CCC Searching Logic Based on Publication Date

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Searching the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) uses a combination of the title and date or ISSN and date when determining the results displayed. Unless the CCC record does not have a date, then it will not consider the date field in the search logic. If the date does not have an exact match, for both the title/ISSN and date, it will not yield any results.


For example, if you were searching ISSN 10924388 with the publication date field using the value 1975, it would return no results. That is because the journal has the dates noted as 1996 - 2009 in the CCC database and would need to be in that range.

Likewise, if you left the date field blank, the CCC will default the search date to the current year. Since the current year is 2023, that search will also not yield any results.


The client logs will show the following error message: "Found 0 results." If you believe this record should have results, we recommend verifying the year in the CCC’s Marketplace and adding that year or year range to the request form in ILLiad.


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