Docline Configuration

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Before you will be able to send and receive Docline requests through ILLiad, you will need to configure ILLiad to use Docline.

Docline Scripts

The ILLiad Client imports request details from Docline using a series of scripts that are written in a programming language called Lua. These scripts are installed with the ILLiad Client and are typically located in the C:\Program Files (x86)\ILLiad\Docline folder (ILLiad 9.1) or C:\ProgramData\ILLiad\Docline\ folder (ILLiad 9.2). Depending on your institution's setup, you may need administrative privileges to replace the scripts and/or may need to contact your local IT support for assistance.

As of ILLiad Client version 9.0.3 and 8.7.3, ILLiad will no longer automate login or logout of the Docline webpages. Users will need to manually log into Docline within the ILLiad Docline browser using your site's designated authentication options and your personal credentials. 

Setting the Docline Customization Key

  1. Open the ILLiad Customization Manager.
  2. Go to System | General | SystemIDDOCSymbol and enter your Docline symbol.
  3. Click on the Save button after making any changes.


Configuring Automatic Updates

As of ILLiad Client v9.1.2 & 9.0.4, ILLiad can now automatically update the Docline scripts as new versions become available. For instructions on enabling this functionality, see Docline Automatic Update.

Configuration Changes to Support WebView2 in ILLiad 9.2

Beginning with the v5.0.0 Docline scripts used with ILLiad 9.2, the ILLiad Docline scripts bundle will include two sets of scripts that will both be downloaded together to the same Docline file directory (default location: C:\ProgramData\ILLiad\Docline\) when a Docline script installation/update is performed: one set of scripts configured for the WebView2 embedded browser used by ILLiad Client v9.2.4 or later and one set of scripts configured the for Chromium embedded browser used by ILLiad Client 9.2.3 or earlier.

Once the scripts are installed, the ILLiad Client will choose which scripts to load based on the version of the ILLiad Client that is currently installed on the local machine. This will ensure that all new Docline script releases for ILLiad 9.2 are supported in both newer versions of the ILLiad 9.2 Client using the WebView2 browser controls and in older versions of the ILLiad 9.2 Client using the Chromium browser controls:

  • ILLiad Client v9.2.4 or later will use the doclineToc_WebView2.xml file installed to the Docline scripts directory on the local machine to load the WebView2 versions of the scripts. These scripts will use the embedded WebView2 browser in the ILLiad Client to display DOCLINE forms and controls.
  • ILLiad Client v9.2.3 or earlier will use the doclineToc.xml file installed to the Docline scripts directory on the local machine to load the Chromium versions of the scripts. These scripts will use the embedded Chromium browser in the ILLiad Client to display DOCLINE forms and controls.




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