Odyssey is fully TWAIN-compliant and supports 24-bit color scanning. If your scanner is TWAIN-compliant, it should work fine with Odyssey. You can test the functionality of your scanner with Odyssey by submitting a Document Delivery request for a patron and moving it to Awaiting Doc Del Scanning. Fill the request following the procedure outline in Odyssey Article Sending. Be sure to complete the Odyssey setup detailed above prior to testing your scanner. It will not be possible to move the request to Awaiting Doc Del Scanning unless the UseOdyssey Key is set to Yes.
To enable Odyssey ONLY to test the scanning features, you may do so as follows:
- Set the OdysseyAccept key to Manual. This will prevent your server from accepting Odyssey documents from any senders not already in the your OdysseyAccess table. There are no entries in this table by default.
- Set the UseOdyssey key to Yes.
- Double-click the Awaiting Doc Del Scanning status in the Document Delivery group on the ILLiad Main page to bring up the Electronic Delivery Scanning Form.
- Enter the transaction number of the article to be scanned in the Transaction Number field and click enter or return on your keyboard. This will pull up the transaction information on the left side of the scanning form.
- Once any needed settings changes are made and you are ready to scan the document, click the Scan button. The scanner will scan the article and display it in the Electronic Delivery Scanning Form.
- If the scanning process works and the scanned document appears in the scanning form, you have been successful.
You will not be able to send this test file unless all of your Odyssey-related keys are set up, all Odyssey prerequisites are installed, and the borrowing institution associated with the transaction has a valid Odyssey IP address in the LenderAddresses(ALL) table's OdysseyIP field.
Just enter your Odyssey address and click to send yourself a document. If for some reason the test fails, the web site will also give you a specific error with hints on how you can fix it.
Configuring the Odyssey Scanner
You can scan hard copy documents into Odyssey and submit them as electronic documents. Scanned documents are transmitted as TIF files and converted to PDF files at the Borrowing site before delivery to customers.
You will need to configure your scanning settings before you can scan hard copy documents. Scanning settings for your system can be found under the Settings button. Scanning options display in the dropdown menu based on the capabilities of your installed scanner. Available options will be different for different types of scanners. These settings are saved on each client machine, so the system will retain any selected values until they are changed. You may want to edit settings such as resolution and color depending upon the document you are scanning.
Quick Scan Key |
Quick Scan Key allows you to specify a "hot key" to use for scanning. |
Device |
Device allows you to specify a scanner to use for Electronic Delivery scanning. |
Color |
Color allows you to specify which of the possible color options you wish to use when scanning. |
Resolution |
The Resolution setting allows you to specify which of the possible resolution options you wish to use when scanning. |
The ADF checkbox allows you to specify whether or not you wish to use an automatic document feeder when scanning. |
Use Interface |
The Use Interface checkbox is normally left unchecked because you are using the Scanning interface and normally do not want to see your scanner's interface. |
Duplex |
Duplex allows you to specify whether or not you wish to scan in duplex mode (both sides at once). |
Show TWAIN Dialog |
The Show TWAIN Dialog setting allows you to specify whether or not you wish view the interaction between the scanner and the client machine. |
Find New TWAIN Sources |
The Find New TWAIN Sources setting allows you to have the system search for newly installed scanners for use with Electronic Delivery. |