When a faculty member submits a new Item request and asks that the Item is pulled from the shelves, the new request automatically appears in the Awaiting Reserves Processing queue.
Copyright for an item can be done at any step of the fulfillment process.
Processing the Request
Once a request has been submitted, staff can process it from the Ares client.
- Click to open the Awaiting Reserves Processing queue.
- Double-click on the Item you want to process.
- Perform a Z39.50 search to find location and call number information. See Z39.50 for more information.
- Import the call number and location into the form.
- Click Find on Shelves to move the Item to Awaiting Stacks Searching.
Printing and Locating Requests
Once you know the location and call number of the Item, you can print pull slips and locate the Item on your stacks.
- On the Ares home page, click the Process ribbon then click Print Stacks Search Items.
- A print dialog will open. Print the pull slips. The requests will automatically move to In Stacks Searching.
- Locate the Item using the printed pull slip.
You can also use the Route button and change the status manually. The Item form will remain open if you use the Route button.
Scanning and Delivering the Electronic Item
Once the item is located, you want to scan it and upload it as a digital file for students to access via their Ares web accounts.
- On the Ares home page, click the Process ribbon and then click Update Stacks Search Results.
- To display all Items in the status of In Stacks Searching, click Search. You can also search for a specific Item by typing or scanning the Item ID or putting Item info in the Citation field, then clicking Search.
- Select from the grid the Item you want to process.
- To scan immediately, click Scan Now. The Scanning form will open and you can scan or upload the Item. The finished Item will be moved to Item Available on Electronic Reserves.
- To scan the Item later, click Scan Later. This will move the Item to Awaiting Scanning.
If you opt to scan your item now and then close the scan form without scanning, the item will be in the Awaiting Scanning queue. When you click on an item in this queue the scanning form automatically opens.
Viewing the Delivered Item
When the Item is moved to Item Available on Electronic Reserves and is available for viewing, an email will be sent to the Instructor and students (if they have subscribed to receive email notifications). Instructors can also track the status of reserve Items and view the Item by selecting it in the Reserves Items grid of the Course Details page on the Ares web interface. Items processed as available will appear on the student's Reserves Items grid for viewing.