Instructor Brings Material to Library for Scanning Electronic Items

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When a faculty member submits a new Item request and opts to bring the material to the library, the new request automatically appears in the Awaiting Supply by Instructor queue. Staff can route the request to Awaiting Scanning to flag the Item for scanning later or double-click on a request to open the Item form and scan the Item from there.

Copyright for an item can be done at any step of the fulfillment process.

Scanning the Item from the Item Form

You can open the Item from the Awaiting Supply by Instructor queue and scan it for delivery from the Item form.

  1. Click to open the Awaiting Supply by Instructor queue.
  2. All items waiting for the instructor to bring the hard copy to the library for scanning are presented in a grid.
  3. Click on the request you want to scan.
  4. Click Scan Item to open the Scanning form.
  5. From the Scanning form, scan or upload the document.
  6. The finished Item request will move to Item Available on Electronic Reserves.

You can choose to scan your item at a later time from the Process menu on the Home page by selecting Scan Items Later from Batch Processing. This allows you to move several items to Awaiting Scanning.

Sending the Item to Awaiting Scanning to Scan Later

Once the supplied item has been received, you want to scan it and upload it as a digital file for students to access via their Ares web accounts.

  1. Click to open the Awaiting Supply by Instructor queue.
  2. All items waiting for the instructor to bring the hard copy to the library for scanning are presented in a grid.
  3. Click Route, then select Awaiting Scanning.
  4. When you are ready to scan the Item, open the Awaiting Scanning queue and process it.

Viewing the Delivered Item

When the Item is moved to Item Available on Electronic Reserves and is available for viewing, an email is sent to the Instructor and students if they have subscribed to receive email notifications. Instructors can also track the status of reserve items and view the Item by selecting it in the Reserves Items grid of the Course Details page in the web interface. Items processed as available will appear on the student's Reserves Items grid for viewing.



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