OCLC Reasons For No

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To help identify requests cancelled as a result of closures during COVID-19, OCLC has repurposed reason 24 Preferred Delivery Time Not Possible to be used specifically during the COVID-19 outbreak.

The LendingReasonsForCancellation (found in the ILLiad Customization Manager under Lending | Cancellations) table translates the user-friendly text in the Lending cancellation Reason field to the OCLC, Docline, and ISO ILL codes that are used to update requests. ILLiad uses numerical values for the OCLC Code to match the ISO ILL values.

The Reasons for No display can be found in two locations on the Borrowing request form:

  1. The Detail page under the Imported Request tab
  2. The OCLC page under the Holdings tab in the Previous Requests box

The LendingReasonsForCancellation table located in the Customization Manager at Lending | Cancellations translates the user-friendly text in the Reason field of the table to OCLC, DOCLINE and ISO ILL codes for updating those items. ILLiad uses the numerical value versus the text value for the OCLC Code because those reasons are also used when canceling ISO ILL requests, and ISO uses numerical values. Note that the numerical reasons for 21 and 22 are not used by ISO and that 26 is not used by any system. See Lending Reasons for Cancellation for more information.

Reasons for Cancellation

OCLC Code OCLC Reason Definition
1 InUseOnLoan The item is owned but is currently in use and is not available for Loan.
2 Other This item is newly arrived and is not yet catalogued or otherwise made ready for use.
3 NotOnShelfMissing This item is Lost, Missing, or has been Withdrawn from the collection.
4 NonCirculating This item is non-circulating and is not available for Loan.
5 NotOwned This item is not owned.
6 OnOrder This item has been ordered but has not yet been received.
7 VolumeIssueNotYetAvailable This Volume or Issue is not yet available for Loan.
8 AtBindery  This item is owned but is currently at the bindery and is not available for Loan.
9 LackingVolumeIssue  This title is owned, but the volume, issue, pages or other component part requested is not.
10 NotOnShelfMissing This item is owned but is not currently on the shelf.
11 OnReserve  This item is owned but is currently on Reserve and restricted to local use.
12 PoorCondition  This item is owned but its poor condition prohibits lending or reproduction.
13 CostExceedsLimit The cost to borrow this item exceeds the Borrower's specified MaxCost.
14 CostExceedsLimit There would be charges associated with borrowing this item that are not pre-approved by the Borrower's MaxCost.
15 PrepaymentRequired Pre-Payment is required prior to Lending the item.
16 Other No acknowledgement of copyright compliance is indicated on the request.
17 Other This item cannot be found as cited. Please check your citation.
18 Other No potential Lender has been identified.
19 InUseOnLoan This item is owned but is currently on hold and is not available for Loan.
20 BranchPolicyProblem There is no policy in place to permit compliance with this request.
21 NotLicensedToFill Not Licensed to Fill
22 TechnicalProcessing Technical Processing
23 RequestedDeliveryServices
We are unable to deliver the item via the delivery method requested.
24 PreferredDeliveryTimeNot
We are unable to deliver the item within the time period specified.
25 PublisherEmbargo The item is restricted due to a publisher embargo.
27 Other Other: The request Cannot be filled for some other reason.
30 Offsite


Note: This reason is not currently supported in ILLiad. Please use 'Other' when cancelling requests for this reason. 

31 Item too new to loan

Item too new to loan

Note: This reason is not currently supported in ILLiad. Please use 'Other' when cancelling requests for this reason. 

*Note that the numerical reasons for 21 and 22 are not used by ISO and that 26 is not used by any system.

The following reasons were retired by OCLC in July 2008:

  1. Unspecified
  2. In Process
  3. Charges
  4. Locations not found
  5. On reserve (now use: In use/on loan) *Usage resumed as of ILLiad v9.2/OCLC Web Service v2.2
  6. On hold (now use: In use/on loan)
  7. Not found as cited (moved to system-supplied conditional response)
  8. Lacks copyright compliance (moved to system-supplied conditional response)

"Lost" and "Not On Shelf" were combined into a single reason for NotOnShelfMissing.


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