FieldTranslation.xml File Changes

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In support of the new Docline interface in ILLiad 9.0.3 and 8.7.3, there have been some changes to the FieldTranslation.xml file within the Docline Default Script. This xml file is used to pull information from the item request in the client and populate fields in the Docline borrowing request. To implement these new changes, please modify the FieldTranslation.xml file with the following changes or overwrite the current default file. The update will not automatically overwrite this file during updates to prevent erasing any custom work you may have added to the file.

By default the FieldTranslation.xml file can be located in file explorer under C:\Program Files (x86)\ILLiad\Docline\\ (ILLiad 9.1) or C:\ProgramData\ILLiad\Docline\\ (ILLiad 9.2)

PMID Searching

When performing PubMed searching, ILLiad will now first attempt to search using the PMID field. If this default has not to be set, then ILLiad will default to the previous behavior of searching using the ESPNumber field.

When performing PMID/PubMed searches on the Docline web interface, ILLiad uses the FieldTranslation.xml file. The default for PubMedSearchID has been updated for the 9.0.3 and 8.7.3 ILLiad client to first use the PMID from the selected row (when using Search/Fill Selected), the Transaction PMID field, and finally the Transaction's ESPNumber field.

To use the new default, please overwrite your default FieldTranslation.xml file with the update FieldTranslation.xml file or make the following changes:

Change This:

<TranslationMap Type="DataSource" Name="PubMedSearchID" Target="Search.PMID, Transaction.ESPNumber"/> 

To This:

<TranslationMap Type="DataSource" Name="PubMedSearchID" Target="Search.PMID, Transaction.PMID, Transaction.ESPNumber"/>

Patron Name

The default borrowing FieldTranslation.xml file has changed the default for PatronName to no longer add the patron name when filling out the request. ILLiad will now default to only populating the Docline PatronName field with the ILLiad transaction number information.
To use the new default, please overwrite your default FieldTranslation.xml file with the update FieldTranslation.xml file or make the following changes: 
Change This:

<ComplexMap Name="PatronName">[#User.LastName], [#User.FirstName] - TN: [#Transaction.TransactionNumber]</ComplexMap>
To This:

<ComplexMap Name="PatronName">TN: [#Transaction.TransactionNumber]</ComplexMap>

Support for Importing to Multiple Fields

Importing requests will support importing to multiple fields now within the FieldTranslationField. The default for importing PMID is currently set to both ESPNumber and PMID fields.
To use the new default, please overwrite your default FieldTranslation.xml file with the update FieldTranslation.xml file or add the following line of code to the rest of the ImportTarget Type entries:
<TranslationMap Type="ImportTarget" Name="PMID" Target="Transaction.ESPNumber;Transaction.PMID"/>





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