Creating New Courses

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Ares courses can be created in the Ares client using the New Course form. Once a course has been created, changes to course information, including adding students, proxies and reserve items, are made on the Course form. Create a new course using the New Course button on the Ares home ribbon.

  1. From the Home form, click the New Course button to open the New Course form.
  2. This form can also be accessed from the User form if the user has instructor privileges.
  3. Enter the Course Name, Number, Instructor Username*, Semester and other pertinent information in the fields under the Details tab.
  4. The Semester and Instructor Username* fields are required fields.

    *As of Ares 5.0, the Instructor Username field is no longer used. Instructors can be added to the course by clicking on the Course Users tab, searching for the relevant user, and clicking the Add Instructor button with that user highlighted.
  5. Click the Save button, located on the Quick Access Toolbar, to save the newly created course.
  6. If you attempt to close the form before saving the course, you will be prompted to save your changes.
  7. The form is renamed Course and displays the course ID number in the Title Bar.
  8. The inactive ribbon buttons and tabs are now enabled.

The Semester and Instructor Username

The Semester and Instructor Username fields must contain a value. The Save button is not active until their values are entered in these fields. If you attempt to bypass these fields without entering a value, a red X appears to the left of the field and you will not be able to proceed until a value has been entered in the field. The Start Date and Stop Dates fields are filled in automatically when a value is entered in the Semester field. The course's active status is determined solely by the start and stop dates. Note that courses cannot be added to a semester until the semester has been created. The Displayed Instructor(s) field is filled in automatically when a value is entered in the Instructor Username field.

The Default Pickup Site

When a new course is created, the Default Pickup Site field is set to the current processing site. If that current processing site is not configured to be a pickup site, the pickup site value from the DefaultPickupSite key will be used.

Disabled Buttons and Tabs

The ribbon buttons, as well as the Cross Listings, Course Items and Course Users tabs on the Course form, will not be enabled until the new course has been created and saved. Once the new course is saved, these features become active and edits to course information, including Creating New Courses and cloning courses can be done on the Course form.


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