Adding and Enabling the Copyright.txt File

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To add a copyright.txt file:

  1. Create a file named copyright.txt, containing the query you wish to use for copyright purposes, and save it. For details on how to create and modify the copyright query, please see The Default Copyright Query.
  2. It is recommended that the file is saved to a shared drive that is accessible to all workstations using ILLiad. Otherwise, save the file to your local workstation.
  3. In the ILLiad Customization Manager, navigate to Borrowing | Copyright | CopyrightQuery.
  4. Change the Key Value to File.
  5. Navigate to the Borrowing | Copyright | CopyrightFile customization key.
  6. Change the Key Value to the location of the copyright.txt file (ex: C:\Program Files (x86)\ILLiad\copyright.txt).



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