If at any point you determine that you are unable to supply the requested item for any reason, you may cancel the request.
- On the Lending request form, click Cancel Request. The Reason for Cancellation box will appear.
- From the drop-down, select the reason for cancellation.
- Add any additional information you want to include in the Notes field below the Reason field.
- Click Cancel Request. The OCLC status will update, and the transaction status will change to Cancelled by ILL Staff.
Batch cancellation of Lending requests within queues allows staff to cancel requests with the same cancellation reason at one time. From within a queue, select multiple requests to cancel and click the Cancel button from the Process ribbon.
Reasons for Cancellation
The selected Reason for Cancellation and an accompanying note will be saved in ILLiad and will be included as a note in the request. See Lending Reasons for Cancellation for more information.