Before a request has been processed by ILL Staff, patrons have the option to cancel their request on the ILLiad web pages. When this happens, the staff will then need to finish the request in the ILLiad system.
Processing Customer-Initiated Cancellations
When a patron cancels a request online, the request will move to the status of Cancelled by Customer. In order to finish the request in ILLiad:
- Double-click on the Cancelled by Customer queue to view requests that have been cancelled by patrons online.
- To manually route a request, open the request and click on Route and select Cancelled by ILL Staff.
- To cancel with the Cancel Request button, open the request and click Cancel Request. You can then assign a specific Reason for Cancellation, and you can choose whether or not to send a cancellation email to the patron.
To view or add Reasons for Cancellation, go to the ILLiad Customization Manager under Borrowing | Cancellations | ReasonsForCancellation. See Borrowing Reasons for Cancellation for more information.
Automatically Routing Cancelled by Customer
If you do not want to review requests cancelled online by patrons, you can set up a routing rule that will automatically route any request at the status of Cancelled by Customer directly to Cancelled by ILL Staff. See Configuring Routing Rules for more information.