ILLiad and CCC Get It Now

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Prior to configuring with ILLiad, you will need to contact the CCC to create and configure a Get It Now account. More details are available on the CCC Get It Now website.

Click here to view a video on using the Get It Now addon created by the Copyright Clearance Center.

Installing the Get It Now Addon

Once you have a CCC Get It Now account, you will first need to download the Get It Now addon from the ILLiad Addon Directory under CCC GetItNow Service.

To pay for Get It Now articles through OCLC IFM

, you must meet the following requirements:

See more instructions on the CCC Get It Now website.

The addon installation and configuration will need to be completed on each computer using ILLiad in order to process Get It Now requests.

  1. Download the Get It Now Addon zip file from the ILLiad Addons directory and save it to your computer.
  2. Extract the file to the ILLiad Addons folder on your computer (default location is C:\Program Files (x86)\ILLiad\Addons\).
  3. In ILLiad, click the System tab then click the Manage Addons button. (If this button does not show on your ribbon, you will need to enable permissions in the ILLiad Staff Manager.)
  4. Highlight the Get It Now addon and check the Active box to activate the addon.
  5. Fill in the key values as shown in the table below:

Institute CCC issued College ID/Name value
OrderSource CCC issued Order Source value
CCCSendDirectlytoUser If checked, will send the article to the user directly via email address in ILLiad user record. If not checked, the article will be sent to the library email address registered in the ILL Email field.
ILLEmail Library email address that would receive articles, typically ILL department.
BillToEmail Email address that will receive Get It Now invoices.
BillToIFM If checked, will use OCLC IFM for payment of Get It Now requests.
IFMSpendingLimit The maximum amount allowed for an IFM Get It Now request. This value must be numeric as shown by the default value. Do not include currency symbols or "IFM" in this setting.
Use Odyssey Check if you prefer articles to be sent via Odyssey rather than email.

Creating a CCC Lender Address

Create a Lender Address record for the CCC Get It Now service to identify it as a supplier.

  1. On the ILLiad main menu, click the Lending ribbon.
  2. Click New Address. A blank Lender Address Record form will open.
  3. Enter the contact information for the CCC Get It Now service. You must use GETIT in the Symbol field.
  4. Save the new address record.

CCC Get It Now Processing

You have several options to configure your workflow for use with the Get It Now service. Three delivery options are available: delivery to the library via Odyssey, delivery to the library via Email, or delivery directly to the patron’s email. No matter what the delivery method is, the initial requesting steps will be the same.

The Get It Now addon tab will only display on requests for articles that are available from the CCC Get It Now service.

Initiate the Get It Now Request

  1. Open the ILLiad request, and click on the Get It Now Search tab (this tab will only display for articles available from the Get It Now service).
  2. The CCC Get It Now web search results will appear if the article is available to purchase, and the price will be displayed.
  3. To purchase the article, click the Initiate IFM Payment button.
  4. When the payment has been initiated, you will see a prompt to complete your order.
  5. Click the Approve IFM Payment button.
  6. The request will return to the Detail tab and populate new values in the request.
  7. Click Request Sent.

Delivery to Library via Odyssey

If you have opted to receive Get It Now articles through Odyssey (by checking the UseOdyssey box in Manage Addons), the CCC will send the articles through Odyssey and you will then process through ILLiad as you would any other Odyssey articles.

  1. The CCC will send the article via Odyssey and it will go to the status of Awaiting Odyssey Processing.
  2. Process the article as you would any other Electronic Delivery article.
    • From the main menu of ILLiad, click the Borrowing tab then click Electronic Delivery.
    • Click Process Files.
    • The articles in Awaiting Odyssey Processing will download and display in the Review or Print boxes.
    • Click each transaction number to view or edit.
    • To send an article notification to the patron, click Deliver. The article will now be accessible from the patron's web account.
  3. The request will move to the status of Delivered to Web.

You may also enable Trusted Sender which will deliver the article immediately to the web and notify the patron. If you use the trusted sender option on a lender-by-lender basis, you will want to set the Trusted Sender option on the Lender Address record for GETIT.

Delivery to Library via Email

If you did not check the UseOdyssey box when configuring the Get It Now addon, you will receive articles through email. If you would like these articles to come to your library before moving on to your patron, fill in the ILLEmail field in Manage Addons with the email you want the Get It Now articles to come to.

  1. The CCC will send the article to the email address set in the ILLEmail field in Manage Addons.
  2. When you receive the article through email, save and process it as you would any other emailed article.
    • From the main menu of ILLiad, click the Borrowing tab then click Check In From Lending Library.
    • Type in the Transaction Number, and click Search.
    • Click Check In Scan Now. The ScanningWorkform will open.
    • Click Import PDF. Locate and select the emailed article and click OK.
    • To send an article notification to the patron, click Deliver. The article will now be accessible from the patron's web account.
  3. The request will move to the status of Delivered to Web.

Delivery Directly to Patron

If you did not check the UseOdyssey box when configuring the Get It Now addon, you will receive articles through email. If you would like these articles to go directly to your patrons, check the CCCSendDirectlytoUser box in Manage Addons.

  1. If the CCCSendDirectlytoUser box has been checked, ILLiad will auto-populate the Email Address field in the Get It Now request with the patron's email address.
  2. The CCC will send the article to the patron email address provided.
  3. After submitting the GetIt Now request, route the request to Request Finished.


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