssey information, it will note the request as an Odyssey request on the Update Stacks Search form.

If you would like to skip the Awaiting Lending Request Processing queue (the Rapid Manager automatically matches a borrowing symbol for that library and imports call number, location and citation information), you can create a routing rule to move all items with the SystemID "RAPID" from Awaiting Lending Request Processing to Awaiting Stacks Searching to print with other lending requests. You can also route the request to a special queue called Awaiting RAPID Stacks Searching to separate it from other requests. 

Items printed from the Awaiting RAPID Stacks Searching queue use the LendingArticleSlips.doc Word template as specified in the LendingStacksRapidDocsArticle customization key. This is the same template used with the LendingStacksDocsArticle key, so by default, the template content is the same. If you prefer to have a customized document for your Rapid requests, you can edit the content and wording of the template, save it as a new Word document, and change the value of the customization key to the new document.

Adding / Changing Due Dates

As of v9.1, ILLiad will now allow for lenders to set customized due dates for returnables. The due dates follow the same behaviors as due dates for other Systems. See ILLiad Groups Maintenance for more information on lending due date overrides values. The date will be added to the Item Information section of the request form.

Delivering Rapid items via Odyssey

The update mechanism used by ILLiad to update RAPID requests (e.g, Shipped) would be via the same Rapid Manager/web service (port 80) by which requests are exchanged between the Borrowing and Lending libraries. The Rapid Manager processes updates via entries added to the ESPUpdate table by the Client and the Electronic Delivery Utility.


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