The Reasons for Cancellation that display in the ILLiad client can be changed in the ILLiad Customization Manager. In the Customization Manager go to Lending | Cancellations | ReasonsForCancellation. The table will display in the Customization Manager, showing the Reasons and any notes associated with those reasons.
Adding Reasons for Cancellation
Changes to the tables are made using the Editing Options buttons in the Home ribbon of the Customization Manager. A record must first be chosen before any of the EditingOptionbuttons will function.
- Click New Record. The Edit Row window will open below the table.
- Enter the values for the new reason:
ReasonNumber The reason number. NVTGC This will be filled in automatically. Reason The reason text DefaultNote The note that will display after the reason text -
Click Save. The new reason will be added.
- Reasons for cancellation should be in numerical order beginning with 0 and proceeding sequentially with no gaps in the enumeration.
- Be sure that the ReasonNumber field in each table as it is displayed in the Customization Manager reflects the proper order and enumeration.
- Reasons that are out of order or numerical gaps can lead to the wrong reasons being applied to transactions as they are cancelled.
Lending Update Codes
The following codes are used by OCLC as well as by the ISO ILL Protocols to indicate the reason for saying No to a Loan or Photocopy request.
See OCLC Reasons For No for more information.
Code | OCLC Reason | ISO Reason | Docline Reason |
1 | InUseOnLoan | In Use On Loan | USE |
2 | Other | In Process | PRO |
3 | NotOnShelfMissing | Lost | LOS |
4 | NonCirculating | NCR | |
5 | NotOwned | NOT | |
6 | OnOrder | On Order | ORD |
7 | VolumeIssueNotYetAvailable | Volume Issue Not Yet Available |
8 | AtBindery | At Bindery | BDY |
9 | LackingVolumeIssue | Lacking | LAC |
10 | NotOnShelfMissing | Not On Shelf | NOS |
11 | OnReserve | On Reserve | |
12 | PoorCondition | Poor Condition | POR |
13 | CostExceedsLimit | Cost Exceeds Limit | CST |
14 | CostExceedsLimit | Charges | |
15 | PrepaymentRequired | Prepayment Required | |
16 | Other | Lacks Copyright Compliance |
17 | Other | Not Found As Cited | INC |
18 | Other | Locations Not Found | |
19 | InUseOnLoan | On Hold | |
20 | BranchPolicyProblem | Policy Problem | |
21 | NotLicensedToFill | not used by ISO | LIC |
22 | TechnicalProcessing | not used by ISO | |
23 | RequestedDeliveryServices NotSupported |
Requested Delivery Services Not Supported |
24 | PreferredDeliveryTimeNot Possible |
Preferred Delivery Time Not Possible |
25 | PublisherEmbargo | ||
27 | Other | Other | OTH or EXL |
30 |
Offsite Note: This reason is not currently supported in ILLiad. Please use 'Other' when cancelling requests for this reason. |
31 |
Item too new to loan Note: This reason is not currently supported in ILLiad. Please use 'Other' when cancelling requests for this reason. |