Setting up ILLiad to use the OCLC Automated Request Manager (ARM) allows your ILL operation to implement unmediated ILL Borrowing for any ILLiad transactions that meet your criteria for automatic requesting. This article will provide an overview of the ARM workflow in ILLiad and the configuration steps necessary to implement this feature.
Workflow Overview
Note: This workflow chart reflects ARM functionality when used with ILLiad Connection Manager v9.2.4 or later. Please see the legacy workflow chart below to view the ARM workflow when used with previous versions of the ILLiad Connection Manager.
Workflow Description
Changes to the Default ARM Statuses Used by ILLiad
The release of ILLiad Connection Manager v9.2.4 included the following changes to the names of the default statuses/queue names monitored for the ARM service:
- Replaced the Awaiting Direct Request Sending status with the Awaiting ARM Sending status
- Replaced the Awaiting Direct Request Lenders status with the Awaiting ARM Response status
ILLiad Connection Manager v9.2.4 or later will monitor both the updated queue names using ARM and the legacy queue names using Direct Request to send requests to the ARM service, however, previous versions of the Connection Manager must use the legacy queue names to send requests to ARM.
When using OCLC ARM with ILLiad, customer requests come in from any of the usual sources, such as the ILLiad web pages, OpenURL, etc., and are routed, either manually or automatically using a routing rule, to a status of Awaiting ARM Sending (legacy queue name: Awaiting Direct Request Sending). The ILLiad Connection Manager then automatically selects any transactions at that status and sends them to various OCLC lenders according to the preferences specified in your institution's OCLC ARM settings. This process works for both loans and articles, as OCLC will choose its lending string for articles based on the volume and issue of the serial request.
After a request is sent out to lenders, the ILLiad transaction moves to a status of Awaiting ARM Response (legacy queue name: Awaiting Direct Request Lenders), where the ILLiad Connection Manager service assigns an ILL Number, OCLC Number, and the OCLC Lending String from the already sent OCLC request and adds this information to the ILLiad transaction record. The transaction is then moved to the status of Request Sent. As requested items arrive from lenders, they may be processed and delivered to the requesting customers like any other incoming Borrowing requests.
Routing Requests to Review
As of ILLiad Connection Manager v9.2.4, ARM automation profiles can be configured to route requests to review in ILLiad. After the request is routed to the Awaiting ARM Sending queue in ILLiad and sent to ARM for fulfillment, if the matching ARM automation for the request is configured to route the request to review instead of sending the request to lenders or if the request is routed to review because the specified lenders cannot fill the request, the ILLiad request will be routed to the Awaiting ARM Manual Review queue for manual processing by staff. If a lending string was created and added to the request during processing in ARM, it will be retained on the ILLiad request when the request is routed to the review queue.
Routing Unfilled Requests into ARM
The Import Into Resubmission button should be used on unfilled requests before routing them to ARM for fulfillment.
Using the ILLiad WorkFormMapping Table with ARM
ILLiad will use entries in the WorkFormMapping table configured with the WorkFormTypes OCLC Article and OCLC Loan for requests sent to ARM. However, the WorkFormMapping table cannot be used to perform overwrites on bibliographic data for these requests as once the request is sent to OCLC, it will be matched with a record in the OCLC database and all bibliographic data for the ILLiad request will be overwritten with the information in the OCLC record, except for the following fields:
- Article Author
- Article Title
- Issue Volume
- Issue Number
- Issue Date
- Pages
- Edition Type
If Sending to ARM Fails
Requests sent to ARM via the Awaiting ARM Sending queue (legacy queue name: Awaiting Direct Request Sending) may fail to send if there are problems with the ISBN/ISSN information attached to the ILLiad transaction, or if there is some other problem finding the correct information in the OCLC database. If this happens for a given transaction, OCLC will place the request into the review file and add a note to the record explaining the reason it failed to send. This note is added by OCLC directly into ILLiad and will be reflected in the ILLiad Transaction record immediately. The ILLiad Connection Manager will then download the review request, remove the review file entry for the item, add the OCLC number to the request, and move the transaction to Awaiting Request Processing for standard ILL processing.
Enhanced ARM Workflow Options Using the ARMMatchField Customization Key
Starting with ILLiad Connection Manager v9.2.4, the ARMMatchField customization key can be used to configure more granular Automated Request Manager (ARM) automation matches in OCLC in order to support more nuanced ARM workflow options in ILLiad. For more information, see Automated Request Manager - Enhancing ARM Workflows Using the ARMMatchField Customization Key.
Processing Article Requests Electronically through ARM
You can use the OCLC WorldCat Knowledge Base to process and fill article requests electronically through ARM. When an ARM lender receives a request for an electronic article, ARM has already verified through the WorldCat Knowledge Base and License Manager that the lender has access to the article and permission to provide it through ILL. The request contains a direct link to the article, which will appear in the Collections sub-tab located within the Detail tab on the request, and without additional checking, the lender can employ its usual methods to supply the borrowing library:
Configuration Overview
Before ILLiad can begin sending requests to the Automated Request Manager, you will need to configure your ARM settings within OCLC to handle ARM processing for loan and/or article requests. The required configuration steps for this process will vary based on whether you are setting up ARM to process loan requests or article requests. To configure ARM for both article and loan requests, both sets of instructions should be followed. Once the necessary OCLC settings have been configured, you will then need to configure several settings in ILLiad to activate these features and begin sending requests to ARM.
Configuration Process:
Configure OCLC Resource Sharing Settings to Use ARM
The following section will detail the process for configuring the necessary settings in OCLC to use the Automated Request Manager. The required configuration steps for this process will vary based on whether you are configuring ARM to process loan requests or article requests. To configure ARM for both article and loan requests, both sets of instructions should be followed.
Accessing OCLC Resource Sharing Settings from ILLiad
The OCLC Resource Sharing Settings interface (used to add or change Custom Holdings Paths, Custom Holdings Groups, Constant Data, etc.) was removed from within the ILLiad Client with the release of ILLiad 9.1 and replaced with a button that links out to the OCLC Interface where the updated settings are located. As a result, these settings are no longer configured in ILLiad. The OCLC interface to configure these settings can be accessed by clicking the OCLC Resource Sharing Settings button on the System ribbon of the ILLiad Client:
Configuring OCLC ARM Settings for Loans
All of the steps below must be followed before the OCLC ARM process will work with your ILLiad installation for loan requests:
Loan Configuration Process:
- Disable ILL Access in FirstSearch. See Disabling ILL Access in FirstSearch below for more guidance on this process.
- Set up an OCLC ARM automation profile for loans. See Setting Up an ARM Automation Profile for Loans below for more guidance on this process
- Set up rules governing your OCLC ARM Preferences (Custom Holdings Groups and Paths). See Setting Up ARM Preferences (Custom Holdings) for Loans below for more guidance on this process
Disabling ILL Access in FirstSearch
Disabling the FirstSearch ILL Form will remove this request option from the FirstSearch pages. If these pages are currently being used by your customers to submit requests, this will eliminate that method of requesting ILL materials in favor of using the OpenURL link under External Resources. As such, disabling this method of requesting should be done at the same time you enable OpenURL so your customers will not be overly inconvenienced.
To disable the FirstSearch ILL Form:
- Log on to the FirstSearch Administrative pages with your OCLC Authorization and Password
- Navigate to the Resource Sharing tab
- Locate the checkbox for ILL Access on the right side under the ILL Settings section and uncheck this option
Setting Up an ARM Automation Profile for Loans
You must have at least one Automated Request Manager automation profile for loans set up for OCLC. ARM automation profiles must be set up in the OCLC ARM configuration interface, which can be accessed using the OCLC Resource Sharing Settings button available on the System ribbon of the ILLiad Client, then navigating to Worldshare ILL | Automated Request Manager from the sidebar navigation menu within the OCLC interface (see screenshot below).
The ARM automation profile configured for loans should typically be a fairly simple profile containing few restrictions. It should allow requesting for loans (books) and it is recommended to exclude ARM use for duplicates and for items held by your institution. If multiple ARM automation profiles have already been set up for your institution, it is recommended to review those profiles and attempt to simplify and consolidate them into as few profiles as needed. Most institutions should not need more than two automation profiles -- one for monographs and one for serials.
Setting Up ARM Preferences (Custom Holdings) for Loans
Rules governing your OCLC ARM preferences (Custom Holdings Groups and Paths) must be set up in the OCLC WorldShare ILL configuration interface, which can be accessed using the OCLC Resource Sharing Settings button available on the System ribbon of the ILLiad Client, then navigating to Worldshare ILL | Custom Holdings Groups/Custom Holdings Paths from the sidebar navigation menu within the OCLC interface (see screenshot below).
Configuring OCLC ARM Settings for Articles
All of the steps below must be followed before the OCLC ARM process will work with your ILLiad installation for article requests as a Borrower. If your institution only intends to use ARM as a Lender, only the first 3 requirements apply:
Article Configuration Process:
- Disable ILL Access in FirstSearch if you have not done so already. See Disabling ILL Access in FirstSearch in the section above for more guidance on this process
- Send a request to OCLC to participate in ARM for articles
- Work with OCLC to add article holdings information to the WorldCat Knowledge Base
Activate the link to holdings information in the Knowledge Base. See Activating the Link to Holdings in the Knowledge Base (KB) below for more guidance on this process
Note: Article holdings information must be added to the Knowledge Base before you will be able to activate the link. - Turn off the deflection of article requests. See Turning Off Deflection of Article Requests below for more guidance on this process
- Add or modify an ARM automation profile for articles. See Adding or Modifying the ARM Automation Profile for Articles below for more guidance on this process
- Add or modify your OCLC ARM preferences (Custom Holdings Groups and Paths) as needed for articles. See Adding or Modifying ARM Preferences (Custom Holdings) for Articles below for more guidance on this process
Activating the Link to Holdings in the Knowledge Base (KB)
Activate the link to the WorldCat Knowledge Base in the OCLC ILL Options interface, which can be accessed using the OCLC Resource Sharing Settings button available on the System ribbon of the ILLiad Client, then navigating to Worldshare ILL | Interlibrary Loan Options from the sidebar navigation menu within the OCLC interface. Check the On box under the Knowledge Base Active Link section and then scroll down and click Save.
Article holdings information must be added to the Knowledge Base (KB) before you will be able to activate the link in the Administrative Module.
Turning Off Deflection of Article Requests
Deflection settings are located in the OCLC Policies Directory, which can be accessed using the Policies Directory button available on the System ribbon of the ILLiad Client, then clicking Policies within the OCLC interface. Ensure your Deflection settings do not prevent you from sending articles (e-serials):
Adding or Modifying the ARM Automation Profile for Articles
You must set up an ARM automation profile for serials within OCLC to process article requests through ARM. ARM automation profiles must be set up in the OCLC ARM configuration interface, which can be accessed using the OCLC Resource Sharing Settings button available on the System ribbon of the ILLiad Client, then navigating to Worldshare ILL | Automated Request Manager from the sidebar navigation menu within the OCLC interface.
The ARM automation profile configured for serials should typically be a fairly simple profile containing few restrictions. It should allow requesting for copies (serials and/or e-serials) and it is recommended to exclude ARM use for duplicates and for items held by your institution. If multiple ARM automation profiles have already been set up for your institution, it is recommended to review those profiles and attempt to simplify and consolidate them into as few profiles as needed. Most institutions should not need more than two automation profiles -- one for monographs and one for serials.
Adding or Modifying ARM Preferences (Custom Holdings) for Articles
Rules governing your OCLC ARM preferences (Custom Holdings Groups and Paths) must be set up in the OCLC WorldShare ILL configuration interface, which can be accessed using the OCLC Resource Sharing Settings button available on the System ribbon of the ILLiad Client, then navigating to Worldshare ILL | Custom Holdings Groups/Custom Holdings Paths from the sidebar navigation menu within the OCLC interface (see screenshot below).
When adding lenders for articles to your Custom Holdings Groups and Paths, the KBIL group affiliate symbol is a good resource as it lists all libraries that have added information to OCLC's Knowledge Base.
Configure ILLiad to Use ARM
Once you have configured the necessary OCLC ARM settings for loan and/or article requests, the following steps should be taken in ILLiad to activate the ARM features:
ILLiad Configuration Process:
- Configure customization keys affecting the OCLC ARM process. See Configuring Customization Keys Related to ARM below for more guidance on this process
- Configure routing rules to send requests to ARM from ILLiad. See Configuring ILLiad to Send Requests to ARM below for more guidance on this process
Configuring Customization Keys Related to ARM
There are two ILLiad customization keys that must be configured in the ILLiad Customization Manager to use ARM and one optional key that can be configured to support more nuanced workflow options:
- DirectRequestEnabled: Must be set to Yes. This key can be found in the Customization Manager under Borrowing | Direct Request
- SystemIDOCLCSymbol: Must be set to your OCLC Symbol. This key can be found in the Customization Manager under System | General
ARMMatchField (optional): Specifies the OCLC field where configurable ARM matching criteria can be sent from ILLiad and stored when requests are sent to the Automated Request Manager from a custom ARM match field sending queue. This key can be found in the Customization Manager under Borrowing | Direct Request
For more information on using the ARMMatchField customization key, see Automated Request Manager - Enhancing ARM Workflows Using the ARMMatchField Customization Key.
Configuring ILLiad to Send Requests to ARM
Once the necessary customization keys have been configured, requests can be routed to the Awaiting ARM Sending queue (legacy queue name: Awaiting Direct Request Sending) and sent to ARM from ILLiad either manually through manual routing and/or automatically through routing rules configured in the ILLiad Customization Manager.
Changes to the Default ARM Statuses Used by ILLiad
The release of ILLiad Connection Manager v9.2.4 included the following changes to the names of the default statuses/queue names monitored for the ARM service:
- Replaced the Awaiting Direct Request Sending status with the Awaiting ARM Sending status
- Replaced the Awaiting Direct Request Lenders status with the Awaiting ARM Response status
ILLiad Connection Manager v9.2.4 or later will monitor both the updated queue names using ARM and the legacy queue names using Direct Request to send requests to the ARM service, however, previous versions of the Connection Manager must use the legacy queue names to send requests to ARM.
Manual Routing: Ensure 'Awaiting ARM Sending' is in the Custom Queues Table
If staff should have the option to manually route requests to ARM via the Awaiting ARM Sending queue, a record for this queue must be present in the CustomQueues table in the ILLiad Customization Manager (located under System | Custom Queues). The legacy Awaiting Direct Request Sending queue and the current Awaiting ARM Sending queue will both typically be in the CustomQueues table by default and will not need to be manually created, however can either of these queue can be added manually if necessary following the instructions below:
- Open the ILLiad Customization Manager
- Navigate to the CustomQueues table located under System | Custom Queues
- Click New Record
- Fill out the following configuration settings:
- QueueName: Awaiting ARM Sending (ILLiad Connection Manager v9.2.4 or later) OR Awaiting Direct Request Sending (ILLiad Connection Manager v9.2.2 or earlier)
- ProcessType: Borrowing
- NVTGC: ILL or the specific NVTGC for which to configure the queue if using a shared server setup
- Click Save
Automatic Routing: Activate/Create Routing Rule(s) to Send Transactions to ARM
To automate this feature so that certain transactions are automatically routed to the Awaiting ARM Sending queue and sent to ARM, you will need to modify and then activate the default ARM routing rule (below) in the ILLiad Customization Manager.
The Default ARM Routing Rule
The default ARM routing rule will route all requests with the request type Loan that also contain a value in the ISSN field (this field is used to store both ISSN and ISBN data in ILLiad) to the Awaiting Direct Request Sending queue. Please note that the Awaiting Direct Request Sending queue is a legacy queue name used by ILLiad Connection Manager v9.2.2 or earlier to send requests to ARM from ILLiad. If ILLiad Connection Manager v9.2.4 or later is installed, the default routing rule should be updated as a best practice to instead route requests to the current queue name for this functionality: Awaiting ARM Sending.
This rule will exist in the ILLiad Customization Manager's Routing table by default although the RuleActive value will be set to No. To use this rule to send requests for fulfillment through ARM, it must be activated by changing NewTransactionStatus to Awaiting ARM Sending (if appropriate, depending on the version of the Connection Manager that is installed; see paragraph above) and RuleActive to Yes (see Activating the Default ARM Routing Rule below for detailed instructions).
Modifying the Match Criteria for the Default ARM Routing Rule
The routing rule below is only the default routing rule for this function. This routing rule can be modified to use different match string criteria to determine which requests should be sent to ARM from ILLiad. For example, while the default routing rule limits the use of this feature to loan requests with an ISSN value, it is possible to modify the match string for the rule to also automatically send article requests or requests containing a value in the OCLC Number (ESPNumber) field to ARM as well.
Field Name |
Entry |
RuleNo |
0 |
RuleActive |
No |
ProcessType |
Borrowing |
TransactionStatus |
Awaiting Request Processing |
MatchString |
Default value: t.ISSN > '' and t.RequestType = 'Loan' and (t.LendingString = '' or t.LendingString is NULL) Description: Using this match string, only loan requests containing a value in the ISSN field without a pre-existing lending string will be routed to the Awaiting Direct Request Sending queue and sent to ARM for fulfillment. The ISSN field referenced by this match string is used to store both the ISSN value for articles and the ISBN value for loans in ILLiad. Note that the part of the match string that reads: and (t.LendingString = '' or t.LendingString is NULL) is necessary in order to prevent the transaction from becoming stuck in a circular logic process. Without this check to ensure that the request does not contain a lending string, it would be possible for requests to continuously cycle through the ARM process and waste system resources. |
NewProcessType |
Borrowing |
NewTransactionStatus |
Awaiting Direct Request Sending* *This should be changed to Awaiting ARM Sending if using ILLiad Connection Manager v9.2.4 or later. |
RuleDescription |
This rule moves all loan requests with a status of Awaiting Request Processing and a value in the ISSN field to Awaiting Direct Request Sending. |
Modifying the Default Routing Rule for Shared Server Systems
If only certain sites within a shared server system are using this feature, the match string for the default ARM routing rule should be modified to reference the NVTGC field so that only requests for those sites are sent to ARM. For example, in a shared server system with symbols ABC, XYZ, and PDQ, if ABC and XYZ wanted to use ARM, but PDQ did not, the following should be added to the end of the routing rule's match string:
and u.NVTGC in ('ABC', 'XYZ')
After applying this modification, the entire default match string will be:
t.ISSN > '' and t.RequestType = 'Loan' and (t.LendingString = '' or
t.LendingString is NULL) and u.NVTGC in ('ABC', 'XYZ')
This would allow the two designated sites (ABC and XYZ) to use this feature without forcing the third site to do so as well. If the above NVTGC reference is not added, the routing rule will affect all sites in the system.
Activating the Default ARM Routing Rule
To activate the default ARM routing rule (or the modified routing rule if you have applied any modifications) and begin sending ILLiad requests to ARM for fulfillment:
- Open the ILLiad Customization Manager
- Navigate to the Routing table located under Routing | Routing
- Double-click the default entry in the Routing table for the Direct Request/ARM routing rule
- In the Edit Row table that opens at the bottom of the screen, change the RuleActive value from No to Yes
- If ILLiad Connection Manager v9.2.4 or later is installed, change the NewTransactionStatus to Awaiting ARM Sending
- Click Save to activate the routing rule
- Requests meeting the routing rule's criteria will now automatically be routed to ARM via the Awaiting ARM Sending/Awaiting Direct Request Sending queue