Product | ILLiad |
Version | N/A |
Ticket | N/A |
KB Permissions | Public |
Additional patron information may be required as a part of your institution's borrowing processes or if you're utilizing OCLC's Automated Request Manager (ARM) for routing. For more information on ARM, see Heather Black's video on Implementing ARM. This is not a part of the normal workflow by default and requires configuration in both the Customization Manager and the Client to transfer patron information from ILLiad to the OCLC WorkForm.
- Open the Customization Manager's WorkFormMapping table.
- Add entries for patronstatus, patrondepartment on Loan Workform.
- Open the Client, right-click and then select Customize Layout to add the Department and PatronStatus to the OCLCFieldNames. This allows the values to be visible for these fields.
Note: OCLC does not forward any patron info to lending libraries.