Copyright Clearance Center Lookup

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Individual journal titles and their associated copyright royalty pricing information may be searched in the Copyright Clearance Center database using the Process Copyright form in the ILLiad Client. This form is opened by clicking the Process Copyright button located on the Borrowing ribbon. The upper right pane, labeled Journal Title, holds a list of journal titles from which your institution has already borrowed five or more recent (less than five years old) articles during the current calendar year. If you request any further recent articles from any journal title on this list and successfully receive them, you will typically be required to pay copyright royalties for those articles. The Copyright List uses a default Copyright query, built into the ILLiad Client, to display this list. If you need to modify this query for some reason, the copyright.txt file gives you the ability to do so. The copyright.txt file is an optional file that exists to allow ILLiad sites increased flexibility in terms of how their ILLiad Client deals with copyright.

See The Default Copyright Query for detailed information on creating the copyright.txt file and editing the default query.

As of the update to the new CCC web service implemented in ILLiad v9.1.4 and 9.2, CCC Special Orders are no longer possible. Results will only be returned for publications that can be ordered normally.

Troubleshooting Search Results

For any publications for which it is not possible to determine permissions or copyright costs (including those requiring a special order), the copyright search form will display a message stating "Unable to retrieve permissions" or "Unable to retrieve estimate." You may also either see no search results at all for a transaction or "Denied" in the Right field. In all such cases, the Save CCC Information button will be disabled and these items will need to be ordered using an alternate source such as GetItNow or Reprints Desk, or manually ordered through the CCC website or another source.

Automated Searching

Individual journal titles and their associated copyright royalty pricing information may be searched automatically in the Copyright Clearance Center database by clicking on an individual transaction entry in the top grid. Once a title is selected, the search process is automatically initiated.

Searching is only possible for one parameter at a time. If both a Title and ISSN are present when the Auto Search option is selected, the ISSN will be used to perform the search. The search by Publisher option was removed by the CCC in ILLiad 9.1.4 and 9.2. 

Results will display in the bottom grid on the form. The CCC will automatically handle the selection of the proper rightsholder for the item based on the publication year. The fee amount returned by the CCC lookup will be based on the base fee and per-page fee information that exists in the CCC database for the selected title and the information attached to the transaction record for the selected item. If the number of pages entered for the requested transaction is not accurate, this value should be fixed prior to the fee lookup if possible. In situations where the number of pages is unknown until the point of check-in from the lender, the value of the page should be modified at that point. Prior to submission of the copyright order for payment, this information will again be searched in the CCC database and fees will be adjusted accordingly. Fee information appears on the right side of the results. MaxCost/Pieces is a default field now displayed in the Item Information section of the Request Form for items listed under Awaiting Copyright Clearance.


Manual Searching Using the CCC Link

If your automatic search returns no results, as shown by the message 0 of 0 results displayed below the results grid, possibly due to an abbreviated title or a misspelling, or if your CCCAutoSearch key is set to No, you can perform a search manually. Clicking on the Auto Search icon on the Copyright Form deactivates and reactivates the Auto Search feature (it does not change the default key setting). Make sure this icon is highlighted if you want to use Auto Search. The CCCAutoSearch key enables/disables automatic searching of the Copyright Clearance Center database when a record is selected on the Process Copyright screen. This value defaults to Yes, so automated searching is turned on by default. The CCCAutoSearch key is found in the Customization Manager under Borrowing | Copyright. To search manually, type or paste the corrected (if necessary) title or ISSN information into the Copyright Clearance Center search window, located on the Copyright ribbon. Click the Search icon for the type of search you want to perform: Title or ISSN. Results will display in the results grid at the bottom of the page. The CCC will automatically handle the selection of the proper rightsholder for the item based on the publication year. Fee information for the result will appear in the Copyright Payment Information section to the right. 




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