If you choose to do so, you may allow certain institutions to make lending requests of your institution through a set of ILLiad default web pages (similar to the way customers make requests through the borrowing web pages). This may be more desirable than having libraries submit a standard ALA Request Form for the following reasons:
- Requests submitted through the lending web pages will display immediately in the ILLiad Lending Requests Group of the Lending Institution upon submission.
- Requests submitted through the lending web pages will not have to be keyed into the system as ALA requests must be. This is an optional feature.
Enabling Lending Web Page Requesting for a Specific Borrowing Institution
By default, this feature is not enabled. To enable it, you will need to find the lender symbol for the institution to be granted access, and enable the lending web pages for that specific lender symbol.
Locating the Lender Symbol to Enable
Search for the institution to enable the lending web pages by using the Search Addresses section of the Home Ribbon on the Main page of the ILLiad Client. This will bring up the Search Address Results grid. Click on the Lender that you want to work within the grid to open the Lender Address Form. This form will open automatically if you search for the full Lender Symbol, as there is only one match.
Enabling the Lending Web Pages
To enable the Lending web pages for the chosen institution, click the Change Password icon in the Manage section of the Lender Address ribbon. A Change password for [Lender Symbol] popup displays. Enter the new password (we suggest ILL but you can designate any password you choose) and click OK. This will reset the web password for the chosen institution to your new password. All that remains to do is communicate the URL of the login page, lendinglogon.html, to the borrowing institution. The location of this web page may vary depending on the preferences of the Lending institution.
When you contact the newly web-enabled borrowing institution, be sure to let them know that they have been assigned a non-secure generic password for web access. They will need to change this password to something more secure once they have logged in for the first time. This may be done from the web pages using the Change Password button toward the bottom of the main menu page.
Receiving Lending Requests Via the Web
Submission of Lending Requests
The institutions for which you enable the Lending web pages will be able to log on using their OCLC, Docline, or other lender symbols (as long as each symbol is enabled by the lending institution). Once logged on, the main menu page appears. From here, the borrowing institution may request items of the lending institution, using the request buttons, in the same way that borrowing customers request items to be borrowed. All Lending Requests from the web pages have a SystemID of Lweb. Those items are not marked for updating on OCLC etc. and are treated as their own SystemID.
Conditionalizing Lending Web Requests
Lending web requests cannot be conditionalized. They can be cancelled and then resubmitted by the requesting library via the lending web pages.
After Submission
Once requests have been submitted by the borrowing institution, they will automatically appear in the ILLiad Lending Requests Group at a status of Awaiting Lending Request Processing. This will be true unless your institution is using a custom routing option to route transactions to other statuses. If this is the case, the web-submitted transactions may appear at some other status, depending on how your custom routing rules are set up. You may then process these requests as you would any other.
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Receiving Requests: Receiving Requests Through the Lending Web Pages |
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Receiving Requests: Downloading and Importing Lending Requests |