ILLiad includes the ability to electronically send and receive articles to and from other ILLiad servers as well as the Odyssey stand-alone client. Odyssey supports sending and receiving both PDF and image files. Image files are automatically converted to from their original file type to the TIF format when sent and are converted to PDF format at the Borrowing site before delivery to customers. While the client can import several different Image file types (e.g., png) for processing in scanning forms, the files are automatically converted to TIF format when sent and are converted to PDF format at the Borrowing site before delivery.
As of ILLiad 9.0.4 and 9.1.2, the Odyssey Manager will now utilize a new AtlasPDF Utility to handle PDF merging and conversions. Users will not need to need to configure the Atlas PDF Utility; Odyssey Manager will continue to merge, convert, and deliver PDFs automatically.
For institutions not already using ILLiad, please contact to obtain a copy of the Odyssey standalone client file at no cost.
You can verify that a library can receive PDF files by checking the OdysseyVersion field of the LenderAddresses grid of the Lender form. Libraries that can receive PDF files will display the number 3 in this field.
The Odyssey version is also displayed by default in the .xls files of printed documents. The LenderAddresses.OdysseyVersion field displays in the PrintQueue worksheet as LenderAddresses_OdysseyVersion. It displays in the LegacyQueue worksheet as OdysseyVer. Odyssey versions and above can receive PDFs. You can use this field to print on a cover sheet whether a site supports PDFs.
Processing and Scanning Odyssey Articles
If a request can be sent using Odyssey, the Lending Update Stacks Search form and Lending Request form display Odyssey notifications.
The Odyssey Enabled checkbox, (located in the Details section under the Borrower Symbol / Library Name fields on the Update Stacks Search form), designates a transaction as an Odyssey request. Because this checkbox is checked, the transaction will be routed to a status of Awaiting Lending Scanning, rather than Awaiting Shipping Label Printing or Request Finished, when the Mark Found button is clicked. If the Lending staff chooses to uncheck this checkbox during the Stacks Search Update, the transaction will then follow the normal ILLiad process and move to Awaiting Shipping Label Printing or Request Finished when the Mark Found button is clicked.
The Odyssey checkbox (located to the left of Item Information on the Lending Request Detail tab on the Lending Request form) indicates that an article request can be sent using Odyssey. A Missing TN message indicates that there is no Borrowing Transaction number for the request. A Missing IP message indicates that the borrowing library does not have an Odyssey IP listed in the system.
- Process the article request through the normal steps in ILLiad (Awaiting Stacks Searching, In Stacks Searching, etc.)
- Click Update Stacks Search Results on the Lending ribbon.
- Search for and find the request, and click Mark Found (to upload or scan later) or Mark Found Scan Now (to upload or scan now).
If you click Mark Found Scan Now, the scanning form will immediately appear. If you click Mark Found, the request will move to the status of Awaiting Lending Scanning. You can access the scanning form by clicking on that queue or by clicking on the Scanning button on the Lending ribbon. - In the Scanning form, import or scan the file and make any necessary edits.
If you wish to send Lender Notes to the borrowing institution, add them in the Note section of the Scanning form. Any added notes will be sent along with the request and will be viewable for the Borrower in the request's Note section. - Click Send via Odyssey. This button will appear if Odyssey is enabled for the Borrowing library.
- The article will automatically be sent to the Borrowing library using the IP address sent by the Borrowing Institution.
- All image file types will be converted to TIF format for sending and then delivered in PDF format instead of the original image format.
- The status in ILLiad will be changed to Request Finished, and the OCLC status will be updated to SHIPPED.