Displaying Text Notification Preferences on the Web Pages

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If you want your users to be able to set and add notification preferences for receiving text messages, you will need to make some changes to the ILLiad default web pages.

Add New Web Pages

If you don't already have the following pages in your ILLiad web folder (default location is C:\inetpub\wwwroot\illiad), you will need to add them. These can be added manually or you can download them on the ILLiad 9.0 Downloads page.

  • include_notification_preferences.html
  • userNotificationPreferences.js

Changes to Existing Web Pages

These changes will allow your patrons to view both email and text/SMS messages sent to their account, and will also allow them to make changes to their notification preferences.

Notifications Link on Home Page

This will add a link to Notifications on the left menu. Make this change on the main.css page. Add this code:

.notificationPreferences { clear:left;float:left;width:100%;border-bottom: 1px 
	solid #fff; padding: 5px 0; }
.notificationPreferences:last-of-type { margin-bottom: 10px; }
.notificationPreferences table { width: 100%; }
.notificationPreferences table td { font: 83%/1.5 arial,tahoma,sans-serif; }

Notification History

This will display both email and text/SMS notification history on the Notifications page. Make this change on the ViewNotifications.html page. Replace this:

<#TABLE name="ViewNotifications" headerText="Notifications" maxRows="20" 
noDataAction="ShowMessageRow" noDataMessage="No Notifications">

with this:

<#TABLE name="ViewEmailNotifications" headerText="Email Notifications" maxRows=
"20" noDataAction="ShowMessageRow" noDataMessage="No Email Notifications">
<div class="default-table">
<#TABLE name="ViewSMSNotifications" headerText="SMS Notifications" maxRows="20" 
noDataAction="ShowMessageRow" noDataMessage="No SMS Notifications">

Notification Method Options in Dropdown

This will display the correct notification method options for the Preferred Notification Method field. Make this change on the following pages:

  • NewAuthRegistration.html
  • ChangeUserInformation.html
  • NewUserRegistration.html

After <#INCLUDE filename="include_head.html"> add this:

<script type="text/javascript" src="js/userNotificationPreferences.js"></script>

Checkboxes for Patron Preferences

This will display checkboxes to allow the patron to select which email and text notifications to receive. Make this change on the following pages:

  • NewAuthRegistration.html
  • ChangeUserInformation.html
  • NewUserRegistration.html

Right before <div class="f-submit-wrap" align="right"> add this:

<#include filename="include_notification_preferences.html"><br />

Modifying Patron Preference Options

The include_notification_preferences.html file can be edited to streamline the registration process or required certain types of notifications to be sent. The table below lists the HTML tag values for each notification. All values are set to Yes by default.

Email options for the Account Cleared, Password Reset, and Other notifications are offered as placeholders only and cannot be edited.

Message Name: User Record


HTML Tag Value

Account Cleared

Sent when user registration clears automatically



Password Reset

Sent to the patron when they request a password reset for the ILLiad web pages

Used only with Basic ILLiad Authentication



Item Pickup

Item is available for pick up.



Item Shipped

Item is being delivered to the patron’s specified address.

Used only when User Record indicates “Mail to Address” as LoanDeliveryMethod



Electronic Delivery

Item available on web.




Item is past due.




Used to notify of a cancelled Borrowing or Doc Del article or Loan request.




Used for custom email templates.



Modification Examples

  1. If staff want to enforce users always getting an email for a specific type, they could modify some of the checkboxes into hidden inputs. (See the Hidden Fields section on this page.)
  2. To keep the checkbox showing, but to disable the ability to edit it, create a line to indicate display and another hidden line to indicate the value to be passed. Note: The checkbox name must be changed so it won't conflict with the hidden tag.

Replace the default HTML markup for the checkbox

Default Checkbox Markup
<input type="checkbox" id="Notification_RequestPickup_Email" name="Notification_RequestPickup_Email" value="Yes" <#CHECKED name='Notification_RequestPickup_Email' default='True'>>	

With this

Checkbox Displayed but Disabled
<input type="checkbox" name="Notification_RequestPickup_Email_Display" value="Yes" disabled checked>
<input type='hidden" name="Notification_RequestPickup_Email" value="Yes" />

Additional Text Messaging Configuration Steps

You will also need to complete the configuration on the following pages:


If this article didn’t resolve your issue, please contact Atlas Support for assistance:

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