Instructor Requests Purchase of Physical Item

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Items that are requested for purchase by an instructor and ordered from the Acquisitions Department to be made available as hardcopy items follow a basic workflow process through the following queues:

  • Item Submitted (This is a queue used for tracking purposes when the item is first submitted but is not an actual workflow queue in the client.)
  • Awaiting Purchase
  • Awaiting Acquisitions Fulfillment
  • Item Available at Reserve Desk

Receiving and Processing the Request

When a faculty member submits a new item request and asks that the item be purchased, the new request automatically appears in the Awaiting Purchase queue.

  1. Open the item form for the item request- Double click on the request from within the Awaiting Purchase queue.
  2. Request the item from your Acquisitions Department and route the request- Click Route, then select Route to Acquisitions.
  3. If you have configured your client to automatically send an email to the Acquisitions Department, the email will be sent and the request automatically moved to Awaiting Acquisitions Fulfillment.
  4. Otherwise, the email displays in the client for you to view and edit. Clicking the Change Status on Send button routes the item to Awaiting Acquisitions Fulfillment.
  5. To send an email to the instructor letting them know the item has been ordered.

Receiving and Delivering the Hardcopy Item

Once the item is received, you want to make it available at the reserves desk.

  1. Receive the Item from Acquisitions.
  2. When an ordered item arrives, click the Update Stacks Search Results button on the Home Process ribbon and search for items in Awaiting Acquisitions Fulfillment.
  3. Move the item to Item Available at Reserve Desk.
  4. Choose the requested item from the grid and click Make Available at Desk.
  5. The item updates automatically to Item Available at Reserve Desk.
  • Opening the Awaiting Acquisitions Fulfillment queue allows you to route multiple items using the Route button.
  • You can process the item from within the Item form by using the Make Available at Desk button.
  • You can use the Item Available At Desk batch process option on the Home Process ribbon to quickly route the item if you know the transaction number or have the barcode.

Viewing the Delivered Item

Instructors can track the status of reserve items in the Reserves Items grid of the Course Details page in the web interface. Items processed as available will appear on the student's Reserves Items grid.


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