Using Rapid to Add Call Number & Location to Non-Rapid Lending Requests

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You can configure ILLiad to send non-Rapid lending requests to the Rapid Manager in order to automatically search and add holdings and location information to any lending requests.

This configuration is not required for Rapid processing.

In order for the process to work, the following need to be in place

  • Rapid Manager is active
  • Potential requests routed to Awaiting RAPID Holdings Lookup queue
  • Requests contain Volume or Year information
  • Piece field is blank


To allow for automatic location lookup, you will need to configure some settings in the ILLiad Customization Manager:

  1. You must have the RapidManagerActive key set to Yes. The RapidManagerActiveLending key does not need to be on for this to work.
  2. Create a custom queue called Awaiting RAPID Holdings Lookup. This is a system queue that the Rapid Manager will use to look for local holdings.
  3. For automated look-up, create a routing rule that specifies the items you want to send to the Awaiting RAPID Holdings Lookup queue.
    • The Rapid Manager will add 1 to the Pieces field. The rule must contain t.Pieces ISNULL in order to prevent the request from routing in an infinite loop.

See example routing rule to move non-Rapid, article requests to the queue for RAPID lookup:

RuleNo The next sequential number value in the routing table.
RuleActive Yes
ProcessType Lending
TransactionStatus Awaiting Lending Request Processing
MatchString  t.RequestType = 'Article' and t.Pieces IS NULL and t.SystemID <> 'RAPID' and (t.PhotoJournalVolume IS NOT NULL or t.PhotoJournalYear IS NOT NULL)
NewProcessType Lending
NewTransactionStatus Awaiting RAPID Holdings Lookup
RuleDescription Moves ALL Lending Article non-Rapid requests with a Volume or Year designation to the queue for Rapid Manager for Call Number and location lookup

See Creating Custom Queues and Configuring Routing Rules for information on how to create custom queues and routing rules.


RAPID requires the request to have a Volume or Year to retrieve holdings information. If one of these is not supplied, Rapid will not be able to import call number and location data.

  1. If configured to do so (see above), requests will be automatically routed from Awaiting Lending Request Processing to Awaiting RAPID Holdings Lookup.
  2. Once a request is in the Awaiting RAPID Holdings Lookup queue, the Rapid Manager will look for requests there every 2 minutes.
  3. The Pieces field will be populated with the number 1. This is to avoid having the Rapid Manager process the request more than once. If the Pieces field is not blank, the Rapid Manager will not search for local holdings.
  4. The Rapid Manager will search for local holdings with one of the following results:
    • If the request is found locally with a single holding, the call number and location will be imported. A note will be added: RAPID local holdings found (<RapidBranch>)
    • If a request is found locally with multiple holdings, the Call Number field is set to "Multiple Holdings (see notes)". The location field will not be altered. A note will also be added containing all possible holdings locations and call numbers.
    • If a request is not held locally, the Call Number and Location field are not modified and a note will be added: Local holding not found on RAPID
  5. The request will be routed back to Awaiting Lending Request Processing.



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