This article compiles a few sample routing rules to help you learn how to efficiently use ILLiad with OCLC’s Automated Request Manager (ARM) to reduce your processing times and streamline your workflows. For more information on configuring these rules, and to learn how to set up ILLiad for use with the OCLC ARM system, see Automated Request Manager - Configuring ILLiad and OCLC Resource Sharing Settings.
Changes to the Default ARM Statuses Used by ILLiad
When configuring your routing rules, please note that the release of ILLiad Connection Manager v9.2.4 included an update to the default name used for the queue monitored by ILLiad to send requests to ARM:
- Changed the name of the default queue used to send requests to ARM from Awaiting Direct Request Sending status to Awaiting ARM Sending
ILLiad Connection Manager v9.2.4 or later will monitor both the updated queue name using ARM and the legacy queue name using Direct Request to send requests to the ARM service, however, previous versions of the Connection Manager must use the legacy queue names to send requests to ARM. As a best practice, routing rules used with ILLiad Connection Manager v9.2.4 or later should use the new Awaiting ARM Sending queue name to route requests to ARM.
Sample Rule #1: Send Only Requests Without Notes
This rule lets you automatically route only those requests without any associated notes to "Awaiting ARM Sending/Awaiting Direct Request Sending." This allows you to hold back any requests that may require specialized processing indicated in the Notes field for review before sending:
Field Name |
Entry |
Rule Active |
Yes |
Process Type |
Borrowing |
Transaction Status |
Awaiting Request Processing |
Match String |
t.TransactionNumber not in (select TransactionNumber from Notes where t.TransactionNumber = TransactionNumber) |
New Process Type |
Borrowing |
New Transaction Status |
Configure this setting according to the version of the ILLiad Connection Manager that is installed:
Rule Description |
Moves all requests with a status of Awaiting Request Processing and without any notes to Awaiting ARM/Direct Request Sending. |
Sample Rule #2: Send Only Requests with a Specified Value in the Notes Field
This rule lets you automatically route only those requests with some specific value entered in the Notes field to "Awaiting ARM Sending/Awaiting Direct Request Sending." In the following example, the “XYZ” located in the match string is the value we want to specify:
Field Name |
Entry |
Rule Active |
Yes |
Process Type |
Borrowing |
Transaction Status |
Awaiting Request Processing |
Match String |
t.TransactionNumber in (select TransactionNumber from Notes where t.TransactionNumber = TransactionNumber and Note like '%XYZ%') |
New Process Type |
Borrowing |
New Transaction Status |
Configure this setting according to the version of the ILLiad Connection Manager that is installed:
Rule Description |
Moves all requests with a status of Awaiting Request Processing and that contain “XYZ” in the Notes field to Awaiting ARM/Direct Request Sending. |
Sample Rule #3: Send Only Requests that Return Unmatched from Rapid
This rule lets you automatically route only those requests that had first been sent to Rapid, but have returned to the “Awaiting Request Processing” status after failing to find any local or Rapid holdings:
Field Name |
Entry |
Rule Active |
Yes |
Process Type |
Borrowing |
Transaction Status |
Awaiting Request Processing |
Match String |
t.ISSN > '' and t.RequestType = 'Article' and t.LendingString = 'RAPID' |
New Process Type |
Borrowing |
New Transaction Status |
Configure this setting according to the version of the ILLiad Connection Manager that is installed:
Rule Description |
Moves all requests that have failed Rapid to Awaiting ARM/Direct Request Sending. |
To specify that this rule apply only to specific sites, you can edit the match string like this:
- u.NVTGC in ('SYMBOL1', 'SYMBOL2', 'SYMBOL3') and t.ISSN > '' and t.RequestType = 'Article' and t.LendingString = 'RAPID'
Just change “SYMBOL1,” “SYMBOL2,” and “SYMBOL3” to the symbols of those sites for which you want the rule to apply. You can also add or remove symbols as needed.
Sample Rules #4-5: Patron-Based Decision Making
Any patron-based decisions you'd like the system to make when using ILLiad with the OCLC ARM should be set up as routing rules in ILLiad, as ILLiad keeps patron data separate from WorldShare ILL. The following examples are routing rules for direct requests that would apply only to users with certain characteristics in ILLiad.
Send Requests Only from Cleared Faculty Members
This rule will automatically route only those requests that are submitted by cleared users with “Faculty” status in ILLiad to “Awaiting ARM Sending/Awaiting Direct Request Sending”:
Field Name |
Entry |
Rule Active |
Yes |
Process Type |
Borrowing |
Transaction Status |
Awaiting Request Processing |
Match String |
u.Cleared = 'Yes' and u.Status = 'Faculty' |
New Process Type |
Borrowing |
New Transaction Status |
Configure this setting according to the version of the ILLiad Connection Manager that is installed:
Rule Description |
Moves all requests from cleared faculty users to Awaiting ARM/Direct Request Sending. |
Send Requests Only from Users with a Fulfilled Request in the Past Year
This rule will automatically route a request to “Awaiting ARM Sending/Awaiting Direct Request Sending” only if the user who submitted the request has had at least one fulfilled request in the past year:
Field Name |
Entry |
Rule Active |
Yes |
Process Type |
Borrowing |
Transaction Status |
Awaiting Request Processing |
Match String |
t.Username in (select Username from Transactions where t.Username = Username and TransactionStatus = 'Request Finished' and TransactionDate > (GETDATE() - 365)) |
New Process Type |
Borrowing |
New Transaction Status |
Configure this setting according to the version of the ILLiad Connection Manager that is installed:
Rule Description |
Moves requests to Awaiting ARM/Direct Request Sending only if the user has had a fulfilled request in the past year. |
Sample Rule #6: Configure ARM/Direct Request Sending by OCLC Number
The default routing rule used by ARM/Direct Request references only the ISBN and ISSN fields. You can modify that default rule to use the match string below to also route requests by OCLC Number (the ESPNumber field) to "Awaiting ARM Sending/Awaiting Direct Request Sending":
Field Name |
Entry |
Rule Active |
Yes |
Process Type |
Borrowing |
Transaction Status |
Awaiting Request Processing |
Match String |
(ISNULL(t.ISSN,'') !='' OR ISNULL(t.ESPNumber,'') !='') AND ISNULL(t.LendingString,'') !='' AND t.RequestType = 'Loan' |
New Process Type |
Borrowing |
New Transaction Status |
Configure this setting according to the version of the ILLiad Connection Manager that is installed:
Rule Description |
Default ARM/Direct Request rule modified to also use OCLC Number. |