Auto Select the No Problem Requests
- Choose the Auto Select No Problem Requests button to have the system select the obvious No Problem requests.
- The system makes this selection based on the year of publication entered by the customer and on copyright guidelines for items five years or older. It then selects each transaction that should not require payment based on the publication year given by the customer.
- Because of possible inconsistencies in the way customers may enter dates, it is usually a good idea to review the system's selections to make sure that no items are selected that should incur copyright royalty payments.
- If a transaction has been selected by mistake, simply hold down the ctrl-key and click the transaction to deselect it.
Clearing Transactions Through Copyright
- When you are satisfied that the selected transactions will require no copyright payments, click the No Problem button. The selected requests will be cleared through copyright and moved to a status of Awaiting Request Processing.
- You will see an acknowledgment message indicating the number of items that have been cleared. Click OK to continue processing copyright items.
Select Any Other No Problem Requests
- While we have included these instructions in the interest of clarity, please see the current copyright guidelines for details on the rules and acceptable practices for copyright royalty payments.
- For those transactions that remain in the Awaiting Copyright Clearance queue, go through and select any other requests that will not require copyright payment.
- This may be easier if you sort the transactions by journal title. To do this, click the column heading for Journal in the top grid.
- Any journal title that appears on the Copyright List has already been requested successfully five or more times by your institution and will require some form of copyright payment if requested and received again.
Searching the List
- If the Copyright List is long enough to warrant it, you may wish to search the list automatically for a given journal title by clicking on a request.
- The title in the copyright list that is closest to the title for the selected transaction will be highlighted.
Selecting Records
- Click on each transaction you wish to mark as No Problem.
- Holding down the ctrl-key as you click will allow you to select multiple non-sequential transactions.
- After selecting a first transaction, holding down the shift-key as you click the second will allow you to select the entire range of transactions on the list from the first selected transaction through the second selected transaction.
Clearing Transactions Through Copyright
- When you are satisfied that the selected transactions do not require payment, click the No Problem button.
- The selected requests will be cleared through copyright and moved to a status of Awaiting Request Processing.
- You may press the No Problem button at any point during this process. Doing so will move ONLY the selected transactions to the status of Awaiting Request Processing.
- You may then select any other requests from the list and press the button again.