Updating Docline requests should be performed when no one else is processing any lending records.
After a request has been receipted, you have the option to fill or reject a request.
-- Urgent Patient Care and Rush requests must be updated within one business day.
-- Normal requests must be updated within three business days.
Updating Rejected Docline Requests
- On the Lending ribbon, click the Update Docline Requests button, and then the Batch Update icon.
- Above the "No Requests" box, select the Reason in the drop-down box.
- Only the reasons applicable to current No request(s) will be available to choose from. If there are none, then the Reason box will be blank.
- After you select a Reason, it will populate the No Requests box with all the 'request' numbers that have that reason for cancellation.
- Click Paste No on the client ribbon to populate the update window with the selection for rejection (the Request Numbers box).
- If it's not already selected, choose the reason for rejection from the drop-down and then click Update in the update window.
- For a current list of reasons for cancellation, see Docline Reasons for No.
- When you are finished, update the filled Docline requests (instructions below) before clearing the queue.
If a receipted request is not updated as filled or rejected, Docline will automatically remove the request and reroute it to the next lender.
Updating Filled Docline Requests
- On the Lending ribbon, click the Update Docline Requests button, and then the Batch Update icon.
- Click Paste Yes on the client ribbon to populate the update window with the selection for filled (the Request Numbers box).
- If it's not already selected, choose the radio button for either "Filled as Requested" or "Filled Via" (along with the way it was filled) from the drop-down.
- Click the Update Requests button in the Docline update window.
- When you are finished updating the Yes Requests, click the Clear Docline Lending button in the ribbon.
- Please ensure all Filled and Rejected requests have been updated, to prevent any unprocessed requests from being removed from the queue after clicking the Clear button.
If a receipted request is not updated as filled or rejected, Docline will automatically remove the request and reroute it to the next lender.