When you receive copyright permissions documents from copyright providers, both CCC and alternate rightsholders, you can upload a PDF file of the document to your server using either File Share or FTP. The upload process is identical for either process, though before you can upload documents you will need to set some customization keys for the method that you are using. When you click the Upload button the document is automatically uploaded to the location specified in your CopyrightPermissionDoc [Share or FTPPath] key and is named according to the item number, i.e., 180.pdf. Only one document can be stored per item. Uploading a new document overrides any current documents with that item number. Once the PDF document is uploaded you can view it using the View button on the Rightsholders tab.
See Configuring Copyright Settings to learn how to configure Ares to upload permissions documents via File Share or FTP. The keys used to configure FTP and File Share are located in the customization manager at System | Client Upload.
Adding a Permissions Document
- Click the Upload (Permissions Document) button from the Rightsholders or Copyright Clearance ribbon.
- Choose the file from the location you have chosen to store permissions documents for uploading and select Open.
- The document will be added and linked to the Item record.
Viewing a Permissions Document
- To view the permissions document, click the View button to open the PDF file.
- If your upload method is Share, the file will open automatically.
- If you upload method is FTP you will be prompted to save the file. After saving the file, the permissions document will open automatically using your default application defined in Windows for the file extension.
- Use the information in the permissions document to update the Order Reference, Fee and Terms/Notes fields of the Terms and Fees section of the form.
If an order is canceled, the permissions document will be removed.